Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 657 The Flower Demon Died in the Arms of a Taoist Priest

Chapter 657 The Flower Demon Died in the Arms of a Taoist Priest

Chapter 697 The Flower Demon Died in the Arms of a Taoist Priest

Xu Shanghao had already exited the shooting scene, and he walked to Zhang Qi's side to stare at the monitor.

A close-up of the flower demon's lost and confused eyes was shown on the monitor.

Xu Shanghao felt his heart throbbing in pain as if someone was holding it...

I don't know if it's too deep into the drama, the Taoist is in love with the flower demon.

Taoist priests will also feel heartbroken seeing the flower demon like this.

"Card!" Zhang Qi shouted.

Ruan Xiaoli only started to play slowly, but she was still not very happy.

Zhang Qi knew that she was not a professional actor and couldn't play freely. Zhang Qi looked at Xu Shanghao: "Director Xu, Mr. Ruan has a good sense of drama, but it may be uncomfortable to get into the drama too deeply. Do you want to talk to her?" say?"

Zhang Qi finally changed his mind about Ruan.

Although he doesn't have much contact with him, his impression of Mr. Ruan is no longer that of a willful investor who cares about celebrities at will.

I feel that Mr. Ruan is very good and has a great talent for acting.

Xu Shanghao didn't speak but walked towards Ruan Xiaoli.

"The acting was very good just now. Don't indulge in emotions after the filming is over. Too much indulging in emotions will make you very sad."

Ruan Xiaoli frowned and raised his head: "But I can't control my emotions, I feel that the flower demon is very heartbroken, and the Taoist priest ignored her."

Taoist is a bit...he doesn't know how to love flower demons.

Xu Shanghao felt a little uncomfortable seeing her unable to lift his spirits, he stretched out his hand to hold her hand: "Now the Taoist priest is holding the hand of the flower demon."

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment, then held his hand instead and smiled.

Seeing her smile, Xu Shanghao immediately felt much better.

The two were holding hands and sitting on chairs chatting, the other staff members were too busy to notice this scene.

But Zhang Qi noticed.

Why did he have a premonition that these two people will fall in love because of the drama...or they are already falling in love now.

Zhang Qi was shocked when he saw Xu Shanghao kissing Ruan Wenfan in the morning.

That was Director Xu's first kiss!
Not some screen first kiss, but a real first kiss.

Zhang Qi withdrew his eyes and worked seriously: "How is the blood bag preparation for the prop team?"

Waiting for the scene of heart abuse, the Taoist was originally here to kill the flower demon.

But the temptation at this moment completely disrupted the rhythm of the Taoist priest.

The Taoist didn't know what happened, he only knew what magic he seemed to be possessed by, and every time he saw the flower demon, he would feel a strange feeling in his heart and even feel heartache.

The only solution the Taoist can think of is to plan in advance to kill this flower demon who has harmed the people!

If the flower demon disappears, the sorcery in him will also disappear.

Antique promenade, flowers are planted outside the promenade, and the scene is carefully arranged by the props group.

Someone even specially prepared a blood bag for Ruan Xiaoli to tie.

Ruan Xiaoli took off the long-sleeved blouse, and a female prop artist was sticking a blood pack on her dress.

While sticking to it, he said: "This blood bag is attached to the chest. I put a few layers of cotton under the blood bag. Director Xu must stab at this place next time."

In fact, the prop master doesn't need to say too much, Xu Shanghao has shot so many movies and naturally knows how to stab.

Xu Shanghao still carefully memorized the location of the blood bag, for fear that he would stab her in the wrong place later and hurt her.

The prop master finished the blood bag, and the assistant brought out a red and flirtatious big-sleeve shirt for Ruan Xiaoli to put on.

After everything is ready, the actors are in place.

The breeze blows the flower demon sitting in the corridor in a daze.

She was holding a flower in her hand, and she was breaking off the petals one by one with her fingers. There were many petals on the ground that the flower needed to break off.

She was so preoccupied that she took the petals one by one to relieve her boredom.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and the flower demon turned her head lightly to see who was coming, and immediately smiled.

"Lang Jun...you...you don't hide from me anymore?"

The flower demon wants to see his happiness, then hesitate, and then look forward to it.

This expression change is really impossible without some acting skills.

Ruan Xiaoli did it perfectly.

Xu Shanghao hadn't fully entered the play yet, but now he is completely brought into the play by her eyes.

There was a flash of distress and bewilderment in his eyes.

And...he felt his heart beating wildly again, and immediately suppressed his expression: "Li'er, are you willing to leave here?"

"Leave? Why should I leave, but if the gentleman wants to leave, I am willing to follow him."

She has never been out of this canyon, but she is willing to follow him.

It is obviously a monster that has lived for hundreds of years, and it seduces mortals with a demonic aura.

But at this moment, there is no sense of sophistication on the flower demon's face, it is full of the girl's anticipation.

The Taoist priest put his hands behind his back, and he was already pinching a piece of talisman paper in his fingers.

"I'll take you out of here, okay?"

"Okay, where does Lang Jun want to take me?"


The Taoist priest lowered his head slightly, his eyes narrowed.

The flower demon was confused, and approached: "Well, what are you talking about?"

"I said I'll take you underground, okay?!"

The Taoist priest suddenly became ruthless and quickly shot a talisman and hit the flower demon heavily.


The flower demon directly slammed into the pillars of the long corridor with its back.

The moment the flower demon slammed into the pillar, the Taoist priest wanted to raise his hand to pull her back, but Li Zhi stopped him again.

The Taoist priest's hands trembled, and his eyes struggled for a moment and changed back to that indifferent look.

The flower demon's back bumped against the pillar and his face turned pale in an instant. It wasn't pain but disbelief...

The demon power in her body was completely suppressed.

And there were bursts of pain in the chest, and the flower demon lowered her head and tremblingly looked at the talisman paper attached to her body: "...Lang Jun, you are playing with Li'er, right..."

Her voice was also trembling, the flower demon couldn't believe it... What happened now?

"Flower demon, you have seduced mortals and killed countless people. I am a Taoist priest of the Qingyun Temple... I went up the mountain this time to kill you. I will give you a good time because of our love."

The flower demon is just unbelievable.

"Lang Jun, don't joke with me, okay, I, I can't afford this kind of joke, you didn't come to kill me, right? You came to kill me when you went up the mountain, but you don't want to kill me now, right? Lang Jun Has anyone ever liked Li'er, right..."

The more I asked her, the less confident she became.

The flower demon recalled every bit of the past, but in fact she was the only one who took the initiative.

The flower demon suddenly became quiet.

But the Taoist priest couldn't stand her crying, so he immediately summoned his Demon Subduing Sword!
The Taoist holds the demon-subduing sword and points it at the flower demon.

At this moment, the quiet flower demon raised her head, and her eyes were dimmed: "It turns out that I am being passionate, and my lord has never liked me... my lord..."


Before the Taoist priest could do anything, the flower demon bumped into the demon-subduing sword on its own initiative!

Xu Shanghao was completely shocked.

Here the plot was changed by her.

Xu Shanghao looked at the blood flowing from her chest, and the slowly falling body.

He quickly pulled out the sword and threw it aside tremblingly, he quickly hugged her!
Zhang Qi and the staff held their breaths, they all knew that the plot here had changed suddenly, but the effect was surprisingly good.

The Taoist panicked for a moment, he hugged the flower demon.

The flower demon's body trembled and even twitched, a large amount of blood flooded out of her chest.

"Li... Li'er..."

The Taoist panicked.

And the flower demon laughed: "Lang...cough cough...the gentleman doesn't love the slave family, and it's worth it if the slave family dies in the arms of the master."

She claimed to have returned to her slave's house again.

The flower demon died in the Taoist's arms, and until she died, she felt that the Taoist had never loved her...

(End of this chapter)

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