Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 680 Do you want to soak me?

Chapter 680 Do you want to soak me?

Chapter 724 Do you want to soak me?

"Brother Jiang, let's stop joking. Seriously, that school girl is really cute and good-looking. Do you like it too? If you like it, you can chase it. If you don't chase me, go hahahaha."

"Zhong Chen, why do you keep encouraging Brother Jiang to chase after girls? You have ulterior motives!"

"Brother Jiang will be distracted when he's in a relationship. We might have a chance to beat him when we play in the future."

"Are you sure it wasn't Brother Jiang who abused us even more because he wanted to be handsome and outstanding in front of his sister-in-law?"

"Fuck, why didn't I think of this."

Jiang Zihao suddenly said, "I'm chasing her."

In an instant, the boys became quiet. They felt that their ears were hallucinating. What did Brother Jiang say just now?He said he was chasing that girl?Is that so?
Jiang Zihao cleared his throat, and said seriously: "She is very pretty, I want to try chasing her."

"Fuck you!"

"Brother Jiang, is what you said true? You're not even interested in the school belle of the junior year. Do you really want to chase after that elementary school girl?"

The girl just now was a fresh face, and she seemed relatively young when she looked at her age. They automatically regarded her as a freshman school girl.

"Chasing, seriously."

Jiang Zihao also felt that he was a little crazy, but this was the first time he had the urge to chase a girl, he wanted to see her smiling at him and calling out to him sweetly.

As soon as he thought of such a picture, he looked forward to it, which probably means he likes it.

It turns out that liking can come so fast, so he was caught off guard.

Jiang Zihao didn't know that liking and imagining were completely different, he didn't like that girl at all, he just wanted to conquer imagining the victory after conquering inexplicably.

At present, he thinks that he likes the school girl whom he met once, and he is going to pursue her.

They couldn't care less about eating, and the older boys kept looking for the elementary school girl in the cafeteria, but they couldn't see it after looking around.

"Did that elementary school girl leave after eating? I didn't see her."

"The speed of eating is too fast. Do girls eat so fast, or does she eat less so she eats so fast?"

Jiang Zihao didn't see anyone either, he thought she must have eaten less and left soon, just now he noticed that the girl was very thin, it made people look like she had the urge to take good care of her and make her slightly fatter.

She will be my girlfriend in the future, so I must watch her eat more.

"Let's eat first, as long as she is in this school, she will definitely be able to find it."
Ruan Xiaoli used Gu Anlin's card to go directly to the teacher's cafeteria upstairs for dinner, and there were at least as many people as there were in the lobby.

There are many cafeterias for teachers, and there are not many teachers eating, just a few here and there.

She likes such a quiet dining environment, but after 10 minutes, annoying people come.
"Little girl, why are you eating alone? Why isn't Professor Gu here?" As soon as Professor Zhang went upstairs, he saw the little girl in the corner. At first he thought he was wrong, but he really was.

"Professor Gu has something to come later."

Professor Zhang knew that Gu Ammon was in charge of many things in the school, so it might just happen that he was late because of something.

"Little girl, if you don't mind if I sit here, I'll chat with you."

"Teacher, I don't like talking when I eat." Ruan Xiaoli said innocently.

It was obvious that he refused to sit here, but instead of being annoying, people felt that she was good table manners.

"I won't bother you when you eat. My surname is Zhang. You can call me Teacher Zhang when you see me."


After Professor Zhang left, Ruan Xiaoli calmed down and ate slowly. The cafeteria of University A was delicious, and she liked the soft rice.

Gu Ammon didn't come until after dinner, it seemed that he really had something to do and didn't have time to come.

Ruan Xiaoli packed up the dishes and went downstairs, Xiao Evil said in her mind: "Because the male lead is not by your side now, you can do bad things, anti-social behavior, stepping on the grass, picking flowers, stealing Everyone has points."

Xiao Evil is actively teaching her how to do bad things.

"I can allow you to take advantage of the big bad things."

The so-called big bad things are like abusing cats and destroying cats' nests. Ruan Xiaoli took advantage of the loopholes and did a misleading superficial villain's behavior.

You can take advantage of loopholes in the big bad things of seeking wealth and killing your life, but you still have to try your best to complete the small things.

So when Ruan Xiaoli left the cafeteria, she ruthlessly destroyed several newly bloomed rose flowers, and these few rose flowers were destroyed by her hands after finally blooming.

Xiao Evil looked at the little points with a smile on his face, no matter how few points are points, the accumulation of less makes more.

Although this kind of small points may increase for hundreds of years, it will not be able to buy a pair of pants.
Ruan Xiaoli strangled the newly opened buds one by one. She could feel the comfort of the original owner's body. The original owner's personality is that as long as she is happy, she can do anything. She doesn't need any sense of responsibility or morality.

"Brother Jiang, do you think the person by the flower bed over there is the elementary school girl from the cafeteria just now?" Zhong Chen caught sight of the person standing by the flower bed in the distance.

Jiang Zihao looked up, and it was indeed that school girl.

"Brother Jiang, hurry up, Brother Jiang, you are so handsome, you will definitely be able to catch up with this girl, so let's go first, we are here to prevent you from letting go."

A few boys left very tactfully.

They go back first and don't disturb Jiang Zihao's love affair, and wait for the follow-up and good news when they go back.

They left, Jiang Zihao stood there alone, he was a little nervous looking at the people in the distance, he was unavoidably nervous about pursuing the girl he liked.

He adjusted his status and passed.

Ruan Xiaoli, the little villain, watched, and reminded Ruan Xiaoli in his mind when someone came.

Ruan Xiaoli withdrew her hand, because her nails were stained red by the juice of the flower petals.

"Hello, do you still remember me?"

A boy's voice came from behind, Ruan Xiaoli narrowed his eyes slightly, but Xiao E was happy: "He came to your door, Xiao Li did something bad!"

There are too few points for doing bad things to flowers and plants, only for people to have more points.

Don't let go of points if you go first and deliver it to your door.

Ruan Xiaoli turned her head indifferently, and she glanced at him lightly.

Jiang Zihao had seen countless juniors who shouted for him when he was playing, but he had never met a girl who looked at him so indifferently. He said, "Do you remember me, junior? We met in the cafeteria just now."

"Well, I remember." There was no tone in her voice.

"Just remember. My name is Jiang Zihao. The junior should be a freshman. If you encounter any difficulties in school, you can ask me for help. How about we exchange contact information?"

It was a stupid way, but Jiang Zihao remembered his purpose, he wanted her contact information.

Originally thought it would go well or be rejected politely, but Jiang Zihao never expected the result to be...
"You want to fuck me?"

Her tone was raised with a trace of sarcasm, and the whole person exuded a gloomy and cold atmosphere. Her appearance was too different from her appearance!
Jiang Zihao was stunned, what's going on!
(End of this chapter)

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