Chapter 958 Bringing Back the Taoist Temple
Chapter 958 Bringing Back the Taoist Temple
She didn't abandon Zhao Jing, she just went out to find medicine to stop bleeding for him.

The hemostatic medicine was very bitter, and she chewed it expressionlessly until it covered all the wounds on Zhao Jing's body.

Zhao Jing is still in a semi-conscious state at the moment, and he has been muttering Shao Yao's name in his mouth.

Nangong Qin: "Just taking these medicines won't heal his injury. You have to take him back to the city to see a doctor, otherwise he may develop a high fever at any time."

"Then you take him back." Ruan Xiaoli said lightly.

Zhao Jing heard their conversation in a semi-conscious state, but he still understood, and suddenly said: "I don't want to go back, Shaoyao, I want to follow you."

"Take him back, he will die sooner or later if he follows me."

Nangong Qin's expression was complicated, he had never seen such a contradictory monster, killing people like hemp while...

Nangong Wu stepped forward: "You are a fox demon, you have been deceiving us from the very beginning, right?"

The facts were already in front of her, so she wanted to ask again.

Ruan Xiaoli looked up, still with that bright and stunning smile: "How can it be called lying to you? Is it called lying to you if you don't want to tell you something? Whoever stipulates that they have to say what they are when they meet, and confess to each other. "

Nangong Wu's eyes were moist, she was still the familiar Shaoyao girl, but she seemed unfamiliar again.

"Shao Yao, why did you kill those people?"

"Because I hate people like them."

"No matter how disgusting you are, it's not the reason for you to kill people. Are you looking for revenge? You should take revenge, so can you stop, can you..."

Ruan Xiaoli interrupted her: "Nangong Wu, Zhao Jing has already told me what you said."

Both of these people are naive fools.

"What he said is what he said, and what I said is what I said. I want to ask you, can you stop?"

"No, you are not me. You will never understand my pain. You will only tell me to stop. How easy it is to say this sentence. It couldn't be simpler." Ruan Xiaoli put away his smile and looked ironic.

Nangong Qin stepped forward: "No matter how stubborn you are, your end will be obvious."

"Isn't it just death? Do you think I'm afraid of death?" Ruan Xiaoli looked at him with foxy eyes.

Nangong Qin was frightened by the aura of a demon for the first time, and he understood in an instant that this demon was not afraid of death at all, and she was even prepared to die.

What the hell happened to her?She would kill innocent people indiscriminately like this and then feel ashamed.

Nangong Wu couldn't hold back anymore, she stepped forward and grabbed Ruan Xiaoli's arm: "Shaoyao, come with us, I won't kill you, you will be killed by those people sooner or later if you stay here."

The consequence of being caught as a goblin is to be burned to ashes in public.

"I won't go with you, I'm not happy with you, I'm not happy to be alive, today is a date."

After Ruan Xiaoli finished speaking, he suddenly threw a bunch of talisman papers from his sleeve.

Nangong Qin quickly pushed Nangong Wu away, and stabbed out with a demon-slaying sword.


The smell of blood is confusing.

The talisman fell to the ground, seeing the scene in front of them, Nangong Qin and Nangong Wu paused, shocked and panicked.

Ruan Xiaoli felt that she was being hugged, there was no pain, it was Zhao Jing who suddenly got up and hugged her.

Nangong Qin's hand holding the sword trembled, he was speechless and didn't know how to speak.

At this moment, Zhao Jing was pierced by the Demon Slaying Sword, and he couldn't survive.

A lot of blood overflowed from Zhao Jing's mouth, and he stared at Nangong Qin fiercely: "If you want to kill her, kill me first..."

Nangong Wu looked at the talisman paper on the ground. The notes drawn on this talisman paper looked familiar. It was written by her. These talisman papers were all given to Miss Shaoyao to protect herself.

Shao Yao just threw the talisman paper and didn't intend to hurt them, she was looking for death!

Nangong Qin wanted to draw out the Demon Slaying Saber, but Zhao Jing held it.

Zhao Jing's hands were covered with blood, and he continued: "If you want to kill her, kill me first."

Nangong Qin: "Master Zhao, let go quickly, if you continue like this, you will lose blood and die."

Zhao Jing knew that even if he died without losing blood, he would not live long. Unless there was a Da Luo god in the place where the knife was stabbed, he would definitely not be able to survive.

Zhao Jing was not reconciled, what would happen if Shao Yao died?
What would these people do to her?
"Nangong Wu, what are you going to do with her?" Zhao Jing held Ruan Xiaoli in his arms with one hand, and held the Demon Slayer Saber tightly with the other.

Nangong Wu: "I...we won't kill her."

"I don't believe it, you almost killed her just now!"

The demon-slaying knife, as the name suggests, is used to slay demons. Once stabbed by this knife, there is no need to heal.

Nangong Qin's knife was only stained with monster's blood, and this was the first time it was stained with human blood: "Zhao Jing, let go quickly, you will really die if you continue like this."

Zhao Jing simply ignored him.

Zhao Jing looked at Nangong Wu, and he pinned all his hopes on Nangong Wu: "How do you decide to deal with her?"

Ruan Xiaoli heard him asking others again and again what to do with him, and the demon's solution was of course to kill him.

"Let's bring her back to the Taoist temple!"

"Okay, that's what you said, you brought her back to the Taoist temple, you won't kill her!"

Nangong Wu was frightened by Zhao Jing's eyes.

Zhao Jing lost his strength, and his body gradually sank, Ruan Xiaoli panicked, and she quickly supported him.

"Zhao Jing? Zhao Jing?"

As soon as Zhao Jing changed his vicious demeanor just now, he looked at her with a smile: "Shao Yao, try to live a good life, don't think about those hatreds, live a stable life, and live."

This is the last sentence he said, and after this sentence he can't die.

Xiao Evil was shocked: "The hero is dying!"

Baili Baba...

Xiao Evil: "I'm out of breath."

The hero of the world died before the villain, and the villain's ending mission points were deducted greatly.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't cry, Mo Han quietly hugged Zhao Jing who was still warm.

And Nangong Qin's whole expression was stunned, he killed someone!He killed people with the demon-slaying sword!Although it was Zhao Jing who bumped into it, he was indeed the one who stabbed him with the Demon Slayer Knife in his hand.

"Master Zhao..."

Nangong Wu was also shocked, Zhao Jing died?he died?
Because he was still talking to himself just now, because he was still negotiating conditions with himself just now, he was trying his best to save Shaoyao, just now he spoke so imposingly, his eyes were so fierce, and now he is actually dead...

The broken house was quiet.

Still, the Monster Slayer Knife fell to the ground, and a heavy sound broke the silence.

Little Evil doesn't interfere anymore, it depends on how Ruan Xiaoli chooses the ending.

The hero of the world died before the villain, and 70.00% of the points in the finale of the villain's mission were deducted, leaving only the last point.

Ruan Xiaoli let go of all her demon power, and she turned into a red fox.

"Take me back to the Taoist temple."

(End of this chapter)

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