Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 933 The Careful Little Evil

Chapter 933 The Careful Little Evil

Chapter 933 The Careful Little Evil


Xiao Evil looked at Lin Fan: "Dr. Lin, cut off the signal."

Lin Fan suppressed a smile.

Seiri's tone suddenly changed: "Don't! Just kidding, little evil, I miss you. Why did you go back to the space station? I want to go back too."

"You go back, the space station has closed the door to prevent people from returning, the young master has already returned to the space station."

"But I can't go back now. I just took the host to the new world. You also know that you need to watch the early stage of the mission. How long will you go back to the space station? Can you wait for me for a few months? Or wait for me for ten or so sky?"

"Then don't come back."

The childish voice is contrived: "Short oil, little evil, I was wrong, I shouldn't have talked to you like that just now, although your points are not as good as mine, but you are still my good brother, I miss you, can you contact me?" I am very happy."

"..." Xiao Evil looked at Dr. Lin: "Hang up, I don't want to hear its voice."

Lin Fan suppressed his internal injuries from laughing: "Are you sure you want to die?"

Color color: "No, little evil, am I not your good friend and brother? How can you be so cruel."

Xiao Evil directly reached out and pressed off Lin Fan's bracelet.

It's finally quiet, anyway, it's fine to hear the sound, and it doesn't want to miss that guy!

"Dr. Yexue's testing system is Luxe. Seize just said that it just took the host to the new world, and Dr. Yexue just went there too, haha." The little evil heheed twice.

Lin Fan knew that Xiao Evil had already seen through and understood.

"Then do you still need to contact Er Er?"


The blue light on Lin Fan's wristband flashed three times, and Er Er's cold child's voice came from there.

"Dr. Lin?"

"Two Er, it's me." Xiao Evil said.

Two Two One Joy: "Xiao Evil, you're back at the space station."

"Well, I came back to do some errands, and I happened to remember that the doctor's bracelet can contact you, so I will contact you by the way."

"That's right, if I go back to the space station next time, I'll also find a doctor to contact you with a bracelet."

"Okay, by the way, the young master has returned to the space station. It is working in the space station now. If you come back when you have time, you will be able to see it."

Er Er was surprised: "Young master is here, then I must go back when I have time."

In the past, they didn't come back because they knew that they were all in the Three Thousand Worlds, but now they know that one of their friends has returned to the space station.

Xiao Ei and Er Er got along very well while chatting, and they hung up after chatting casually.

Lin Fan: "Is there anything else you need to do now? If there's nothing else, I'm going to a meeting. I don't have time to stay here with you."

The little evil looked contemptuous, as if he was saying who wants you to accompany him.

"Leave a message for Xiao San." Without contacting Xiao San, Xiao Ei still felt that this trip back to the space station was not satisfactory.

Lin Fan turned on the function of the bracelet, and then passed the bracelet to Xiao E's mouth to let him leave a message.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao San, I went back to the space station and heard that you have been transformed. The sacrifice of the new attribute task is quite big. You should work hard. By the way, the son is back to the space station. If you have time, you can see it when you go back to the space station. .”

Finished leaving a message.

Lin Fan looked Xiao E up and down, Xiao E seemed to be doing things nonsensically, but he was actually very guilty.

It told Se Se Er Er and Xiao San that Young Master has returned to the space station, and hoped that they could come back to see Young Master when they have time.

Lin Fan: "Actually, the young master has approached me many times. It wanted to use my bracelet to contact you, but it was awkward. It just chose the most stupid way and waited for you to come back."

Xiao Evil curled his lips: "I guessed it, I'm so stupid, forget it."

Lin Fan went to a meeting, and Xiao Evil went to find the young master.

It won't stay in the space station for a long time, and spend the rest of the time with the young master.

After getting along for a day, the young master chased it away.

"Little evil! How many systems have you broken! Can you collect your data and information, and don't let them perceive that they are very fragile."

The seven or eight-year-old little evil put his hands on his chest and leaned against the wall, looking at the scrapped system on the ground: "I really didn't do this on purpose, I didn't know there were still systems active in this corridor, the new system used to have too much space for activities. Are they all in corridor b9C?"

Young master's little fat face was flushed red from anger.

Its job in the space station is to look at the new system, record their data every day, and accompany the owner. However, Zhong Xiaoshu was not in the space station in the past few days. She went out with Dr. Fu, and Xiaoshu's child also left the space station.

The young master's leisurely and stable work life was completely disrupted by the little evil.

"You're making trouble when you go back to the space station."

"It's just that the system made by the doctor is too fragile. Is there any work of yours? Tell me which one is it?"

"I am not involved in R&D, I am the system myself."

"Although you are indeed stupid, your chip is very advanced anyway."

"Little evil!"

"Hey, what did you call me for?"

"Let's go, why don't you go back to Three Thousand Worlds to do the mission? Are you not worried about your host having an accident?"

"Don't worry, my host is smart."

Obviously, it can be said that my host is strong and my host is powerful, but it wants to use the word "smart", which reminds me of Xiao Evil's previous sentence saying that he is stupid and that he is not clear about his anger.

Suddenly I didn't want Xiao Evil to come back.

Wait for it to be a yarn, bah!

Young Master turned his back on Little Evil and ignored it.

Xiao Evil smirked: "Master?"

ignore people.



Scolding it again, this is the last sentence Xiao Evil said to it when he went to see the world!

The young master turned his head angrily, and when he turned around, there was nothing behind him.

Xiao Evil left, and went to the Three Thousand Worlds.

"I don't know who taught you, but I always use this way to let others remember you..."


Ruan Xiaoli was taking a light nap and suddenly had a strange feeling in his mind.

"Little Evil? Are you back?"


Ruan Xiaoli heard that there was something wrong with Xiao E's voice.

"What's wrong? Did something happen back to the space station?"

In the black space, the childish Evil sat on a chair and looked at Ruan Xiaoli on the floating light screen in front of him.

To be honest, Xiao Ei's heart is quite complicated.

Only after I went back to the space station did I realize that my host also came from the space station, and also came from the system.

Both Dr. Yexue and Dr. Lin Fan have confessed that this matter must be kept secret, and when Ruan Xiaoli's emotional recovery reaches the standard, the R&D papa will tell her everything.

Xiao Ei was shocked to hear the truth, how would Xiao Li feel if she knew about her own affairs?

It lived on the space station when it was a child, and its mind is full of some high-tech knowledge and related memories of the space station, so it can accept and quickly digest these things.

But Ruan Xiaoli has always thought that she is a member of the Three Thousand Worlds, and she came into contact with high-tech concepts such as the system, space station, time and space world, and she knew it from it.

When Ruan Xiaoli knew the truth, how would he feel in his heart?
"Little evil?"

Ruan Xiaoli was calling it.

Xiao Evil came back to his senses: "I went back to the space station to report the loophole, and the doctor at the space station found it out for me. The heroes of the world we met are indeed the same person, but we don't know who it is."

It was indeed the same person, Ruan Xiaoli was happy to hear the news.

Because my intuition was confirmed.

Seeing that Ruan Xiaoli hadn't spoken, Xiao Evil continued, "Because the time I've been back is too short, it will take time to find someone. I've already asked the people at the space station to help find out who the hero of this world is. There's news. I'll tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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