Chapter 645 Her Birthday
Chapter 684 Her Birthday
Facing her unscrupulous and explicit words, Xu Shanghao could only respond with silence.

"I'm just talking about ordinary companionship, what are you thinking about, Xu Shanghao?"


After the two of them finished their dinner, Cheng Shan came in to pack up their things.

Ruan Xiaoli was sitting on the sofa with the file to read, while Xu Shanghao also brought a computer to work.

Both of them are very busy at work, and occasionally talk to each other when they are busy.

Xu Shanghao stayed in the hospital until more than ten o'clock before leaving.

When leaving, Ruan Xiaoli said: "Remember to come and accompany me tomorrow."

She asked deliberately.

When Xu Shanghao was driving on the way back, Ruan Dannan's words were always in his mind.

She seemed to like being with her very much, and Ruan Dawen seemed to be extraordinarily fragile these days.

Just stay with her, he doesn't hate staying with her.

As soon as Xu Shanghao returned to the hotel, he received a message from his detective friend.

"I have found all the information about the person you asked me to investigate. Her experience is very complicated. Is it convenient to call and tell you?"

Xu Shanghao returned a phone call after reading the text message.

The other side answered in a few seconds, and the man over there was a little surprised: "Is Director Xu so urgent about this woman's message? Shouldn't you be dealing with work at this time, and you called back so quickly?"

"Tell me about the things I asked you to investigate. Ruan is familiar with what happened to her since she was a child." Xu Shanghao went straight to the topic.

The man over there said helplessly: "The Ruan you asked me to check about her is quite easy to check. She was born in a wealthy family, and the family is very complicated. Her parents were married by marriage. The first child born after marriage The first child is a boy, and the second is Ruan Damen."


Xu Shanghao had never heard that Ruan Wenfan had a brother.

"When Ruan Daman was going out with her brother when she was nine years old, there was a serious car accident. Her brother and the driver and nanny died in the car accident. Ruan Daman miraculously survived. At that time, the car was completely destroyed. The truck was crushed and deformed."

Xu Shanghao's expression changed, he could already imagine how serious this car accident was.

"go on."

"Almost everyone knows what happened next. Ruan Daan went abroad to study before she was ten years old. She obtained multiple degrees abroad. When she returned to China in her 20s, she directly inherited several companies from her family."

"Well, I know that, have you found out what kind of disease Ruan Dafan has?"

"No, it's impossible to find such things. Ruan Daan is very careful, and her personal affairs are basically impossible to find out."

The car accident was a big sensation at that time, so he found out. As for Ruan Dianming's personal illness, he couldn't find out.

"Although I didn't find many private affairs about Ruan Wenfan, I found some embarrassing things..."


"Ruan Wenwen's parents were married through a family marriage. They had no feelings at all. After giving birth to a son and an heiress, they started to play on their own...Ruan Wenwen's parents had a chaotic private life and had many lovers. , both of them have illegitimate children outside."

After hearing this, Xu Shanghao's face was pale. He knew something from Ruan Wenwen's phone call last time.

"Is that all?"

"That's all. I can't find anything else. The Ruan family's power is huge and many things are covered up. Ruan Wenwen's more than ten years abroad is basically blank."

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome. It's hard for you to ask me to investigate people. By the way, why did you ask me to investigate Ruan Wenwen? I found out that Ruan Wenwen likes handsome men and beautiful women and loves to support people. She recently invested in your movie, right? Did she harass you?"


"No? It doesn't make sense. Ruan Dianfan likes good-looking people. According to your appearance, you should completely beat those male stars she has raised."

"...The investigation fee will be transferred to you in 10 minutes." After speaking, Xu Shanghao hung up the phone.

Xu Shanghao put his mobile phone on the table, looking thoughtful.

It seems that after investigating, he still knows very little about her.

What kind of person is Ruan Wenwen?
It seems that the only way to know is to get close to her.

Xu Shanghao was sure that she had a mental illness, which had something to do with her brother's death.

Her parents playing around outside gave her a bad guide, so she kept nurturing others.


The phone rang suddenly, Xu Shanghao picked up the phone and saw that it was the message of the person just now.

"I forgot to mention one important thing. Ruan Wenwen and her brother are one year apart. They both have the same birthday in the same month, and the day after tomorrow is Ruan Wenwen's birthday."

The day after tomorrow is her birthday.

Xu Shanghao was stunned when he saw this sentence. He sat on the sofa for a long time before going to take a shower.

The staff and actors got up before dawn the next day. There was an early scene to be filmed this morning.

Xu Shanghao also woke up very early, and he has been working since he opened his eyes.

I have a lot of work today, and I have to shoot night scenes tonight.

It is estimated that the filming will be finished at [-] o'clock, but today the actors are frequently out of state and there are many messages.

Xu Shanghao immediately lost his temper. With a gloomy face, he pulled the actor to give a speech, and finally the effect of picking up the scene for the other party was better.

But it was eleven o'clock after the shooting was over.

Xu Shanghao shouted with a loudspeaker: "Call work, everyone go back and have an early rest, the filming will start at 10:30 tomorrow."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they heard that work was over.

The actor who had just provoked Xu Shanghao hurriedly took the script and dragged his assistant to run away, escaping from this terrifying atmosphere.

Xu Shanghao took out his phone and saw that it was eleven o'clock.

He also promised Ruan Dawen yesterday afternoon that he would also visit her today...

Xu Shanghao took the car keys and left quickly.

Zhang Qi saw his back and shouted: "Director Xu, go back to the hotel and wait for me!"

Xu Shanghao didn't answer him, and he left the set in a few steps.

Along the way, he checked the time from time to time. Fortunately, almost all the lights he encountered on the road were green, and the traffic flow at night was much less.

Xu Shanghao held the steering wheel with his slender fingers, his expression was gloomy.

He said yesterday that he would finish work later today, she should remember...

It will be twelve o'clock in ten minutes, and it will be her birthday.

Xu Shanghao thought of this, he turned his head to the side of the road and drove around while driving.


It was [-]:[-], and the lights in the ward were still on. Cheng Shan came over and reminded: "Mr. Ruan, it's almost twelve o'clock, you should go to bed earlier."

Usually, Mr. Ruan would turn off the lights at eleven o'clock to rest, but today he has been sitting on the sofa in a daze, and Cheng Shan was a little worried.

These days are special days in themselves, especially after midnight...

Other people's birthdays may be happy and full of surprises, but Mr. Ruan's birthday is painful and wants to be forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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