Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 650 Brother Says Don’t Answer Strange Calls

Chapter 650 Brother Says Don't Answer Strange Calls
Chapter 689 Brother Says Don't Answer Strange Calls
Of course, he slipped out and left a note for Secretary Cheng.

There must be some explanation for taking the president away.

It was still dark and the underground parking lot was still lit, so Xu Shanghao led Ruan Xiaoli all the way for fear of losing him.

Seven-year-old's IQ, if you lose it, you're finished.

"Family, where do you want to go?"

"shopping mall."

Ruan Xiaoli moved uncomfortably, her underwear was not properly put on.

"Brother, the little clothes you buttoned for me are not buttoned properly, I feel uncomfortable." Ruan Xiaoli said innocently.

As soon as the words came out, Xu Shanghao's ears burst into red, and it took half an hour to take her out and coax her to get dressed.

Seven-year-old girls don't wear buttoned corsets, so when she got dressed, Xu Shanghao discovered that she wasn't wearing underwear, and then he, a big man, searched through the boxes to find underwear for her.

If you find it and tell her to put it on, she won't.
After teaching in the bathroom plane for a long time, she couldn't fasten it by herself, so Xu Shanghao could only make her turn her back to him, and stretched out his hand for her to fasten it in a hurry.

"When you go to the mall, I'll ask the young lady in the clothes store to buckle it for you."

He didn't dare to help anymore, the picture of Butterfly Valley's slender back was still in his mind.

I don't know when Ruan Daan will be good. She won't always remember being seven years old, right?

Xu Shanghao was very worried. If she kept doing this, the Ruan family would take away the company she was holding. He could already imagine her life in the future, and she might even be sent to marry?

Although he was born in an ordinary family, he has met many high-class people in the entertainment circle over the years, and he still knows the rules of the rich.

The car was found, and the two of them got into the car.

Ruan Xiaoli was still moving her clothes uncomfortably, when suddenly the phone in her pocket rang.

Ruan Xiaoli took out his phone and looked at it helplessly, then asked Xu Shanghao for help: "Brother, this"

Xu Shanghao took the phone, which only had the number on it and no notes.

He hung up the phone.

If there is no note, it should not be someone's phone call.

And with Ruan Dawen's current state, he couldn't answer the phone at all.

"Why did brother hang up?"

"Don't answer calls from strangers, and don't lose your phone while you're holding it."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli put the phone back in his pocket.

Xu Shanghao drove out of the hospital. He paid attention to the expressions of the people around him along the way. Ruan Wenwen's brother died in a car accident. She should be very afraid of riding in a car.

Get out of the car if there's anything wrong with her later.

Fortunately, Ruan Wenwen was very quiet along the way, she sat obediently and looked ahead.

But when she passed a traffic light, she suddenly trembled, and a pair of slender fingers tightly grasped the seat belt on her chest.

Xu Shanghao hurriedly drove the car to the side and stopped, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over: "Family, what's wrong?"

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned, she turned her head to look at him and said aggrievedly: "Brother, I'm suddenly very scared. Let's not take the car, okay? If we don't take the car, we don't take the car!"

She's getting emotional.

Xu Shanghao immediately got out of the car and opened the door on the other side. He loosened her seat belt: "Come out, we don't take the car, we walk to the mall instead of taking the car."

She quickly jumped out of the car and leaned towards Xu Shanghao.

Leaning against him silently, Xu Shanghao looked down and saw her hairy head, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Now he really understands Ruan Wenfan, there is a big contrast between the real her and her in reality, the greater the contrast, the more uncomfortable he feels.

It was only six o'clock and there were not many cars on the road. Xu Shanghao sent a message to Zhang Qi and asked the staff to come and drive him back.

Zhang Qi had just woken up, and he was dumbfounded when he saw Xu Shanghao's message.

How could Director Xu's car be so far away?Why ask someone to drive the car back, what about others?

After a while, Zhang Qi received another message from Xu Shanghao: Zhang Qi, you are in charge of today's crew, I will be back tonight.

Zhang Qi: "."

He's going to Director Xu to talk about the salary, and he wants to increase the bonus.

Xu Shanghao hugged Ruan Xiaoli, who was leaning against him silently, and he checked the route. Fortunately, there is also a large shopping mall nearby.

"Are you hungry? I'll take you to have breakfast, and then go to the mall after breakfast, okay?"

"it is good."

It's almost time for breakfast at this point.

She was frightened just now, and now she is in a daze. Xu Shanghao took her hand to find the breakfast shop, regretting that he shouldn't have driven her out just now.

There were quite a lot of people in the breakfast shop during this time period, and they were all office workers. Xu Shanghao found a place to eat breakfast, and finally chose a clean place with fewer people.

Xu Shanghao held the menu and asked, "Family, what do you want to eat?"

She glanced at the menu listlessly, and said crisply, "Crystal Shrimp Dumplings."

"Do you want soy milk? It's better to drink warm soy milk in the morning."

She nodded obediently: "Then I want a cup of soy milk."

So nice.
Xu Shanghao was stunned, Ruan Wenfan's appearance of retreating the domineering temperament on his body was simply too cute.

He couldn't help reaching out and touching her head: "Be happy, today is the birthday of the two of us, we should have a happy birthday."

He has already sneaked out with someone, so he will play the role of her brother well and take her to have a good birthday.

Her hair was soft and felt good to the touch, Xu Shanghao couldn't help rubbing it a few more times.

At the same time, my heart throbbed slightly, wondering if Ruan Daan would remember what happened today when he woke up.

"Be more happy, I will go shopping at the mall later, and my brother will buy you a gift."

His voice was very gentle, and Ruan Xiaoli smiled unconsciously: "Okay, today is our birthday and we all have to be happy."

Xu Shanghao also ordered the same food as hers. He didn't know what to order. After thinking about it, his brothers and sisters should have similar tastes, so he should also eat crystal shrimp dumplings.

While eating, Ruan Xiaoli's phone rang again.

Before Xu Shanghao could say anything, she picked up the phone and hung up without hesitation.

Xu Shanghao noticed which number it was just now.

Maybe someone really wanted her.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Xiaoli looked up and met his eyes, she immediately smiled obediently and said: "Brother just said, don't answer calls from strangers."


Xu Shanghao felt guilty. This call once might be an unfamiliar call, but if he calls twice, it might mean that someone is looking for Ruan Dafan.

But it doesn't matter if it's hung up, the less people know about Ruan's state, the better.

Ruan Xiaoli lowered his head and ate the dumplings quietly, and suddenly his phone rang again, it was an unfamiliar number.

She hung up again without hesitation.

The more Xu Shanghao looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He took the phone: "Brother, take a look at your phone."

"Well, look at it."

She was defenseless and had a special trust in him.

Xu Shanghao sent a message to the number just now: Please do not disturb.

(End of this chapter)

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