Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 910 Two People, One Life

Chapter 910
Chapter 910
The following hot searches and Weibo are all blessings, and occasionally there are a few comments that cannot be read.

It can be said that this pair fell in love under the attention of many people, and now they have finally achieved a positive result.

The two of them quietly obtained the certificate and held the wedding quietly. Before, even the day before, they didn't reveal any news.

All of a sudden, I found out that the two of them were married.

[The photo on the marriage certificate is so beautiful, even if a person with good looks is just wearing a simple white shirt, it can still be eye-catching in the photo. 】

[I don't know how to look at life a little bit, these two people have a very good day to get their certificates and get married!If you're serious, it's definitely over. 】

[This wedding is so beautiful, which wedding company wants the same style!I'm getting married soon too! 】

[It is estimated that the same style is quite expensive. If there is no one million, it should not be able to decorate this scene, but I still wish the upstairs. 】

[Fuck, god, Jiang Lili is so pretty, I have seen so many celebrity models in wedding dresses, Jiang Lili's figure is simply amazing, Feng Ziyan is really blessed. 】

【Hee hee, from now on Feng Ziyan is a man. 】

[Pfft, what are you talking about upstairs? 】

【Blessings, blessings, congratulations to the two of you who have finally achieved success. Happy newlyweds. 】



The sheets in the wedding room were messy, and there were clothes on the floor.

Feng Ziyan washed up and came to the bedside to wake someone up: "Xiaoli, I made breakfast, get up and eat before going to sleep."

The person under the quilt only showed her head and half of her bare shoulders. Her hair was messy, and her neck and shoulders were covered with red marks.

Ruan Xiaoli was very sleepy and didn't want to get up at all.

"...I'm sorry."

After barking twice, he couldn't get up at all, so Feng Ziyan stopped barking, and he lifted the quilt and came in by himself.

Ruan Xiaoli felt a strange movement behind him and quickly opened his eyes: "What are you doing? Early in the morning..."

"Hold you and sleep for a while." Feng Ziyan hugged him over: "So scared? Did the pain last night scare you?"

The pain was indeed painful, but it wasn't too scary, but Ruan Xiaoli was really scared just now, thinking that Feng Ziyan had regained his energy early in the morning.

Ruan Xiaoli hugged the quilt tightly and closed his eyes: "Sleep and sleep, don't disturb me, don't wake me up today."

That was tiring.

Feng Ziyan didn't call her anymore, and even stayed in bed with him willfully for a whole day.

The married life of the two seems to have not changed much from the previous dating period. The only difference is that the two have a common home and bought a house in city a. As long as they are free, the two will come back to live and go out. Staying in a hotel outside is no longer about ordering two rooms.

Ruan Xiaoli's graduation ceremony, Feng Ziyan came to the school auditorium to watch, at first no one noticed him, but someone later recognized him and caused a sensation.

Feng Ziyan has also graduated from the film school, and the company has made plans for him for the next three to five years.

Feng Ziyan required that the script for filming must be good, and the work arrangement should not squeeze his time. He is very popular now and has the capital to negotiate terms.

The company made a work plan according to his requirements, so Feng Ziyan had time to spend with his wife while working securely.

Ruan Xiaoli did not go to the company assigned by the school as an intern after graduation, but continued to be his gold medal screenwriter.

And she is no longer behind the scenes, but will appear in the company, and she will also go to the scene when interviewing others.

It was the first time for the gold medal editor to appear in the company. The editors and reporters in the company were all very curious. They stayed in the tea room one by one. When they saw Ruan Xiaoli, they were all shocked.

Ruan Xiaoli is not only a gold medal editor, but now serves as the editor-in-chief of the company.

Holding the coffee, Ruan Xiaoli looked at those shocked people, and said with a light smile, "I am your big story today, go write the manuscript."

Decided to expose.

The group of editors and reporters were stunned, and they didn't remember what she said until Ruan Xiaoli had left the tea room.

Aniseed today!The gold medal screenwriter is actually Feng Ziyan's little wife!

"I really read it right just now, who pinched me, is it a dream?"

"It's not a dream. The new editor-in-chief is really Jiang Lili, Feng Ziyan's wife."

"Why are you still standing there in a daze? The first edition of the news belongs to our company. Hurry up and dominate the screen!"

These words woke them up, and a group of people hurried back to their positions to write quickly.

A well-written press release has to be shown to the editor-in-chief and to the news parties, which is somewhat embarrassing and nervous.

Ruan Xiaoli browsed through a few manuscripts that were delivered quickly, and typed back two of them to rewrite, and she nodded for the others: "Send it."

The editor was delighted, and asked curiously, "Aren't you going to post it, editor-in-chief?"

"I'll post it later. Today's news is also an assessment of you, to see who has more reading volume."

If Ruan Xiaoli posted it, he would directly dominate the rankings.

It was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon, when I opened the page on my phone, a lot of entertainment news was pushed. It was rumored that the gold medal editor on the page was Feng Ziyan's wife and Jiang Lili.

[Impossible, although Jiang Lili majored in journalism, he has only just graduated from university. Which company should he be working as an intern now? How could he be the gold medal editor who has been popular for so many years? 】

[Isn't the account of this report the Yuji company signed by the gold medal editor?Is this subordinate reporting to their superior? 】

[There is also a picture of the tea room, we have never been to Yuji Company, who knows which company this tea room belongs to. 】

[No, many companies have reported together, can't it be true?The editor posted the first news five years ago, and Jiang Lili was not yet an adult five years ago. 】

[Damn it, the boss is breaking the news, and he blew himself up!The gold medal editor is Jiang Lili. 】

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli posted a comment, he brushed it up.

Everyone in the comments was shocked, and Jiang Lili was so shocked that he didn't reveal it at all.

So I like to mention the hot search again.

[A gold medal editor-in-chief and a top actor, this couple is amazing. 】

[A long time ago, I felt that most of the news this editor posted was about Feng Ziyan. It felt a little strange. I thought she was just a fan of Feng Ziyan, but who knew it was his wife. 】

[It's also from fans, Jiang Lili is Feng Ziyan's number one fan, a fan married to an idol, the most successful fan. 】

[I'm envious, I'm envious. 】


After the divorce, Feng Ziyan and Ruan Xiao kept a low profile. The two were busy with their respective careers. Whenever they had free time, they would be together. Because they were too famous, they couldn’t go out shopping. The two people’s favorite thing to do was to stay at home. Read a book together on the couch.

Feng Ziyan would ask for leave every year and festival and take Ruan Xiaoli back to City B to see Ruan Xiaoli's parents.

This is the case every year. Over time, everyone knows that Feng Ziyan will not receive notifications on holidays.

The two have been married together for more than ten years and have never had children. At the beginning, some people on the Internet urged others to ask if there was something wrong with their health. In the end, Feng Ziyan posted a Weibo saying that they are DINK and do not have children. , There are only two people in a lifetime.

There are only two people in a lifetime, and they will do what they say.

The two of them lived happily ever after.


(End of this chapter)

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