Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 648 She Turned 7 Years Old

Chapter 648 She Turned Seven
Chapter 687 She Turned Seven
She stepped on the carpet barefoot with the pillow in her arms and stumbled out.

Xiao Evil's eyes lit up when he saw the direction she was going, and then he clicked on the small dark room mode without hesitation.

In the darkness, Ruan Xiaoli left her room with her pillow in her arms, and went to the guest room with ease. She opened the door gently and sneaked in.

Xu Shanghao didn't draw the curtains when he was sleeping, and the moonlight shone into the room. Ruan Xiaoli quickly found a seat on the big bed.

She stepped on Ruan Ruan's carpet and walked slowly: "Little Evil, am I making progress?"

Come to harass the male lead of the world in the middle of the night, climb into bed and beg for company, the points should slowly come up.

After waiting for several seconds, she did not hear Xiao Ei's voice.

Xiao Evil is basically always online for a long time. When she woke up, Xiao Evil was still talking. Why is it silent now?
Xiao Evil won't go to the little black room.


Ruan Xiaoli couldn't laugh or cry, he still couldn't hear Xiao E's voice, this little guy really went to the dark room, what was he thinking in his mind, this dishonest little system.

In the dark, she took the pillow and carefully lifted a corner of the quilt and fell asleep.

Xu Shanghao directed the play for more than ten hours today, and rushed to the hospital non-stop after the end. He was very tired, so he slept a bit more heavily, but he was not dead. woke up.

The man opened his eyes immediately in the darkness, he quickly looked to the side and then stretched out his hand to hold the moving quilt: "Who?"

This movement reminded him of an actress who bribed a hotel waiter to sneak into his room, and climbed into bed like this.

But this is a hospital, how could anyone come in.

He pressed the moving quilt with one hand to prevent people from running away, and he reached out with the other hand to turn on the light.

Before my hand touched the desk lamp, a woman's muffled voice sounded from under the bed: "Brother, I can't breathe."

Xu Shanghao's body froze and his eyes flickered quickly. The voice was Ruan Wenfan!

He hurriedly removed the pressed hand and lifted the quilt.

I saw Ruan Dafan who was wearing a thin hospital gown lying on his side, and Ruan Dafan gasped and said, "Brother, why are you holding the quilt? My head is stuffy. I was almost suffocated by you. You apologize quickly."

Her voice was crisp and coquettish.

Xu Shanghao soon discovered that something was wrong with her, and she called him brother.

Xu Shanghao wanted to sit up, but she suddenly reached out and hugged his arm: "Brother, why don't you talk, you just pressed me so hard that you didn't plan to apologize? You just need to apologize and I will I graciously forgive you."

"Ruan Duan, let go of your hands first."

She hugged his arm and leaned close to her body. Her clothes were already thin and she didn't seem to be wearing underwear. The soft touch was clinging to his arm.

Xu Shanghao's body tensed up: "Ruan Wenwen, let go of your hand, can you see clearly who I am?"

"I won't let go. If you let go, brother will run away. And brother, don't think that I won't recognize you because it's dark in this room."

Xu Shanghao had a headache, and he reached out to touch the desk lamp.

Ruan Xiaoli suddenly got up and pressed directly on his lower abdomen: "Don't turn on the light, don't turn on the light, if brother turns on the light, auntie will come over and take me back to the room later."

"Hmm..." Xu Shanghao snorted.

Although Ruan Wenfan was not a fat man, Xu Shanghao still snorted uncomfortably when his weight suddenly fell on his lower abdomen.

Xu Shanghao looked at the person pressing on him with some headaches: "Ruan Wenfan, how old are you now?"

Why listen to Ruan Dianfan's words and feel that her current memory is from her childhood.

When I was a child, I came to sleep with my brother with a pillow, but I was afraid that my aunt would take her away if I turned on the light.

"Brother is so stupid, I'm seven years old."

seven years old.

Xu Shanghao was very depressed when he heard that, he shouldn't have stayed tonight, or else he wouldn't have encountered such a thing.

"Ruan Wenwen, you are seven years old now, you are an older child, you can't sleep with your brother, go back to your room quickly."

Xu Shanghao can take on the role of his elder brother temporarily.

"No, I don't want to go back. Brother, you are a liar. You clearly agreed that we will sleep together tonight. Today is our birthday."

She seemed to be angry, and she buried a little grievance on him.

Xu Shanghao didn't know what to say.

Her muffled voice came from her chest: "Brother, happy birthday, now it's time for you to say happy birthday to me."

"Happy birthday." Xu Shanghao said helplessly.

"What you said is so insincere, please say it again."

"Happy birthday, Ruan Wenfan."

"You called me wrong, why did you call me by my full name? You obviously didn't call me that, brother, did you have a fever a few days ago and burned your brain out." She raised her voice.

Xu Shanghao suddenly felt that it was really difficult to take care of a child, even though the child who was pressing on him was not a real child.

"Damn, happy birthday, I wish you more and more beautiful every day."

"It's almost there."

Xu Shanghao: "Family, I also said happy birthday, can you get off your brother? You will be out of breath if you press down on your brother like this."

"I'm going to crush you, just now you also crushed me."


Xu Shanghao quietly reached out to try to turn on the light, he should hurry to find a doctor.

"Don't turn on the lights!"

She saw his hand as soon as he moved, and Ruan Xiaoli hugged him: "Brother, don't turn on the light, okay? Auntie will really come over later... I'm afraid of being alone in the room, I want to sleep with my brother." Together."

She was about to cry, and her voice was sobbing as she pressed against his chest.

Xu Shanghao's heart trembled slightly: "...don't cry."

"Brother, I'm not happy. It's our two birthdays. Why do we invite so many people we don't know tomorrow? Mom and Dad will definitely ask me to call those people again, calling them uncle and aunt, but I don't know them. It's so tiring to wear a small skirt all day long, and I have to keep laughing until my face becomes stiff..."

She complained: "Brother, let's hide quietly early tomorrow morning, okay, we don't want them for our birthday together."

In the darkness, Xu Shanghao's eyes were deep, and he seemed to see a different Ruan Wenfan.

This is what Ruan Wenfan looked like when she was a child, looking for her brother in the middle of the night, Ruan hugged her brother and complained about the next day's birthday party.

Everyone envied the birthday party of the wealthy little princess, but the little princess who actually celebrated her birthday was bored with this party.

From a child's point of view, it seems that it is indeed an unpleasant process for a child of a few years old to wear a skirt all day and smile at some strangers and call them politely.

"Brother, let's hide quietly early tomorrow morning, shall we?"

"it is good."

Xu Shanghao answered her words by accident.

(End of this chapter)

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