Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 684 He Takes Care of Her

Chapter 684 He Takes Care of Her
Chapter 728 He Takes Care of Her
Ruan Xiaoli groaned in the passenger seat with a super uncomfortable look.

She covered her stomach with her hands and closed her eyes. She was already thin and now she was shrunk into a ball because of the discomfort.

Gu Ammon drove a little faster, and he asked, "Will it be cold?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ruan Xiaoli to answer, he drove back with one hand and touched the coat he took off in the morning.

Gu Ammon put the coat on her body: "Xiao Li, is it the kind that you can't stand the pain? Or is it just uncomfortable?"

If the pain is unbearable, you must go to the hospital.

Gu Ammon doesn't know much about girls' menstruation, but she generally knows that some people have physical problems and suffer from palace cold.

"It's uncomfortable, but it's unbearable without pain." She said sullenly.

Gu Ammon pursed her lips and could only drive faster and take her back to rest earlier.

On the way, she kept moaning softly and nestled in the seat, and Gu Ninglin was a little distracted while driving.

Finally arrived at the parking lot of the community, Gu Ammon turned his head after parking the car: "Xiao Li?"

"Huh?" Ruan Xiaoli looked up: "Professor Gu, are we here yet?"

"Here, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine...Professor Gu, do you think I'm troublesome." People who are uncomfortable are always overthinking and sensitive, so she lowered her head and dared not look at people.

Gu Ammon's mood also sank. Fortunately, the police did not agree to send her to the orphanage. The orphanage must not be able to take care of her well, and her character is too weak.

"I'll take you home because I'm not afraid of trouble, so don't think about it too much, Xiaoli. The most important thing now is to rest and recover."


She was still morose, feeling and physically uncomfortable.

If Xiao Evil hadn't shut down the phone now, if it saw this scene, it would definitely complain about Ruan Xiaoli's drama, and the hero of the world is really going to be crooked. On the surface, Professor Gu is quite careful behind the scenes.

When entering the elevator, Ruan Xiaoli suffered from dysmenorrhea until his eyes turned black in bursts.

The original owner's health is really bad, and he will suffer a lot if he doesn't take care of it.

Ruan Xiaoli decided that she would eat a few more mouthfuls in the future, even if the original owner had a small bird's stomach, she would try her best to eat more, and her health would only be good if she ate well.

The elevator slowly ascended, Ruan Xiaoli's eyes went dark for a while and she couldn't see for a long time, even when the elevator reached the floor and opened to get out of the elevator, her eyes were completely dark.

So Ruan Xiaoli staggered forward and fell forward. Gu Ninglin had been paying attention to her and quickly reached out to support her: "Are you okay?"

Although he asked, his expression was very bad, her health was too bad.

"Professor Gu...my eyes are black and I can't see..."

She was a little helpless, like a wounded little animal.

"I'll help you into the house." As he spoke, he supported Ruan Xiaoli with one hand and embraced her other side.

Ruan Xiaoli felt that he was surrounded by a sense of security.

Gu Ammon helped her into the room, and Ruan Xiaoli took off his coat: "Professor, I want to go back to my room to rest and not have dinner later."

"Are your eyes still dark?"

"I can see it, I'm going into the room." She turned pale and wanted to go back and lie down.

Gu Nunlin was worried and helped her into the house, and did not go out until she was lying down.

After a while, Gu Ammon came in again, and he took a hot water bottle: "It's more comfortable to put this on the stomach."

This hot water bottle was bought last year and has been stored for a year.

Ruan Xiaoli took it: "Thank you, Professor."

"Well, you rest for a while, and I'll wake you up after dinner is ready. You still need to eat something at night, or you will feel sick to your stomach in the middle of the night."


She was a little sleepy and seemed to be falling asleep in a daze.

Every piece of furniture in the house was selected by Gu Anlin. The beds in the master bedroom and the guest bedroom are both two meters long. He felt just right when he slept on it, but she slept on the two-meter big bed like a kitten Same, just take up a little bit of space.

Gu Ammon looked at it for a while and then went out softly.

The room was a bit dark with the curtains drawn, Ruan Xiaoli did not fall asleep, she was very tired and uncomfortable but also awake.

She was just acting like a baby to him unconsciously...

Obviously she was the villain who came to fight him tit for tat, but she couldn't help but seduce him and make him focus everything on her.

It's not so much that the hero of the world is crooked, it's just the early world, and every hero of the world is crooked now because of her small deliberate reason.

The Three Thousand Worlds keeps going around the world to do villain missions, and Xiao Evil is her friend to accompany her, so the hero of the world is her partner...

He exists in every world, even though the appearance and identity are completely different, but there is him under the body.

She is the same, the appearance and identity are different in each world, but the host under the host has always been her.

"Little evil?"

Ruan Xiaoli felt her heart beating, her emotions that had been calm all this time became active when she thought of him accompanying her.

She couldn't help calling out to Xiao E, wanting to share her emotional changes with him.

It's a pity that the little evil is still turned off.

Ruan Xiaoli yelled and waited for a few seconds but did not hear Xiao E's voice. Xiao E will not ignore her. Hey, it seems that the phone is still shutting down.

Next time, she'd better not be angry with Xiaoxie, she wants to spoil her arrogant little temper.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help laughing, then closed his eyes to relax.

She is very satisfied with everything now.

Let's continue like this, she, he, and Xiao Evil are revolving in these three thousand worlds together.

Ruan Xiaoli fell asleep in a daze, and she was woken up by Gu Ninglin after some time.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Ammon standing at the head of her bed: "Little Li? Are you still not feeling well? Do you have the energy to come out and have some dinner? I made the string beans you like."

Today's Gu Ammon talked a lot more than usual, and he no longer looked like a cold professor.

"I don't really want to eat..."

She had no strength to get up and her stomach hurt.

Gu Ammon frowned: "I'll bring in some porridge and you can eat half a bowl."

"Okay, trouble professor."

"No trouble."

He did find it troublesome to pick her up, but he didn't dislike her after a few days of getting along with her. Every time she did a test, she would surprise him, and he gradually got used to taking her to work. Before he knew it, she was no longer a trouble.

Gu Ammon brought in the porridge, and Ruan Xiaoli sat up and ate with small bites.

After eating, Ruan Xiaoli lifted the quilt to reveal his stomach: "Professor, this hot water bottle is always cold."

She was wearing thin and loose clothes, and when she lifted the quilt, she also lifted a corner of the clothes, revealing a small piece of white and smooth belly.

She has been charging the hot water bottle and sticking it to her stomach, but it has not been warm for half a day.

Gu Ninglin pressed her eyes and reached out to take it, it was indeed not warm in her hand.

"Maybe it's broken, I'll go out and buy you a hot water bottle now."

"No, you don't need to go out to buy it. I can just cover it with a quilt."

(End of this chapter)

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