Chapter 643 Jealous

Chapter 682 Jealous

Zhao Yun felt that her guess was more likely. Even if Bu Rui was the most popular male artist in the company, it was unreasonable for him to come and see Ruan Wenfan.

The scandals that Ruan knew about were a serious entertainer, so he wouldn't want to get in touch with her.

This is Ruan Dawen's former foster partner, and here is Ruan Dawen's current target, Director Xu. Director Xu came to the hospital after filming.

Zhao Yun sat in the middle and didn't know what her role was.

Her entertainer?

But Ruan Dianming clearly talked to her ambiguously, and within a few days, Ruan Dami's target was Director Xu again.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

When the atmosphere is embarrassing, you must learn that if I am not embarrassed, the embarrassing ones are others, so Ruan Xiaoli drank tea happily and quietly waited for these people to speak.

Didn't you come to see her?If you don't leave, then you have something to say, if you have something to say, just say it, she is waiting.

It was Xu Shanghao who spoke: "Family, my match with your opponent is scheduled for next month, what do you think of this time?"

Ruan Xiaoli's expression moved slightly, and then he lazily leaned on the sofa and said, "Okay, but will it be too late next month to delay your filming progress?"

"No, the plots of the Flower Demon and the Taoist Priest are independent, and nothing will be delayed. At present, the main thing is to take good care of your body." Xu Shanghao showed a gentle smile.

The relaxed dialogue between two people gives people a feeling that they are very familiar, not superficially familiar, but privately familiar.

Zhao Yun saw how they were filming and knew that they had developed.

But Bu Rui didn't know, he still remembered the last time when Director Xu came to look for Mr. Ruan, Director Xu's face was serious and gloomy, and he even spoke indifferently, let alone smiling.

Bu Rui's face turned pale, he took out his phone and looked at it and got up: "Mr. Ruan, I'm relieved to see that you're fine. I have a fan meeting tonight and I might have to leave now."

"Work is important, you go."

Ruan Xiaoli felt that Bu Rui was not good enough, his ability to withstand pressure was not good, so he retreated so quickly.

It's okay to shrink back, she doesn't want him to get involved, she can't be responsible.

Xiao Evil: "If you arrange more work for Buri, he won't have time to miss you."


She thought so too, so she called Buri's agent at night to make arrangements.

The former caretakers have all left, Zhao Yun feels like she is a light bulb when she stays alone, and Ruan Damen leaves first. She likes Director Xu and she must want to be in the same room with Director Xu.

"Mr. Ruan, I'll leave now so I won't disturb your rest. I wish you a speedy recovery."

"it is good."

Xiao E's face collapsed: "The heroine don't leave, I still want to see the heroine and the heroine get jealous."

Ruan Xiaoli had a headache: "Little Evil, have you misunderstood? I didn't give Zhao Yun much hope, and she won't despise herself."

Zhao Yun is a very sensitive, suspicious and careful person. At the same time, she has her own thoughts and pride. Even if she likes someone but that person doesn't like her, she will not go out of her way to lower her status and belittle herself.

Ruan Xiaoli is very accurate in judging people's personalities, so she grasped the speed when completing the task of hooking up with the heroine.

Xiao Ei knows Ruan Xiaoli's caution, saying that tasks in this world are easy, but it is easy for people with big hearts, and Ruan Xiaoli is not big-hearted in some aspects.

She can't really scum others if she wants to complete the task without wanting to hurt others, so this world task is really not easy.

When the people left, there were only two people left in the room.

Ruan Xiaoli hugged a pillow and laughed, "Xu Shanghao, what happened to you just now? If I heard you right, did you call me Dianfan?"

"Slip of tongue."

"Sophistry, how can such a rigorous person like you make a slip of the tongue, are you overwhelmed? You deliberately called me Dian Fan to drive Bu Rui and Zhao Yun away."

Ruan Xiaoli could smell the jealous smell, as expected, a man would not restrain himself when he felt a sense of crisis, and his thoughts were revealed by a sound of familiarity.

Xu Shanghao didn't get dodged by her unscrupulous words like in the past, he stared at her with fixed eyebrows and eyes: "You are also an actor of Chuntan now, I hope you don't have any scandals about nurturing before the movie starts. Forget it, I hope that there will be no bad scandals in the future, which will greatly affect the box office of the movie."

"Is it for the movie, or your selfishness?"

"Ruan Wenfan, I'm telling you something serious."

She bent down and lay on the big pillow, staring at him with bright eyes: "Xu Shanghao, is it so difficult to admit that you just didn't like Bu Rui and Zhao Yun to visit me? It's you who are not clear about public and private matters."

Being exposed, Xu Shanghao knew in his heart that he was indeed what she said.

Bu Rui used to live with her, and he felt irritable when he thought about it. Although it was all in the past, the past didn't seem to be completely wiped out. Bu Rui looked at her with obvious friendship.

With mixed emotions, the only thing Xu Shanghao can be sure of is that he cares about and wants to control her.

Looking at Ruan Wenwen's delicate and beautiful face, she was like a flower demon coming out of a script, and he was already bewitched by her.

"I'm sorry, although it brought my personal emotions, but this is also a business matter. Before the movie starts, try not to release any news that will have a bad impact on the movie."

"Then is it okay to publish some good news about the movie?"

Xu Shanghao showed a puzzled expression when he heard this.

She said playfully: "How about some news about the flower demon and the Taoist priest in reality? We are a good match, maybe many people will admire it."

As the owner of an entertainment company, Ruan Xiaoli still knows the netizens very well. She and Xu Shanghao's looks are absolutely impressive.

"No." He lowered his voice.

"Okay, you just avoid me like this. But I have already played with you. Sooner or later, some people will think that we are right when the movie starts."

She just finished her drip at noon, and there was something in the medicine that made her sleep well, and now Ruan Xiaoli was sleepy.

She simply folded her legs and got on the sofa, leaning lazily with a pillow in her arms.

Seeing that she was sleepy, Xu Shanghao couldn't stay any longer, so he said, "Take a good rest, I'll come see you again in a few days."

"No, you have to come tomorrow."


"Xu Shanghao, we have an ambiguous scene. If you avoid me like this, how can I feel it when I shoot it? You come to see me every day when you have time, or call me. We need to cultivate our feelings to be able to Play the bathing scene well." She closed her eyes and was so sleepy.

Xu Shanghao felt like he had dug a hole for himself: "Okay, I will come here whenever I have time."

"Remember." Her voice sounded nasal as if she was about to fall asleep.

"Ruan Wenwen, go to bed and rest."

She closed her eyes and said nothing, obviously too sleepy to move her place.

Xu Shanghao approached to make sure she was asleep, he frowned, and finally bent down and picked her up.

Ruan Xiaoli woke up suddenly when he was hugged, and looked at him with constricted pupils, Xu Shanghao hurriedly said: "Sorry, I want to carry you in to rest, did I scare you?"

She breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay."

When she woke up, it seemed a little uncomfortable for him to hold her. When Xu Shanghao wanted to back away, suddenly her thin arms were on his shoulders. She put her arms around his neck and said, "Just trouble Director Xu."

(End of this chapter)

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