Chapter 659 Let's date

Chapter 700 Let's date

Wu Xing lacks money: [This still photo looks very emotional. I feel that everyone is very suitable for the role. I heard that this is the background of a world where monsters coexist. I am looking forward to what kind of story it will be. 】

Xu Shanghao's movies have always been kept secret, because he wrote the scripts himself, so basically no one knew what the story was like before the movie started broadcasting.

Little Milk Cat: [Aww!Wait for the trailer! 】

You unemotional Z: [Why is Ruan Wenfan also in this movie!Don't you pay attention to this matter? I suspect that she invested 20 billion to force herself into making movies. Wouldn't it be good for investors to be her investors?I want to ruin the movie! 】

Whale: [Upstairs, the movie hasn't started airing yet, so how do you know it's ruined? Ruan Dafan's face is still pretty good, what if she plays a fairy who sits there and is in charge of beauty? The face can still hold up. 】

Qiran: [To be honest, I'm a fan of this still photo... Although I don't like Ruan Wenfan, I can never get tired of seeing her face. 】

The movie Ruan Wenfan starred in Chuntan caused a lot of waves on the Internet.

And there are good and bad reviews about her.

Many people commented that this still photo is very good-looking, but more people doubt that she will ruin the movie.

There was even another trending search tonight, which was scolding Ruan Wenfan.

Jiu Nian is speechless: [Isn't it okay to be her investor when you are obviously an investor?I want to make a movie, and I'm not a professional actor. Director Xu's every movie is so good, I don't want this movie to become a stain on him. 】

Want to drink green tea: [I'm crying out of anger, is the entertainment industry just about being rich and being able to do whatever you want?Why did Ruan Daan come to join in the fun? It’s a good movie... I can already imagine how rubbish this movie is. As long as Ruan Daan is around, I won’t watch it. I’m afraid that when I watch it, I will find out It hurts to be destroyed. 】

Si Yue: [Is there no one to sanction this kind of behavior?Money can really do whatever you want, huh, huh. 】

Yingying: [Whoa, if Ruan Dafan spends money on himself to make a movie today, maybe he can spend money on doing other things tomorrow. This circle will be disrupted by her sooner or later. I will watch it, who knows who was stuffed in, or she stuffed herself in it. 】

Yingying: [I think we can boycott Chuntan, everyone should not watch it, the ratings will be pitifully low, and Ruan Wenfan's 20 billion yuan will be in vain!See if she dares to stuff herself in and act in a play! 】

Here it comes: [I think what the upstairs said is right, we must resist, after this beginning, let's see who dares to make Ruan Dafan act. 】

The people who eat melons: [Boycott Chuntan!Boycott the films invested by Ruan Mingtian! 】

[Boycott Chuntan!Boycott the films invested by Ruan Mingtian! 】



In the hotel's presidential suite, Ruan Xiaoli was wearing casual clothes, nestled on the sofa and swiping his phone.

Xu Shanghao was also sitting on the side.

"Don't watch it, don't care about what they said, I will try my best to get on the trailer as soon as possible, your acting is very good and everyone will see it."

Xu Shanghao didn't pay much attention to those hot news before.

Only today did he realize that cyber violence is so horrific. Xu Shanghao was angry and wanted to laugh when he boycotted movies and boycotted Ruan Wenwen.

Xu Shanghao feels that his movie is completely fine, as long as it is broadcast, the situation will definitely turn around.

But he couldn't see those people insulting Ruan Dafan.

Xu Shanghao secretly wrote down some of the comments that were too harsh.

The Internet is not a place outside the law, insulting others, spreading rumors and causing trouble, and reposting false information too many times.

As long as a certain amount of data is set off, it constitutes a crime.

Ruan Xiaoli put the phone away: "I just want to remember the current online reviews, and watch the online reviews when the time comes. I like to watch this kind of slap in the face."

She didn't look sad at all, it seemed that she really didn't care about those comments at all.

She didn't care, but Xu Shanghao did.

Xu Shanghao: "At that time, the trailer will edit a few more scenes of the flower demon."

Generally, the main content in the trailer is about the protagonist, but the interlude of the flower demon plays a very important role in the story.

Because of the story of the flower demon, all the descendants of the flower demon do not believe in love.

The heroine and the second heroine are both demons, and the story of the flower demon has a great influence on them, so this story of a small memory is interspersed throughout the movie.

So it's okay to edit the flower demon in the trailer.

Ruan Xiaoli: "There is no need to edit too many scenes, just a few seconds is fine, but those few seconds must be my most beautiful appearance."

Xu Shanghao was immediately amused by her words: "There is not a single second in your camera that is not beautiful."


"Of course, I watched the entire film during the post-production yesterday."

"Are you looking at me specifically?"


Xu Shanghao's expression became unnatural.

Ruan Xiaoli approached her, put his hand on her side and headed towards her: "Xu Shanghao, did you look for my picture when watching the whole film? Am I super beautiful every minute and every second? I It looks good, doesn't it?"

"Sit down and talk."

"Do you care that my tone really resembles my brother, brother Shang Hao?"

Her voice was right next to her ear, and her brother Xu Shanghao felt his heart beating wildly.

He felt that he was a pervert, and he actually liked Ruan Daman calling him brother.

"Ruan Tangwan, don't get so close."

"My brother obviously likes me being so close."

Although the points have already been earned, it does not prevent Ruan Xiaoli from flirting with Xu Shanghao.

Ruan Xiaoli still likes to see his serious but obviously not serious appearance.

Just when Ruan Xiaoli felt that it was almost time, he wanted to call Cheng Shan to have dinner delivered.

Before she could support her, a big hand suddenly grabbed her waist.

Ruan Xiaoli was startled.

Panting slightly, Xu Shanghao put his hand on her waist: "Ruan Wenwen, I... let's date."

Ruan Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "What did you say?"

"I like you, shall we date?"

Otherwise, they would always be so inexplicably ambiguous. Xu Shanghao's thinking was a little more traditional. He wanted to confirm the relationship before getting along like this.

From the time he was filming the flower demon, Xu Shanghao realized that he was tempted.

But he didn't find the right opportunity to talk to Ruan Daan.

I couldn't bear it today.

If you like it, you like it, and it's better if you're in a relationship, otherwise they always eat together like this and occasionally meet with each other, but the relationship is still friends.

Xu Shanghao was nervous, he didn't know if Ruan Dafan would agree.

Ruan Wenwen had also pursued him before, but Xu Shanghao felt that she was just joking.

Did she ever... like him?

(End of this chapter)

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