Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 925 Little Evil Chapter Space Station

Chapter 925 Little Evil Returns to the Space Station
Chapter 925 Little Evil Returns to the Space Station
Ruan Xiaoli was annoyed and funny when he saw Xiao E like this.

I was so angry that I told it several times, but it still didn't believe it.

What's funny is Xiao Evil's expression, it really cares about her, and this tense expression makes her laugh.

"I also told you last time that the hero of the world is the same person."

But that little evil probably didn't take it seriously.

Xiao Evil found that Ruan Xiaoli's expression seemed to be serious, and it didn't activate the function of clearing emotions, but sat next to Ruan Xiaoli.

"Is what you said true?"

"Really, and I'm sure of it."

Now Xiao Evil is really not calm: "All the male protagonists in the world are the same person?"

"I have met the same person since the mission." I don't know if the host that Xiao Evil brought before met.

"How did you find out they were the same person?"

"The intuition of the soul, even if the appearance and identity have changed, there will always be a familiar feeling."

The young boy waved his hand casually, and a screen of light appeared in front of it.

Xiao Evil jogged on it quickly, but couldn't find any usable information at all.

"Ruan Xiaoli, I believe your words, but we have no evidence to prove that all the male protagonists of the world are the same person. In fact, I also have a feeling that the male protagonists of the world are familiar."

Xiao Evil also felt that the hero of the world was a little familiar, but it ignored this familiarity, not paying attention like Ruan Xiaoli.

"If the male protagonists of the world are all the same person, it proves that there is some kind of loophole in the three thousand worlds, and I need to report it to the space station."

Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while, then said calmly: "Will there be loopholes in the Three Thousand Worlds?"

"There will be loopholes, but all the heroes of the world are the same person and the same soul. This kind of loophole is a bit big, and it has never appeared before."

never showed up...

It's not just a loophole, but Xiao Evil can't hear what she wants about that person at all.

This is not just a loophole in the Three Thousand Worlds, right? How could the loopholes in the Three Thousand Worlds affect Xiao Evil's psychological monitoring of the host?

"Little Evil, do you think it is possible that this loophole is related to your birthplace?"

Xiao Evil immediately understood Ruan Xiaoli's meaning: "You mean it might be a loophole caused by people from the space station?"

"Is it possible?"

"It is possible. For example, if a doctor or staff member of the space station enters the Three Thousand Worlds, resides in the human body, and goes to multiple worlds, resides in multiple human bodies, then it will cause multiple people to have the same soul."

"The hero of the world I met is a staff member in the space station?" Ruan Xiaoli asked with narrowed eyes.

Xiao Evil shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know, I just gave a random example of a possibility, and this possible phenomenon will cause the loophole we see now."

It can't be sure, it just gave a random example.

Afterwards, Xiao Evil never thought that a random example he gave would be true, but that's for another story.

"Three thousand worlds generally don't have too many loopholes. In this kind of world, the hero is the same person. The loophole is indeed a bit big. I think I need to report it to the space station."

"Little evil, can you go back to the space station?"

"Huh? That's fine, but I'm still taking you on missions, so I can't leave."

The system is to guard the host in case something happens to the host.

It is impossible for Ruan Xiaoli to be so powerful enough that nothing unexpected will happen. Since signing the contract, Xiao Ei has never been separated from Ruan Xiaoli.

"Little Evil, I want you to go back to the space station, report this matter yourself, and check whether it is possible that the hero of the world is a staff member of your space station."

Going back to report it, and go back and check it is actually okay, but Xiao Ei doesn't think much about it.

It doesn't want to leave Ruan Xiaoli, and it hasn't been back to the space station for too long.

When I first came out, I always wanted to go back and have a look. Even though there were no system partners I was familiar with in the space station, there were my own R&D people and R&D daddy.

But Xiao Evil has an awkward personality, thinking of going back to visit and study Papa like this, he looks like a child who has not been weaned, not independent at all, what if another doctor sees the joke, so Xiao Evil has been holding back. have been back.

It's been too long since I went back, and as time goes by, I don't want to go back so much.

What I think about now is to earn points hard, to accumulate full points as soon as possible, to upgrade as soon as possible, and to change from a system to a human being as soon as possible.

Other systems are mass-produced systems, and they can only be one system for a lifetime.

But their five major systems are different, and the purpose of developing them is to transform them from systems into people.

Although they are semi-finished products and have not turned into humans, they are just a system, but their chips are different from other systems. As long as they earn enough points and energy, they will be upgraded to become humans sooner or later.

As long as they are upgraded to humans, they can go back to the space station in a dignified manner, because at that time they are not systems, they are humans, and they can stay in the space station as researchers and work with doctors.

Seeing Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, the boy Xiao Evil sighed slightly.

"Xiao Li, in fact, you still care about it, you still want to know who the hero of the world is, and you really want to find him out."

"Well, after going through so much, I really want to know who he is." Ruan Xiaoli didn't shy away.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the space station to report the loophole, and by the way, find out which staff members have come to Three Thousand Worlds, check their whereabouts, and see if there is anything that fits into our itinerary."


"I'll go back for at least three days, and at most ten days. You must pay attention to safety and don't die. If I'm not here, you will become a lonely ghost after you die."

It left, if Ruan Xiaoli died at this time, his soul could not enter its space and could only float outside, and after a long time, his soul would be scattered.

Ruan Xiaoli chuckled lightly: "Do you think it's possible for me to die?"

Xiao Evil looked at her seriously, and finally shook his head: "It's unlikely, as long as you don't want to, no one can kill you."

Xiao Ei left very relieved.

After Xiao Evil left, Ruan Xiaoli suddenly felt that her mind was empty, her mind was quiet, and she was still a little uncomfortable.


In the snow-white high-tech corridor, a few staff members wearing white overalls and holding documents quickly passed by.

The staff carefully avoided the robots on the ground, there were robots with wheels sliding on the ground, and there were several small humanoid mechanical machines walking on the ground, step by step slowly.

When a staff member passed by, the little robot made a sound: "Dr. Guo, you are-h-ah."

"Hello." A doctor replied and left.

The robot continues to walk.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light in the corridor, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with curly hair appeared in a shirt and trousers.

Xiao Ei was stunned for a moment looking at the familiar environment, and kicked a little robot without paying attention.

"Ah - ah - I - fell -, lost - money, I - so - hurt - ah, arm - arm - broken -..."

Little Evil: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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