Chapter 665
Chapter 708
It's hard to think of a name: [The cp of Kai Nian Xun actually came true, what kind of luck is this? ! 】

Cough cough: [My focus is different, I am concerned about when the two of them will get married!I can't wait to drag them both to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow! 】

The green tea is delicious: [I want to move the Civil Affairs Bureau in front of them now! 】

No money to drink milk tea: [Although the ending of the flower demon and the Taoist priest is not perfect, I am very happy that these two people who play them can get together, so sweet, Director Xu is so handsome, this figure is amazing, Ruan Dawen There is nothing to say about her figure and appearance, the peerless flower demon, this demon! 】

Sarah: 【I'm a little envious...】

Xu Shanghao not only proposed to Ruan Wenman, but also secretly took a video as a souvenir and made an official announcement on the Internet.

This sugar-sprinkling rhythm makes many single people envious.

The old man of the Ruan family also called Ruan Xiaoli, and instead of objecting, he asked when they planned to hold the wedding.

Ruan Xiaoli: "In the second half of the year, there are still some things that have not been dealt with in the first half of the year. It will not be too late to get married in the second half of the year."

"Well, you young people have young people's plans."

The old man hung up the phone after saying a few words.

The descendants of the Ruan family are also married, but Ruan Dian knows how to manage so many companies and has the strength to do so without marriage.

Although Xu Shanghao didn't come from a wealthy family, he was also a famous director in the circle. Chuntan's explosion made him stand firm in his position.

It is predicted that Haruyu will win many awards.

And at the current pace, it will be easy for a movie to break 50 billion at the box office.

Generally, there are many people who watch the movie in the first few days before it is released, and then it will gradually decrease after that.

But Chuntan is not like this, Chuntan explodes every day, and there is no sign of decreasing after a month.

All the seats in every movie are full, and every detail in it is also popular all over the Internet.

The big hit of the movie is undoubtedly the characters in the movie, all of them became popular.

In addition to the protagonist and the flower demon Taoist priest, the second male and the second female are also popular, and the large and small characters in it, and even the cameo characters with only a few seconds of scenes are popular.

Some time ago, Burui attracted countless fans because of some endorsements and variety shows.

Bu Rui also played a supporting role in the movie, a monster, not many roles but a big hit.

There is also the canyon where the movie was filmed, and the canyon where the flower demon lives is also completely exploded.

Someone dug out that the filming location is just outside of City A.

It was originally just an inconspicuous and outdated scenic spot, but after the movie hit, the scenic spot also exploded.

The ticket price of the scenic spot is reasonable. Many people are going to play during the Chinese New Year, but they find it hard to find a ticket...

Due to the limited traffic in the scenic spot, the number of guests received every day is limited, and people from all over the country come here admiringly.

Cheng Shan took the list and reported the income of the scenic spot.

Ruan Xiaoli was very satisfied. Sure enough, the purchase was not wrong. As expected, this scenic spot became popular and made a lot of money.

As long as this scenic spot is built well, it can be popular for at least ten years.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Send more security personnel. There are creeks and valleys in the scenic area. You must pay attention to the safety of tourists. You must also pay more attention to the flowers in the scenic area, so as not to be broken by others."

Those flowers are the number one selling point in short supply.

After the scenic spot became popular, many people were jealous, and some even wanted to make trouble. After checking, the owner behind the scenic spot was actually Ruan Wenfan. Those who wanted to make trouble had to give up.

Netizens also found out that the person behind this popular filming spot is Ruan Diannan.

"Holy shit, this is a link for business, but I like it very much. I have been to this scenic spot a few years ago to be honest. The natural scenery is good but it is a bit depressed. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful after planting flowers there. Watching movies I almost didn't recognize it."

"I've been to that scenic spot a few years ago, and I've camped there. The scenery is pretty good and the air is good. This scenic spot shouldn't be buried. Fortunately, the movie made it popular."

"I hope everyone will take good care of the environment of the scenic spot. A few days ago, I saw a child picking flowers inside, and my heart ached to death."

"The number of security personnel in the scenic spot has increased a lot. One is to protect the safety of tourists, and the other is to protect the flowers. When you go to play, be civilized and don't pick flowers or step on the grass!"

"I hate those uncivilized people the most when I go out to play!"


Zhang Qi and Xu Shanghao worked overtime overnight, and the entire studio had a meeting to organize the offline activities of the film, offline fan meetings and interviews, all of which had to be arranged.

Zhang Qi: "Who do you need to invite to participate in the offline?"

Xu Shanghao: "All the supporting roles of the male lead, the second female lead, and the second female lead, whose roles are longer than 5 minutes, are welcome."

It is not appropriate to leave a single person casually in these offline activities.

When there are too many people invited, the details of the scene must be done well. Xu Shanghao held a one-day meeting.

The first thing he did when he came out of the conference room was to look at his phone, but he didn't see any information when he turned on the phone.

Xu Shanghao was a little disappointed, so he sent her a message.

Ruan Xiaoli was clearing the files when he heard the phone ring.

"Dinner together at noon?"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled involuntarily when he saw the message, and replied: "Okay, come and pick me up."

After the two of them established their relationship, they no longer shy away from taboos. They went in and out of hotels together openly, and went to dinner together openly.

Even if there is media, they will not hide from it.

Under the current situation, no matter what pictures the media captures, they dare not write nonsense. If they write scribbles, they will only attract CP fans from all over the Internet to tear them apart.

Unless they caught some cheating scene, writing some manuscripts might cause a big sensation and make a lot of money.

With the sweetness of the two of them, is it possible to be in the cheating scene?

The two of them went out to a famous restaurant for dinner, and many media were squatting in the dark to take pictures.

Although Ruan Xiaoli doesn't like privacy being violated, this kind of behavior is acceptable because being photographed outside is unavoidable.

But if you say that you can secretly take pictures of their hotel windows or something, that's unacceptable.

Xu Shanghao was already familiar with her taste, so he called early to make a reservation at this restaurant.

"This restaurant is very popular. Fortunately, there were still seats when I booked in advance. Do you like the seat by the window?"


Ruan Xiaoli fiddled with the flowers on the table, and said, "How do you feel about the decoration of this restaurant?"

Xu Shanghao glanced at it and nodded: "It's very good, very unique, which is probably why this restaurant is popular, but I heard that the biggest feature of this restaurant is that the dishes are delicious."

"Try it later, this is the chef I invited from abroad."

Xu Shanghao nodded, and then suddenly realized: "Is this the restaurant you opened?"

(End of this chapter)

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