Chapter 698 Am I Old?
Chapter 742 Am I Old?
Gu Ammon: "Eat first, then talk after eating."

Mu Si nodded: "Okay, let's talk slowly after eating."

Mu Si picked up a string bean with chopsticks and ate it. After taking a bite, his eyes lit up, and Gu Nunlin's cooking skills improved again.

"Xiao Li, you are blessed. The food that Gu Ninglin cooks is not something that everyone can eat every day."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled shyly: "Professor Gu's cooking is really delicious."

"Little Li, do you still remember your taste?"

Professional habits Mu Si couldn't help asking.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Remember, I like green beans, I don't know anything else."

Mu Si nodded: "It's okay if you don't remember, you will know whether you like it or not when you put it in your mouth."

Because of Mousse's arrival, the atmosphere at home seems to be alive.

After eating, the three of them sat in the living room.

Mu Si got up: "Little Li, can I check your head?"

Ruan Xiaoli's long hair was very thick, but Mu Si suspected that her head might have been bumped and wanted to check if there was any injury.


Ruan Xiaoli pulled away the headband that tied his hair, and suddenly his long hair fell down.

Mu Si walked to her side and stretched out his hand to press her head a few times, then brushed her hair to check.

Her head was in good shape and rounded, and there were no visible signs of injury.

Mu Si thought it was best to go to the hospital for a CT scan.

Mu Si asked a lot of questions after checking her head, but Ruan Xiaoli couldn't answer most of them, because she lost her memory and couldn't remember anything.

"Have you ever been uncomfortable?"

"Sometimes I get dizzy, but it gets better after a while."

Mu Si found it a bit tricky, her amnesia was too clean, there were no memory fragments and no obvious discomfort.

Muse has also encountered a patient in this situation... the last patient not only did not remember the past, but also lost his memory again.

For people with this disease, every memory loss is like every life restart.

Chatting and trying to see a doctor, before I knew it, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that Ruan Xiaoli was sleepy, Gu Ammon asked her to go back to rest first.

There were only two men left in the living room.

Gu Ammon asked: "Is it possible for her to recover her memory?"

"Although I haven't had a brain CT yet, based on my examination and speculation, her hope of recovering her memory is a bit slim, and she may lose her memory again at any time."

She may have experienced amnesia many times before.

After hearing this answer, Gu Ammon felt like being pricked by a needle in his heart. The tingling was so fast that he couldn't grasp it.

Amnesia again...

Forget about him and then never think about him again.

Mu Si noticed that Gu Ammon's face was very gloomy, and he asked curiously: "What's the relationship between her and you? I've been very curious today, why do you have a little girl by your side?"

"I picked it up."

"Pfft, where can I find such a pretty little girl? Tell me and I'll pick one up too."

Gu Ammon looked at him with contempt.

Mu Si raised her eyebrows: "Don't look at me like that, okay? I mean it. I also want to pick up such a good-looking person to be my wife. Does my old man urge me every day?"

He will be 30 years old in a year, and the old man of the Mu family is not going to urge Mu Si.

Gu Ammon reacted for a few seconds and said, "She's still young."

Mo Si got excited in an instant: "Gu Yulin, something is wrong with you! Do you have any dirty thoughts about others?"

Originally thought that Gu Ammon would immediately refute, but the response to Mu Si was silence.

Now Mu Si is really not calm: "Isn't it, Gu Ninglin? She may only be nineteen or twenty years old at most, and you may be ten years older than her."

"Am I old?"

"Old, older than others... not old! You are very young."

Mu Si thought for a while that he was one year older than Gu Ninglin, and saying that Gu Ninglin was old meant that he was old.

Men in their 20s and [-]s are not old at all, but the most attractive time, okay?

And Gu Ammon's face is well maintained, saying that he has credibility at 23 and [-].

If he wore a sportswear and a dome cap with a boyish air, he might be considered a student of University A even if he walked on the campus of University A.

Not old at all.

After Gu Ammon got the answer he wanted, he nodded in satisfaction. He also felt that he was not old, and his life was still very long.

And he's not the kind of person who can't accept the age difference, but he doesn't know that she...

Gu Ammon's ears were slightly numb, and he didn't know why he felt a sense of guilt in his heart. Is he really a bit nasty?
"Gu Ninglin, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow." Mu Si said with a guilty conscience. After all, he promised to come back to see a doctor for his children, but he was leaving so soon.

Mu Si: "My old man doesn't know that I'm back. I think he will find out the day after tomorrow. I have to go back to country B before he catches me. I don't want to be caught and forced to marry by the old man. I heard that he arranged for me to marry the daughter of the Lin family. , is really a thousand pieces of gold!"

Gu Ammon had no impression of the daughter of the Lin family, but he probably knew what was going on with Mu Si's description.


Mu Si continued: "If you are free these few days, you can take Xiao Li to the hospital for a CT scan. No, the whole body needs to be checked, including routine blood tests and so on."

"okay, I get it."

"Just send me the inspection report at that time. I may be a little busy developing new drugs recently, but as soon as I leave the laboratory, I will read your message and reply you in time."

Muse is not only a medical expert, he also participates in global drug research.

Don't be fooled by appearances, no one thought that Mu Si would have such a great achievement when he looked like a fool in the past.


Moose approached suddenly.

Gu Ammon glanced at him with a knife: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Ahem... the new drug we developed has reached the most critical period, and the cost is very high. That... let me introduce that drug to you to see if you have any desire to invest?"

In addition to the support of various countries and the support of a tycoon from a major country behind the global research and development of drugs, will there be a lack of cost?

Mu Si: "The main reason is the value of this drug. If you invest, you are guaranteed to make money, and it will be an honor to nominate you at that time. Hasn't your company also expanded into drug research and development recently?"

"I'm not short of money."

"Don't think too much money!"


"Remember to write my name when investing, you are investing for me."

Whoever has more funds will speak louder in drug research and development. This is the reason why Mu Sila Gu Ninglin invested.

Mu Si knew that Gu Ninglin was very rich, as long as he said the word investment, the money invested would definitely be tens of billions.

Mu Si got up happily: "You still have a guest room, I will..."

"A seven-star hotel opposite the neighborhood."


(End of this chapter)

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