Chapter 676
Chapter 720
"Professor Zhang, coming to our school requires the consent of her parents."

Seeing the paper she made yesterday, Gu Ammon also wants her to come to University A, but she hasn't found her parents yet.

"Then tell her parents." Professor Zhang said with bright eyes.


After a moment of silence, Gu Ammon frowned: "I don't know her parents."

"I don't know you? Then why did that little girl follow you yesterday?"


Professor Zhang is notoriously long-winded and difficult to deal with. It can be said that two-thirds of the top students in each class in University A are recruited by him.

Although University A is very famous and a world-class prestigious school, it is not the only famous school.

Therefore, every year after the college entrance examination results are released, all major schools are scrambling for talents.

There is a saying among the schools that as long as it is the student that Professor Zhang likes in University A, other schools should not try to snatch it away. This student should stop thinking about going to other schools early, because Professor Zhang alone With just one mouth, you can tell people submissively.

Gu Ammon's attitude of not wanting to say more with a paralyzed face prevented Professor Zhang from continuing to ask.

After getting rid of the people, Gu Ammon immediately went to the parking lot.

Driving all the way home, I was blocked on the road when I entered the community.

Because there are two private cars in front of me scratched, and now they are stuck on the road to talk about compensation.

Gu Ammon could only park the car in the open-air public parking space in the community, and had no way to drive the car back to the parking space he bought downstairs.

Walking all the way back, Gu Ammon's long legs walked very fast.

When I got home, I opened the door and the house was quiet. Gu Ammon took off his coat and hung it up: "Xiao Li?"

He called the girl's name a little strangely.

After shouting and no one responded, he frowned and went to the room to knock on the door: "Xiao Li?"

It's already noon, isn't she still sleeping?

After knocking on the door twice and no one responded, Gu Ammon opened the door only to find that the room was empty.

She was not at home!

Gu Ammon turned around and walked out of the house. He picked up his coat, closed the door and left.

I don't know where she went, she should just go for a walk in the park of the community.

He was a little worried about her condition. If she went out and lost her memory and forgot what happened yesterday, would she run away?
Thinking of this possibility, Gu Ammon walked faster.

A few young people wearing famous brands walked by, and a girl was crying.

"I fed those kittens yesterday afternoon, but today they are gone, and the cat nest was destroyed by someone. They must be in danger," the girl cried.

"Why don't we go to the security guard to adjust the monitoring."

"There is no monitoring, because the community can't keep stray animals, so I specially found a place for them to place cat litters in a dead corner of monitoring, and there is no monitoring in a large area nearby... What to do... Could they have..."

Said that the girl was even more sad.

The families living in this community are not bad, but no one will take care of the stray cats, and no one will take care of these cats if they have money.

She has been feeding the little kitten privately for several or three months, but she didn't expect that the cat litter was destroyed by someone today, and all the cats disappeared.

Friends can only comfort the girl.

Gu Ammon passed by them, he was anxious to find someone.

If he still can't find anyone after going around here, he can only adjust the surveillance.

Gu Ammon walked a long circle around the artificial lake, and he was ready to call the community staff to adjust the monitoring.

But the moment he picked up the phone, he sharply saw a figure in the woods beside the artificial lake.

Gu Ammon walked over quickly, and sure enough there was a girl sitting on the big rock in the woods, and this girl was Ruan Xiaoli whom he had been looking for for almost half an hour.

"Why are you sitting here?"

Ruan Xiaoli closed his indifferent eyes when he heard the voice behind him, and turned his head with a surprised expression: "Professor Gu, don't you just get off work in the afternoon?"

Gu Ammon frowned. There is no one around here. Although the security measures in this community are very good, and the people who live here are also very qualified, it is too unsafe for a girl to be in this woods.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Because I was bored at home, I went down for a walk. I like to be quiet, so I just sat here."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't lie, but she thought it was quiet and the air was good, so she sat here.


Gu Ammon: "Let's go, it's already noon, I'll take you to lunch, will you follow me to school in the afternoon?"

He no longer dared to leave her alone at home.

Fortunately, she just came down for a walk, not lost her memory and disappeared.


Ruan Xiaoli obediently agreed.

Ruan Xiaoli followed Gu Anlin to the parking lot, and Gu Anlin took her to eat outside.

She sat in the co-pilot's seat, and the man beside her said, "Fasten your seat belt."

Ruan Xiaoli immediately lowered his head to touch the seat belt.

Gu Ammon was unconsciously attracted by her movements, and suddenly he found a few hairs on her clothes, which seemed to be animal hairs.

Ruan Xiaoli noticed his eyes after fastening her seat belt, she reached out and pinched the hair on her clothes and said, "Just now I saw a lady in the park holding a golden retriever, that golden retriever is very dear, I played with it for a while It rubbed all over my hair."

She smiled happily when she spoke, as if recalling the scene where she played with the dog just now.

She likes dogs?

Gu Ammon took Ruan Xiao away to eat western food.

"My steak is medium rare, how about yours?"

"Three points."

three points?

Gu Ammon's expression froze for a moment, ordinary people are not used to eating medium-rare, and the hemoglobin inside looks very raw when cut open.

"Her medium rare." Gu Ammon turned to the waiter and said.

The waiter took it seriously and left.

The chef's skill of this western restaurant is very good, and the steak is well mastered.

Medium-rare means medium-rare and no more.

Ruan Xiaoli gently cut open the steak with a knife and fork, and immediately the bright red bloody juice flowed out. The surface of the steak was thinly cooked, but the inside looked bright red.

The steak was cooked in red wine and it was delicious.

She took small bites, and put the bright red medium-rare beef into her mouth, chewing it full.

Gu Ammon saw that she didn't show any dislike. Maybe she liked steak medium rare before she lost her memory.

Her sleeves were a little long and slightly covered the back of her hands. Gu Nunlin wanted to ask her if she wanted to pinch her sleeves a little, but before he could open his mouth, his cell phone rang.

It's an unfamiliar phone number.

When Gu Ammon got on the phone, a voice came from the opposite end immediately: "Professor Gu, I'm the policeman I met yesterday. Is that girl okay with you now?"

"Ah, very good."

"Professor Gu, I may need to trouble you to take care of that girl for a few more days. No one reported her missing yesterday afternoon and this morning. It is estimated that it will be difficult to find her parents today."

(End of this chapter)

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