Chapter 969
Chapter 969
The little evil suddenly leaned over, the young master was lying on the sofa, his eyes were wide open looking at the face of the little evil who was close at hand.

The young master widened himself, and was stunned for a few seconds. He stretched out his hand and pushed the little evil away: "What are you doing so close?"

"How close is this? I haven't even touched you." Xiao Evil smiled and straightened up. It stretched out its hand and patted the young master's waist: "Lie down, I want to sit."

The sofa is so big that a young man can lie down completely.

The son was a little ticklish, so he quickly moved in a little bit.

"Dr. Lin Fan's office chair is also comfortable to sit on. Why do you insist on squeezing the sofa with me?"

"The office chair is too high and the sofa is soft."

Hearing that it was too high, the young master turned over with a smile and lay down on the sofa looking at Xiao E, who was sitting next to him: "Xiao E, have you upgraded yet? How old are you?"

Xiao Evil glanced at its smiling expression.

This guy is just curious.

Xiao Evil lowered his eyes and said calmly, "I'm an adult."

adult form.

The young master's eyes sparkled: "Wow, then you must have a lot of points. Also, you have been to the Three Thousand Worlds for so long and brought so many hosts, so you must have a lot of points."


"Little evil, let's grow up together, okay? I'm really curious about what you look like when you grow up. I've never seen what the model Baili designed at the beginning looked like."

The son sat up and said excitedly.

Does it want to see how it grows up?Looking at the excited and curious expression on its face, Xiao Ei suddenly felt that it was not enough, something was missing.

Forget it, little evil: "OK."

As soon as Zheng Taiyin's voice fell, the little boy sitting on the edge of the sofa turned into a teenager in the next second. He was wearing a suit, shirt and trousers. His curly hair made him handsome and soft. feel.

The young master was stunned, looking at it with his small mouth slightly open.

Xiao E folded his hands on his chest and looked back at the child sitting on the sofa: "My lord, what about you?"

It didn't hide and choke at all, the little evil changed its form in seconds.

The young master looked at the young man in front of him, he was still in a state of confusion, Xiao Ei's young man was very good-looking, and he could completely see the shadow of his childhood appearance, but there were some places that were different and very good-looking.

"Baili Baba's design is too good." The young master murmured.

It is true that their shapes were all designed by Baili Papa, but the little evil was a little upset, so it stretched out its hand and pulled the young master's chubby face: "Let me see if you grow bigger too."

"Okay, okay, wait a minute." The young master regained his senses, and then controlled his own program.

In the next second, the child sitting on the sofa turned into a 17-year-old boy. The son still looked like a grandma. His facial features had matured a lot. He was clean and thorough. He was wearing the white adult overalls of the space station.

Because Xiao Evil sat on the side of the sofa and blocked it, all the sons were lying on the inside of the sofa when they became bigger. It is very tall, it should be about 1.7 meters five, and if it is higher, the feet will come out of the sofa.

Xiao E's expression trembled for a moment, and in the next second there was that iconic wicked smirk on his face: "Young Master, you are shorter than me."

The little evil is 1.7 meters nine, and he is 1.8 meters tall with a pair of shoes. It visually measured the son's height, and he was five centimeters shorter than himself.

The son was not happy when he heard this: "I can continue to upgrade to adulthood with a little more points, and I will grow taller by then. It is impossible for Baili Baba to be biased. The five of us must all be the same in height. data."


It seems so.

The boy's voice is very nice, but he is born with a special intonation of punctuated sentences. When he heard it for the first time, he thought he was a child.

"Oh what, you seem to be disappointed? You just hope that others will be shorter than you, what kind of desire to win."

"A man's desire to win." Xiao Evil said with a curled lip.

The young master lay down laughing to death: "A man's desire to win, little evil, are you a man?"

"Is not it?"

"I don't think so. I don't know if it's because I'm used to seeing everyone when they were young. If I didn't see you like this now, I wouldn't dare to imagine what we look like when we grow up, and we are still pleasing to the eye when we are children." It is used to growing up, which is why it has clearly upgraded but still maintains the appearance of a child.

Little Evil discovered its intentions, and directly raised his hand to grab its wrist: "Don't get smaller."

He was suddenly grabbed by the wrist. To be honest, the young master seldom touches others, so the young master's smile stopped.

"You want to get smaller again, don't you? Don't get smaller. Do you know how old you are? You don't have to be ashamed to keep pretending to be a child."

The young master wanted to free his wrist, but was ashamed by the little evil, it blushed, and said stubbornly: "Of course I know how old I am, isn't it 15 billion years old, but it's really like this after being a child for a long time. Not used to it."

15 billion years old is not too big on the space station. You must know that 80.00% of the doctors on the space station are over 50 billion years old, and ordinary R&D staff are also about 30 billion years old, not to mention when the space station like Baili Baba appeared The age of the first batch of Ph.D., anyway, the young master feels that he is not old.

Xiao Evil: "Then you don't want to change back, so you get used to it and get used to it."

"Okay, then you are not allowed to change back." Young Master, you don't want me to be comfortable, and I don't want you to be comfortable either.

Xiao Evil smiled speechlessly.

"Can you let go of my hand, you hold me like this, I'm so tired with one hand on my stomach."

Xiao Evil saw that its face was almost stuck to the sofa, and let go: "It's useless."


The young master scolded the little evil a hundred times in his heart.

The young master got up and sat on the sofa obediently. It was about to turn on the light screen when Xiao Evil suddenly came over: "Move your light screen in front of me."


"I want to see the boring things in your light screen, and see what your entertainment is on the space station."

"It's nothing, there's nothing. There are a lot of research and development data of my master in it, so you can't just show it to me."

"Just encrypt the ones you can't read, and show me the rest."

The young master hesitated, and finally had an idea, it encrypted the data and the little pornographic books, all right, clean.

The young master said generously: "Look."

The light screen moved to the middle of the two people, and the two teenagers leaned together to watch.

The little evil glanced at the people next to him out of the corner of his eyes, and raised his hand casually to flip the young master's light screen a few times.

The boy froze.
Xiao Evil flicked the light screen slowly, and opened many pages to read: "It's very clean, have you changed your little hobby?"

"Yes, yes, I changed it a long time ago. I want to make a good system with good hobbies."

The corner of Xiao E's mouth curled up, and it stretched out its hand to swipe the light screen casually to play.

The son's expression was a little tense.

Finally, Xiao Evil put down his hand, and the young master heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't read it, I'll take it back." The young master couldn't wait to put away the light screen.

The little smirk.

The young master's ears turned red: "What are you laughing at?"

"Young Master, did Baili Papa teach you one thing? The light screen can't be played by others casually."

Because the light screen is part of their body.

(End of this chapter)

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