Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 690 Take Her to Buy a Mobile Phone

Chapter 690 Take Her to Buy a Mobile Phone
Chapter 734 Take Her to Buy a Mobile Phone
Early the next morning, Gu Ammon made a hearty breakfast, and Ruan Xiaoli got up early to wash up and wait in the dining room.

The two went out after breakfast.

Today is the weekend without going to school, and their destination is the shopping mall.

Gu Ammon did not forget to take her to buy a mobile phone.

After buying the mobile phone, they can contact each other anytime and anywhere, so that he can contact her wherever she goes.

After going home twice without seeing her, Gu Ammon felt that buying a mobile phone was a very good decision.

Go to the mobile phone store.

Gu Ammon: "Go and see which one you like."

The enthusiastic clerk took Ruan Xiaoli to look at the mobile phones. Almost all the mobile phone cabinets were replaced with the latest models, all 5G mobile phones.

Ruan Xiaoli picked out a thin white phone: "Professor, I like this."

"Okay." Gu Ammon said to the clerk, "This is the phone."

After buying the mobile phone, Gu Ammon took Ruan Xiaoli to apply for a phone card, and recharged her a few thousand calls at a time.

Ruan Xiaoli was slightly surprised, is the phone bill recharged like this?Gu Ammon doesn't look like the kind of person who does this kind of thing.

Xiao Evil: "The male lead is very rich, a few thousand dollars for a phone call is nothing, but the clothes that the male lead bought for you are all branded goods, far exceeding the price of the phone call."

The clothes Ruan Xiaoli wears seem to be low-key, but they are actually branded goods. Although they are not luxury goods, they are not cheap either.

Gu Ammon's wealth can still be seen from some details of the clothing.

Ruan Xiaoli: "His apartment is very expensive."

Xiao Xi was taken aback, then nodded: "Of course, it's expensive, and if you have money, you may not be able to buy that house."

Those who live there also have the right to...

Gu Ammon didn't have any desire to buy things at ordinary times, but when he saw Ruan Xiaoli's plain clothes, he suddenly wanted to take her to buy new clothes.

"Does Xiaoli like to wear skirts?"

Last time she chose long clothes and trousers, and the colors were relatively dull. At that time, Gu Ammon felt that the clothes she chose did not suit her, but at that time he didn't care about her so much, he just hoped to find her parents sooner. go her...

Ruan Xiaoli looked at his long clothes and trousers: "It's fine to wear trousers."

"Don't girls like to wear skirts?"

"Do girls like to wear skirts?" Ruan Xiaoli asked doubtfully.

Gu Ammon recalled it carefully, and at most he recalled his niece, Lin Anan, the daughter of his only biological sister who was married.

Lin Anan seems to have worn skirts when she was a child, but she never wore them when she grew up...

So girls don't all like to wear skirts?

Wonderful knowledge grows again.

Ruan Xiaoli only thought that this man might be ignorant in other aspects except scientific research and study.

"The clothes on your body are too dark, let me take you to buy some more clothes."

"I have enough clothes."

"If you want to buy a few pieces, girls should dress them better."

"Professor... don't I look good in what I'm wearing?" She pursed her lips slightly.

Gu Ammon's eyes fell on her face and her Adam's apple rolled gently: "It looks good."

Xiao Evil: "Pfft, he can talk."

If he can't speak, he will chase after him to the crematorium.

Ruan Xiaoli got the answer he wanted, so he happily went shopping with him.

It's late autumn, and almost all the clothes hanging in the store are trousers.

Gu Ammon took Ruan Xiaoli to buy clothes in a not-so-cheap store.

When the clerk saw the two people's clothes, he knew that they were people who could afford it, and immediately stepped forward to guide them enthusiastically.

Ruan Xiaoli is not short but not tall, and she is thin and thin. All the small-sized clothes in the store are a little roomy for her.

Although it is not very close-fitting and a little wide, this loose feeling is also a kind of beauty.

Ruan Xiaoli is like a clothes rack, any set of clothes can fit her.

So Ruan Xiaoli changed a dozen or so sets of clothes in a row, and Gu Ninglin said the same thing to all the ten sets of clothes: "Wrap it up."

The shopping guide is very happy, and the performance of the past half year is complete!

This man loves this girl so much, what is their relationship?

That girl seemed to be at the most adult age, and the man with a calm temperament should be in his 20s.

The clerk didn't know that Gu Anlin would be on her way to school in a year or two...

Ruan Xiaoli was really tired from changing clothes, so she walked to the sofa and sat down: "Professor Gu, I've already bought enough."

Gu Ammon saw that she was sweating finely on her head, she was really tired from changing clothes.

He handed her a glass of water: "These are clothes for late autumn, and winter is coming soon, let's buy them again in winter."

"Yeah." She waited for the water glass and took a small sip of water.

After resting in the store for a while, they left.

After buying clothes, you can also buy shoes and accessories, Gu Ninglin took Ruan Xiao out for a stroll.

Ruan Xiaoli was a little desperate.

She belongs to the type of person who doesn't like shopping, let Ruan Xiaoli go shopping rather than let her go to the library.

And Gu Ammon is obviously a man who doesn't like shopping, right?

He actually had the patience to walk her around today.

Xiao Evil commented: "A good man."

There are a lot of things I bought today, and these things can be delivered to your door. No matter how much you buy, you don’t have to worry about not being able to mention them.

Ruan Xiaoli bought some cute headbands, Gu Amunin stood by and looked at the various hair accessories hanging on the wall with an indifferent expression.


Suddenly a girl's voice came.

Ruan Xiaoli and Gu Anlin looked back at the same time and saw several girls, one of them was Lin Anan.

Lin Anan should have come shopping with her classmates.

The smile on Lin Anan's face is obviously better than the last time he encountered it. The last time he was depressed and went to the hospital, now that he is in the mood to go shopping with his classmates, it seems much better.

And Lin Anan was holding a puppy in his arms, it was a very small teacup dog.

Ruan Xiaoli stared at the teacup dog.

Xiao Evil zoomed in on the off-screen screen: "The mission target has appeared, kill it."

"...Xiao Evil, can you speak softly?"

The little evil got stuck for a few seconds and then Zheng Taiyin said: "The task target has appeared, I have euthanasia here and I can provide it for you to send away the puppy for free."


"Uncle, it's really you, why did you come...to this kind of shop?"

Lin Anan thought this man looked familiar at first, but she didn't expect that it was really her uncle.

I didn't expect my always cold-faced professor uncle to come to this kind of shop selling little girls' hair accessories, and I was shocked.

Lin Anan's eyes quickly glanced at the girl next to Gu Ammon Lin, and then his eyes lit up: "Miss sister, you are here too!"

Although he was puzzled as to why this young lady followed her uncle, Lin Anan was quite happy to see her.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, then looked at the dog in her arms: "Your dog is so cute."

(End of this chapter)

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