Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Ruan Xiaoli's tea was cold, but Nangong Wu still didn't come.

Zhao Jing was secretly pleased, but frowned on his face and said, "Why is this Taoist priest not punctual? I'm sorry to let the girl wait for him first, Shao Yao, he was just catching monsters at that time, you don't have to be polite to him, there is no need to invite him to drink tea. "

"Really? She's really just catching monsters. I saw you guys coming together and thought..."

"He's just catching monsters, I'm here to save you."

Little evil despised!

Little Evil despises Zhao Jing!

He is its father!
In the past, Xiao Evil would definitely complain about the male lead in the space, but now it doesn't say a word.

The old bustard just came here and asked Ruan Xiaoli if he had seen any guests, but Ruan Xiaoli refused. To be honest, the old bustard's complexion was a bit grim.

"The tea is already cold, pour it out, the Taoist priest won't come."

After Zhao Jing finished speaking, he felt that his words were too strange and obvious, so sore that he couldn't hold back?

He is a bit sour...

Ruan Xiaoli poured a cup of cold tea: "Drink the cold tea when she comes."

"Cold tea costs a hundred taels of silver."

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help laughing: "Did you fall into Qian's eye?"

Zhao Jing was not ashamed at all, and said: "I have spent a lot of money on you these days. If the Taoist priest comes, I will get some money from him."

"As long as you're happy."

Ruan Xiaoli felt more and more that Zhao Jing was narrow-minded.

"Xiao Evil, I messed up the relationship between the hero and heroine of the world, and it is basically impossible for them to be together."

"You won't be together if you don't disturb them." Xiao Xi pouted and said, regretting it after finishing speaking, no, I slipped my mouth!


Ruan Xiaoli also found out, and she also found out that the little villain is quiet these days, and no longer tells her in various ways about the hero of the world, and doesn't yell at Zhao Jing to delay her from being a good villain.

"Xiao Evil, you go back to the space station..."

what happened.

Xiao E heard the second part of her heartfelt words, Xiao E gritted his teeth and bowed his head without saying a word.

Can't say, Dr. Lin Fan said, Xiaoli is not yet a perfect human being, and still needs to go through some things.

When Xiaoli's restoration is complete, Baili's papa will naturally tell her in person.

"Xiaoli, someone will tell you the truth one day. Don't worry, the truth is complete and beautiful. I envy you very much. In fact, we are not only the origin of the host and the system."

We also come from the same place.

Xiao Evil: "There are many things I can't tell you right now, Xiaoli, I'm sorry, don't be angry, I..."

"I'm not angry." Ruan Xiaoli smiled inwardly: "Little Evil, don't think too much, I won't be angry with you, and I trust you very much, there must be a reason for your not telling."

The last time Ruan Xiaoli changed the subject, he actually didn't want Xiao E to get entangled in anything.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Evil was still struggling.

Xiao E will not deliberately hide any secrets from her, unless it is really impossible to tell, and Ruan Xiaoli trusts Xiao E very much.

Xiao Evil is turning the corner on his own now, feeling guilty all the time.

This time Ruan Xiaoli didn't change the subject, but spoke out to let Xiao Ei open up his knot.

"Little Evil, I won't be angry with you. You must have a reason for doing this, and the starting point is definitely good for me."

Xiao E's eyes were slightly red, and he nodded sullenly: "Mmm..."

"That's right, so you don't need to worry about it, and you don't need to feel guilty, little evil, don't be unhappy."

Her voice is gentle, Ruan Xiaoli is coaxing it.

Little Evil didn't cry, but his face turned red, and he curled his lips: "Got it."


"...Don't say this word to me, I'm not a child!"

"Yeah, I know, a kid who is more than a billion years old."


Ruan Xiaoli stopped teasing Xiao E: "I know you are older than me, and you are the biggest, so let's do it."


Little Evil is at a loss, it is smaller than Ruan Xiaoli!

Ruan Xiaoli is the first-generation adult system of the space station, and I don't know how many years before the five of them.

It's just that she found something wrong just after she was activated, and then she was shut down by Baili Papa and fell into a deep sleep. There is no data record of her in the space station, and few people know that she is pure.

But it is true that Ruan Xiaoli developed it before the five of them.

Logically, in terms of seniority, it should be called sister Ruan Xiaoli or senior.


Xiao Evil glanced at Zhao Jing on the light screen, to be exact, he was looking at the soul in his eyes.

But the relationship between R&D Baba and Xiaoli is obviously not as simple as the R&D person and the R&D system. The experience of the two in the Three Thousand Worlds is real.

I feel that one day when I return to the space station, Xiaoli will be the wife who develops Papa.

Xiao Evil was a little depressed.

One is a close friend in the past, and the other is a researcher it respects and misses.

It turned out that they suddenly knew that they were a couple.

Can it not be depressed?

"Little evil, let's talk about it today, so don't be unhappy in the days to come, be active and chat with me."

"The hero of the world is here, don't you want to talk to him?"

"How can he be as funny as a little villain, I'd still like to chat with you."

"...too far, too much, your eyes are clearly staring at the hero of the world."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled.

Zhao Jing heard the laughter and looked at her suspiciously.

Ruan Xiaoli was about to explain, suddenly there were hurried footsteps outside, and a figure broke into the door.

Nangong Wu rushed into the room and closed the door, as if fleeing for her life.

Zhao Jing: "What's the matter? Who owes you money, did someone come to your door?"

Nangong Wu panted: "'s not...but it's about the same. I caused trouble...can you let me hide for a while?"

Zhao Jing got up: "What do you mean? Did you attract anyone?"

His face turned cold in an instant, for fear that the Taoist priest might have provoked some monster to come here.


There was a lot of noise outside, as if something had happened and someone was coming.

Nangong Wu's scalp tingled when he heard the voice: "It's Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei is catching me everywhere, Miss Shaoyao, I'm sorry, I'll jump out of the window immediately, and I will definitely not drag you down!"

After she finished speaking, she was about to jump out of the window, but Ruan Xiaoli stopped her: "Go and hide in the inner room."

"They will definitely search the house, and if they find out that I am in your room, you will be implicated."

Zhao Jing said coldly: "You still know that you will be troubled, so why do you still come here?"

"I actually came here to say hello. I didn't come late on purpose. I really want to drink Shaoyao girl's tea, but I'm stuck because of something..."

"Stop talking, go and hide inside."

Ruan Xiaoli pushed Nangong Wu into the inner room.

Zhao Jing disagreed: "Jin Yiwei arrests people, he will implicate you here, and it will be hard to tell when the time comes."

"Open the door, open the door!"

There was a loud knock on the door.

"Jin Yiwei handles the case, open the door!"

Zhao Jing gritted his teeth and said, "Taoist priest, you go through the window!"

He is not afraid of getting involved, but Shao Yao is not good. Jin Yiwei is not easy to be fooled when handling cases. If he can't tell, he will torture and extract a confession.

After making sure he heard the sound of the window opening, Zhao Jing went to open the door.

Jin Yiwei at the door asked: "Why did it take so long to open...referring...Commander!"

(End of this chapter)

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