Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 629 Change Brokerage Company

Chapter 629 Change Brokerage Company

Chapter 662 Change Brokerage Company

"Zhao Yun, didn't you catch Mr. Ruan's line? Why didn't you go to her or she came to you."

Zhao Yun was reading the script in the extra lounge that was built when the agent broke in suddenly.

Zhao Yun raised her head slightly: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I just want to ask you if you have taken the line of Mr. Ruan. Zhao Yun, don't give up such a good opportunity. I support you very much."

The manager is thinking about it, forgetting that Zhao Yun really went to Ruan's agency, then he, as Zhao Yun's former manager, can apply for the job.

Whoever doesn't want to be an agent in the Ruan family may be assigned some good seedlings by then.

"Now is the period of filming, don't talk to me about other topics."

"Whether you're really stupid or not, as long as you get Ruan Wenwen together, you'll be paid much more than you for making this movie, Zhao Yun, I've ordered you to meet a commercial editor... What do you mean?" You should know, I finally stood up to you."

"Are you threatening me?"

"How dare I threaten you? You have been the most powerful and stubborn female artist in the company these past few years. Which one of the high-ranking ones has never been with anyone? You are here to be arrogant. Now you are not going well with Ruan Wenfan. Climbing up, doesn't this force me to continue to take you through the mud, I'm doing this for your own good."

Zhao Yun has never seen such a disgusting and hypocritical person, and this manager really blocked her offline again.

Zhao Yun thinks that she doesn't have a good relationship with her manager, and now her manager is eccentric, half threatening, and half posting.

"Who wants to shoot the magazine cover? Send me up as a gift." Zhao Yun asked calmly while watching the script.

"The facade of the company needs to be advertised."

There is an advertisement for the facade, so let the artists below accompany them?
Zhao Yun is particularly disgusted by these dark coquettish operations.

"Okay, I see, you go out."

The agent couldn't see her attitude: "Do you choose to accompany the editor-in-chief or are you going to Ruan's? I disclosed the news to you in advance. Originally, the superior said that I would take you there quietly and give it to you directly." Feeder, I helped you a lot this time."


"My sister sometimes doesn't mean to harm you. I'm just a person who obeys orders from above, but I didn't harm you. I reminded you this time, so let's write off the previous things, okay?"

She didn't dare to offend someone who was familiar with Ruan, so the manager hoped that the previous affairs would be wiped out, and she would take care of herself by the way.

Zhao Yun: "You really interrupted me to read the script, and you're going to shoot me later."

The manager posted it up with a smile on his face, but Zhao Yun's cold face turned a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the female number one just came in to rest, so the manager had no choice but to shut up.

The female number one saw Zhao Yun and said hello: "Zhao Yun, the director asked me to teach you, now it's your play."

"it is good."

"It's hot outside, so pay attention to sun protection."

Zhao Yun nodded: "Well, thank you for reminding me."

Zhao Yun is polite to everyone and keeps a certain distance.

Zhao Yun felt the scorching sun on her face when she stepped out of the rest room. She thought of the contract left in the hotel. Ruan is still good to artists, and she has never heard of her artists going to accompany them sleep……

Except for the fact that her boss has a little bit more reputation, her economic company is impeccable in other aspects.

Zhao Yun performed very well today, basically passing every scene within five.

Xu Shanghao looked at the monitor seriously and told the camera how to move.

Xu Shanghao wore light clothes and a sun-proof jacket outside. From a distance, if he didn't know the director, he would think he was an actor without makeup.

It's just that the director's looks are so good that he would really be mistaken for a star.

The directors in other places are either chubby, or thin and tanned by the sun.

In addition to the actors who work in the crew, they pay attention to sun protection, the rest of the staff are basically tanned, and the director is no exception.

But Xu Shanghao still has fair skin after filming for several years, and the skin on his face is also very smooth, without a trace of beard. This face is comparable to that of a little fresh meat.

If Zhang Qi hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he sometimes wondered if Director Xu took care of his skin every night when he went home?

But not.

Maybe God is unfair to people.

"Zhao Yun, you are going a little faster in this section. When you are looking at the beads in your hand, you have to wait for the camera position. The camera circles around you and raise your eyelids when you zoom in on the camera." Xu Shang Hao is talking to Zhao Yun.

"Okay, I see." Zhao Yun nodded.

Xu Shanghao: "Come on, all the staff are going to do it again."

After Zhao Yun passed through his guidance, Zhao Yun looked at her next script and she felt like she had turned back to the previous page: "Director, is the plot of the flower demon really removed? It feels like it has been removed." It's a pity that a few minutes of footage can be the most fascinating part of the whole show."

Xu Shanghao raised his eyes: "I can't find a suitable person, so I can only remove it, or use special effects comics to interpret this memory story after shooting."

This is the best result after he chatted with his friends yesterday.

His whole movie is of retro film quality, and it is also possible to intersperse memories in the form of retro comics at that time.

Xu Shanghao didn't intend to reveal too much: "You don't have to worry about these things, Ms. Zhao, I still have a script for a new play that may start filming at the end of next year. I have a role that is very suitable for you. Call your agent after filming today Someone to talk to?"

"Director Xu, can we postpone the discussion for a while?"


Usually when they hear a script, in order to prevent it from being snatched away by others, they will ask their team to discuss it as soon as possible. What is Zhao Yun?

"Director Xu, I may have to change the agency recently, so if I want to talk about the role, it may have to wait until I change the new team of the agency."

Want to change brokerage firm?

Xu Shanghao thought of the dinner scene at the opening banquet that day, and he probably understood what happened, and he would not ask too much about the actor's personal affairs.

"Okay, I think this role is suitable for you and I will keep it for you."

"Well, thank you Director Xu."

Xu Shanghao: "By the way, I would like to ask, are you breaking the contract and terminating the current company? I hope there will be no big disturbances, especially negative disturbances. After all, you are still acting in this movie, Chun Tan It will be broadcast at the beginning of the year at the end of the year, so it is not suitable for actors to have negative news."

There are too many good dramas but the whole drama is affected because of the big negative news of the leading actors or important actors in it.

Xu Shanghao reminded me appropriately.

Zhao Yun: "I'm also dissatisfied with Director Xu. The new company I'm going to change to is Mr. Ruan's agency. There may be a lawsuit at that time, but please rest assured that there will be no negative noise."

(End of this chapter)

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