Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 637 Do You Think The Nu House Looks Good?

Chapter 637 Do You Think The Nu House Looks Good?
Chapter 674 Do You Think The Nu House Looks Good?
Their crew only brought so many flowers, and only the 100-meter river bank will be used for close-up shots. If you want a distant view, you need to use special effects to place some flowers in the distance.

After the scene is set up, the scene manager urgently packs up things and cleans up everything around the ground.

When they planted the flowers, they deliberately avoided the grass, so the fried ones are still green and not bent.

Fake grass is placed around the flowers. This fake grass is specially customized and is more real than ordinary fake grass. The fake grass can cover up the soil that has just been dug out.

Zhang Qi walked over sweating profusely: "Director Xu has finished setting up all the scenes."

"Okay, one last check on the shot track."

Zhang Qi immediately went to check the shooting track, because they wanted to shoot a long shot, so they set up a track on the small road for shooting.

Xu Shanghao looked around and looked for someone quickly, and soon he saw the flower demon in red.

Ruan Xiaoli was reading the script under the tree at the moment, Xu Shanghao walked over: "Your secretary is gone, I will assign an assistant to you, and shoot in the sun when the filming is over, and ask the assistant to hold an umbrella for you after the filming is over. "

"Okay." Ruan Xiaoli did not refuse.

The weather is extremely hot, the sun hangs high above the head in July, and some staff members suffered from heatstroke just now. Fortunately, the crew prepared Huoxiangzhengqi water to understand the heat.

Ruan Wenfan has a physique that doesn't like to sweat, no matter how hot it is, she doesn't sweat, which is good because she doesn't smudge makeup.

After Ruan Xiaoli handed the script to the new assistant, he stood there and asked the makeup artist to apply a little makeup on himself.

In fact, the makeup on her face does not need to be touched up at all, just spray a layer of sunscreen.

The costumer came to arrange the skirt accessories on her body and the position of the steps on her hair.

Xu Shanghao was speaking on the sidelines: "Wait a few mortals will come out of the grove over there, and you sit by the river and play with your feet in the water. When you hear the voices of mortals, you turn around..."

"it is good."

So the department is ready.

The flower demon stood among the flowers and stretched out her hands to pluck other flowers. She casually pulled the leaves of others, and then quickly walked through the flowers.

She walked across the long wooden bridge, and then simply sat down on the bank of the river.

The slender and white fingers of the flower demon stirred the stream water and then showed a satisfied smile.

She simply took off her shoes and socks, and the flower demon took off her shoes gently, and then stretched out her hand to remove the white stockings.

It's just such a movement, the camera zooms in, and the feet are beautiful. The ancients often used these words to describe women's beautiful feet.

But in the eyes of later generations, words like Yuzu are a bit exaggerated.

Is there really anyone in this world with small, delicate and fair feet?

There really are...

The jade feet of the flower demon appeared in front of the camera. She stepped on the water surface of the creek lightly and then lifted it up again in an instant, as if stimulated by the icy cold water.

A performance without lines requires expressiveness the most. It cannot be exaggerated but must achieve that effect.

Xu Shanghao thought that this scene would be stuck for several paragraphs, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth, and when the camera gave special effects, it was so perfect!

Xu Shanghao suddenly understood why some people in this world have foot control.

For a moment, he felt that he had some foot control.

Xu Shanghao carefully stared at the screen on the monitor, while Zhang Qi said beside him: "Director Xu, Mrs. Ruan is full of drama, every part of her body looks really good."

Zhang Qi seriously doubts that Ruan always does foot mask often, the close-up shot just now is simply amazing.

When the movie comes out, it is guaranteed that many people will lick the screen frantically.

"Well, she is very good-looking, so she is very suitable to play the Flower Demon."

Zhang Qi looked at Xu Shanghao in surprise: "Director Xu, I want to know whether President Ruan wanted to come to film at that time, or did you draw her to film because you fell in love with President Ruan's beauty?"

Xu Shanghao didn't answer, because he was seriously watching the screen on the monitor.

The flower demon's jade feet stepped on the water and made a sound of rippling water, and the water flower was kicked up by her. The flower demon laughed out loud, and the melodious voice like a silver bell was very pleasant to hear.

All the staff held their breath for a moment.

Xu Shanghao immediately turned his head and signaled: "Take one shot and let the other characters hurry up."

Originally, they wanted to shoot in sections, because it was difficult to take one shot to the end considering that Ruan Wenwen is not a professional actor after all.

But it would be a pity if the state is so good now, so Xu Shanghao simply let the actors behind him come on.

So when the flower demon was smiling happily, there was a sudden noise in the forest.

Two woodcutters with hatchets and firewood on their backs came over.

"I said that this is not the way home. I remember it is the same way. Where do you think this is?" a woodcutter said with a strong accent.

Another skinny woodcutter was confused: "But those two roads are the same, I think this road is suitable for going home... The old people in the village often say that there are unclean things in this mountain that will hit the wall." , won’t be met by us.”

"Shanzi, don't scare me. I've spent half my life chopping firewood here, and I've never encountered such a thing."

"Hush...Uncle, do you hear a woman's laughter?" The thin woodcutter listened carefully and said.

Another old woodcutter clenched the hatchet in his hand: "It seems that there is indeed a woman's laughter, but there is no one in this mountain..."

The more they talked, the more frightened they became, the two of them trembled unconsciously, for fear that they had encountered such an unclean thing.

The two of them walked out of the forest tremblingly holding the hatchet, and saw a woman in a red skirt by the river at a glance.

The woman was playing in the water, stepping on the water with her flawless and beautiful feet, her delicate and beautiful face was not like that of a mortal.

It was just such a silhouette that fascinated the two woodcutters.

At this time, the woman stopped treading water and turned to look at them, she still had a smile on her face, but the smile deepened, and she asked in a charming voice: "What are the two officials looking at the servant's house for?"

The sound is ecstatic.

The two actors who played the woodcutter were really fascinated for a moment, and they couldn't extricate themselves.

The surrounding staff also held their breath and were stunned.

Are you sure this is their investor?Make sure this is not possessed by a flower demon!
Metaphysics, for a moment they thought this was a flower demon.

The two woodcutters were stupefied, fascinated.

The flower demon lifted her feet from the stream, she stepped on the clean grass with her bare feet and walked step by step: "Do you think the slave's house looks good?"

The seductive goblin's appearance was vividly interpreted by her.

It even makes people wish that they are the object of her seduction, willing to bow down under her skirt.

Xu Shanghao stopped breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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