Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 701 Adjusting the Balcony Monitoring

Chapter 701 Adjusting the Balcony Monitoring

Chapter 745 Adjusting the Balcony Monitoring

Mingqian said confidently that there is surveillance here.

When Xiao Evil heard this, he wanted to laugh: "There is surveillance? As long as I think about it, I don't even think about any surveillance to take pictures."

Of course, Ruan Xiaoli still had to give the order.

The system is to assist and cooperate with the host to complete the task.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't call Xiao Ehei for monitoring, she just smiled: "I'll kill you when you get to a place where there is no monitoring, okay?"

This kind of thing actually asks the person if he is okay, this is simply blatant intimidation!
Mingqian looked around. This was the office building of a senior professor, and there was almost no one there.

She didn't dare to stay in the same place with her anymore, Mingqian was afraid that even if she was monitored, she would kill someone, after all, she was mentally ill.

She turned around and ran desperately.

Ruan Xiaoli stood on the spot and smiled, very pleasantly: "Why are you running, I dare not do anything to you if there is monitoring."


Mingqian fell to the ground and got up and continued running.

She is a psychopath!
After a while, Mingqian disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Evil raised his eyebrows: "Look at you scaring people."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't think he was scary.

Xiao Evil: "If you told her that mentally ill people can't be punished by law, of course she will be afraid of you."

Ruan Xiaoli: "I'm talking nonsense..."

Unfortunately, this girl is still a student at University A, shouldn't she be a top student?So even believe this kind of words.

The sanction for mentally ill crimes depends on the situation. Although there are loopholes in the law, no one can take advantage of them so easily.

Ruan Xiaoli took out the key and opened the door to enter the office. She sat on Gu Nunlin's chair and closed her eyes to meditate.

Xiao Evil reminded: "Aren't you going to chase that girl just now? Don't stare at her, maybe she is nearby to guard the world. The male lead is back, and soon your illness will be overwhelmed."

Although that girl was afraid of Ruan Xiaoli, she definitely didn't run away.

She was ready to expose Ruan Xiaoli today, but she just didn't expect to meet the real master.

That girl will definitely not leave easily.

Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes and rested his mind, and said calmly: "I won't go."

"You just let it go..." Xiao Xi hesitated for a moment and then smirked: "Let it go."


The "weak and timid" character design has almost gone.

Now it's time to move on to the next step.

Time passed by little by little, and the sky was getting dark. Normally, Gu Ammon would come back at this point.

But after 3 minutes and 5 minutes, Gu Ammon still didn't come up.

Continued for a while...


The door opened.

Ruan Xiaoli opened his eyes and looked at the man at the door in a daze. When Gu Ammon came in, his expression was as calm as usual.

He said, "I've been waiting for a long time."


Her voice was a little hoarse, as if she had just taken a nap while waiting.

Gu Ammon came over, he picked up the coat on the chair: "Let's go, let's go home."

"it is good."

She immediately got up and followed him closely, she always looked very dependent and clingy to him.

Today's conversation is exactly the same as usual, with only a slight change.

A man and a woman came downstairs, and together they went to the parking lot as usual.

Mingqian who was hiding behind the tree couldn't believe this picture, did she see it wrong?
Just now she stopped Professor Gu and told Professor Gu that Xiaoli was mentally ill, and there were traces of restraint belts on her hands.

Professor Gu replied at that time, yes, Professor Gu understood it, so why didn't he question Xiaoli?Why are they still out of school as usual?

Along the way, I drove to a familiar supermarket, and Gu Ammon got out of the car to buy vegetables.

Ruan Xiaoli followed immediately: "Professor Gu, I want to eat eggplant with minced meat tonight."

"Stop eating green beans?"

"No matter how much you like to eat, you will get tired of eating it all the time." She said with a smile.


Gu Ammon pushed the cart to look for eggplants, and when he passed by green beans, he almost bent down habitually to get them.

After buying vegetables, they browsed through other shelves, and Ruan Xiaoli took two packs of snacks.

Gu Ammon said: "Don't take too much fried food."

"All right……"

A little lost.

Gu Ammon smiled lightly, she still has the temper of a child, but she doesn't know if this temper is true or not...

What the student said today kept replaying in Gu Ammon's mind.

Logically speaking, he would not believe a stranger's words, but Gu Ammon had already discovered something strange.

Xiaoli is very obedient and timid, but sometimes Gu Ninglin feels as if she is wearing a mask in a blink of an eye.

He deliberately doesn't think about some things, but the gaps he sees keep burying his mind.

Hearing what the girl said today, Gu Ammon was slightly surprised by his own reaction, because he was very calm when he heard those words.

What is wrong with Xiao Li?

Gu Ammon recalled the test results full of sedative drugs.

When she came to the small accessories area, Ruan Xiaoli chose two plush wristbands, and she carefully selected them according to her skin color.

Gu Ammon's gaze was attracted by her movements, and her eyes fell on her white wristband.

"Professor Gu, Xiao Li is mentally ill! Her wrists are all covered with restraint marks. Only aggressive psychopaths are put on restraint belts. There must be..."

Ruan Xiaoli thinks this pair of wristbands are very suitable for wearing in winter, as they won't get wind or cold when tied on the wrists.

The man behind him suddenly said, "Xiao Li, do you like wearing wristbands?"

There are really few people who like to wear wristbands, and some people wear them to match clothes.

Ruan Xiaoli squeezed the wristband and replied: "I like it."

"why do you like it?"

"Because it can cover up your ugliness." She replied in a soft voice.

Cover up?

Covering something, what is ugly on her wrist?

A big hand rubbed her head: "Not ugly, Xiao Li is not ugly anywhere."

He's been fond of petting her head lately, and her hair is soft and feels like a stuffed pet.

Girls like to hear compliments, Ruan Xiaoli blushed when he heard this.

"I have my ugliness too, no one is perfect."


After returning home, Gu Anlin went to cook, and Ruan Xiaoli went to his study to find a few books to read.

When eating at night, Ruan Xiaoli didn't put down his chopsticks a few times to take the minced meat eggplant.

Her preferences are just casual talk.

The apartment was very quiet at night.

The door of a room opened, and Gu Ammon came out of the room and turned to go to the study.

He can't sleep.

Gu Ammon sat in front of the computer, and on the computer was the surveillance image at home. For some reason, he thought of something and turned on the anti-theft surveillance image on Ruan Xiaoli's balcony these days.

Bit by bit the reverse...

There was a video scene that made Gu Ammonium stop playing it backwards.

I saw the girl in dark pajamas still lying on the chair on the balcony at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night on the surveillance.

It was dark all around, and in the middle of the night, she was sleeping alone on the recliner without moving, her head was slightly tilted to one side, as if...as if she was dead...

(End of this chapter)

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