Chapter 686 She is gone!

Chapter 730 She is gone!

Ruan Xiaoli was in a good mood, she nestled on the bed to rest after eating.

Xiao Evil also came out of the space to play. It has a slight obsession with cleanliness, but the house of the hero of the world is very clean, so it is willing to come out to play.

Ruan Xiaoli went to Gu Anlin's study and took a book of miscellaneous notes to read. Xiao Ei was sitting on the quilt, and a light screen appeared in front of him, which resembled a computer function, and he was having fun.

Xiao Evil said while playing: "Today you finally don't have to go to school to attend classes and write papers."

Xiao Ei felt sorry for Ruan Xiaoli, he was obviously not a student of University A but he had to go to class, and was dragged by the male protagonist of the world to do the papers pervertedly.

Fortunately, she is not afraid of doing papers. If she is accompanied by a scumbag host, the days may feel like years.

"rest for a day."

"You rest." Little Evil didn't bother Ruan Xiaoli anymore, it lit the light screen to play games.

The light screen can not only watch the plot control information, but also watch movies, play games and read novels.

Xiao Evil played a few games and found it boring: "I am a program myself, and the games in it are too childish."

It's not interesting to play at all, so distressed.

"Pfft." Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help laughing when he heard Xiao E's complaining voice: "Xiao E, can you be any cuter?"

".You are not allowed to describe me as cute, I am domineering and invincible!"

"Little evil, come here and lean on."

"Master, I can't come here. The next second you come here, you will rely on me. Hmph, I'm not stupid. Ah!"

She directly pulled Xiao Evil over, and Ruan Xiaoli, who was so small, could grab him with his hand.

So this day, except for the little evil face being a bit smelly, one person and one host still get along very harmoniously!
"Professor Gu, Professor Gu, get out of class is over."

A student dared to disturb Gu Anlin, who was distracted. It was obvious that get out of class was over, but Professor Gu kept reading the book and did not move, and the whole class did not dare to move.

When Gu Anlin heard the voice, he immediately came back to his senses. He glanced at the seat at the far end of the first row, and realized that she was at home and did not come to school today when he saw that the seat was empty.

"get out of class."

He opened his mouth lightly, picked up the book and left.

Professor Zhang had just finished teaching juniors, and he saw Gu Anlin far away in the corridor, and he walked over curiously.

"Professor Gu, what about the little girl who followed you? Why didn't she follow you today? Didn't she come to school? Did she go back? By the way, did you tell her parents about coming to University A?"

Gu Anlin has never felt that Professor Zhang is annoying for such a moment.

"She's not feeling well today."

"I'm not feeling well, are you sick? Is it serious? Have you taken her to the hospital? No, this matter was also taken by her family. By the way, that little girl follows you every day. What is your relationship with her?" ? I heard that you have a niece from high school, so she must be your niece."

Professor Zhang chatters in daily life.

"Professor Zhang, I'm going to the laboratory building."

Gu Anlin is the main teacher of the school's current laboratory, leading the school's top chemical genius students to do some advanced experiments.

Professor Zhang took the initiative to get out of the way so as not to disturb his work.

But Professor Zhang is really curious, why does it feel strange, who is that little girl belonging to Professor Gu?

It shouldn't be a niece, but whose girl is with a single man like Professor Gu every day?
In the laboratory, several students were fully armed and doing experiments seriously. Gu Anlin changed into his clothes and entered the laboratory.

The knowledge point has been said a few days ago, he only needs to watch them do things from the sidelines, and remind them occasionally if there is any problem.

There are many toxic chemical doses in the laboratory. After entering the laboratory, he carefully watched the students' experiments and did not dare to be distracted.

It's been a long day, obviously it's the same few hours, but today's day is indeed extraordinarily long.

It's late autumn, and it gets dark after five o'clock.

Gu Anlin was driving, and when he was approaching the supermarket, he habitually asked the girl next to him what she wanted to eat, but before she could say anything, she realized that there was no one around.

"...But in just a few days, does she have such a big influence on me?"

This feeling is too scary, even scarier than the papers he passed in the junior class.

She is obviously a very ordinary and even a little well-behaved and timid girl, but she has only been with him for a few days, and she has such a big influence.

It had infiltrated into his life so unknowingly, and his life became so unnatural without her.

Gu Anlin went into the supermarket to buy vegetables. This time he deliberately didn't go to get her favorite string beans, but bought the vegetables he used to like to buy, pretending that he was the only one living alone, and she didn't take any pictures of his habits influences.

But when he deliberately avoided the green beans, he was actually deceiving his ears and stealing the bell.

He didn't know what he was afraid of.
A calm and self-disciplined person tends to react more than others when faced with unexpected things, because he is used to everything being under his control.

Once there is something out of their control, they will panic. There is no change on the surface, but the internal energy has already panicked and messed up.

When Gu Anlin returned home and opened the door, he deliberately followed his previous behavior. The first thing he did was to put the dishes in the kitchen.

He resisted going to the room to see her behavior.

After putting the dishes back in the kitchen, he went to the living room and poured a glass of water to drink, while drinking, he listened carefully to the movement in the room.

The sound of him opening and closing the door just now was a bit loud, you should be able to hear it in the bedroom, why hasn't she come over when she heard him come back?
He resisted going to the bedroom to see her behavior, but he drank all the glass of water and didn't hear anyone coming, so he quickly put down the glass and went to the bedroom.

When I opened the door, I saw some messy quilts. There was no one in the room, and the bathroom door was also open. There was no one inside. The balcony curtains were drawn, and there was no one on the balcony.
"Xiao Li?"

"Xiao Li!"

Gu Anlin went to his room to check, and there was no one in his study, but with sharp eyes, he found that the books on his bookshelf had been moved, and she should have taken his books to read.

What about people?where did she go

Gu Anlin went out without taking the keys. She was not feeling well yesterday. Where will she go if she doesn't recover?
The most important thing is that she may lose her memory.
If she went out and forgot everything, including him, what would happen to her?Who will pick her up again? Will she be sent to the Public Security Bureau by a good guy, or taken away by a bad guy?

Gu Anlin didn't realize that his calmness and decisiveness had disappeared in all of this, and now his mind was full of whether something would happen to her.

Maybe he could restrain himself before, but now that the person is gone, he doesn't care about restraining himself, he just wants to find her now!
"Xiao Li, Xiao Li?"

After going downstairs, Gu Anlin quickly looked for someone while calling.

Someone is coming along the road.

"That woman was bleeding a lot. I took one look and hurried away. It was too scary to be stabbed by a car, and I would have nightmares. She was still alive after being hit like this, but I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for an ambulance. The ambulance may not arrive in time during rush hour."

(End of this chapter)

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