Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 972 My Lifetime Favorite

Chapter 972 My Lifetime Favorite

Chapter 972 My Lifetime Favorite

Seeing Xiao E standing on the side, Ruan Xiaoli pulled it over with bad intentions, and said to a pile of colorful stones: "Xiao E, does it look familiar?"


Little Evil was speechless, it looked up at its lovely Zheng Taiyin and said, "I've tried my best to pretend that I didn't hear you, why do you still want to hurt me?"

"How can this be said to be harmful? It's very beautiful and amazing."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, the colors are really pretty.

Little Evil glanced at Baili Yan Chen who was standing beside him, and whispered, "Xiao Li, you were like this at the beginning."

However, Ruan Xiaoli managed to have a soul, and then squeezed out a real body, becoming a human being, leaving this colorful body.

Ruan Xiaoli's expression froze, well, it's time to laugh at yourself when you laugh at others.

"Did you meet your friend yesterday?"

"Well, I went to find it when I was bored."

Speaking of Young Master Xiao Ei, there was a subtle change in his expression.

"Does that friend of yours look like the system we saw last time called Er Er? I mean, is it a child too?"

Ruan Xiaoli feels that the systems in the space station are all children. Today, I saw many systems in the corridor without artificial leather, and the figure is also the proportion of a child.

Xiao Evil: "My son was a child at first, but he has been upgraded with points, and now he is in the state of a teenager."

"Then your friend is very good, and you should have earned a lot of points."

"Its points are all earned by working in the space station, and every point of our points is earned in Three Thousand Worlds."

"Does that make a difference? Does the points make a difference?"

"it's the same……"

Ruan Xiaoli and Xiao E were chatting, while Baili Yan Chen stood quietly behind them.

"I'm curious about what that friend of yours looks like, little evil. See if your friend is busy. If not, bring him over and let's have lunch together at noon."

"Okay." Xiao Evil readily agreed, and left with short legs.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the quiet Baili Yan Chen: "Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

"Watch you two chatting."

Ruan Xiaoli walked up to him and said: "To be honest, I have known Xiao E for so long, and now I don't really believe that it was developed, it is a system, and I also feel that I am actually a system that turns into a person." It's unbelievable."

"Stay in the space station for a long time and you will find that this thing is indeed true." Baili Yan Chen understands her mentality, because everything in the space station is really supernatural.

Baili Yanzhen: "The little evil was developed by me and my friends, but from the day it came out of the warehouse, it has been a life, except that the body material is different from ours, everything else is the same as us."

"Well, in fact, I don't deliberately think about what Xiao E is a system, I think that Xiao E is an independent person... Baili Yan Chen, what did you think of me at the beginning, what do you think of me now? "Ruan Xiaoli asked this question carefully with a smile in his eyes.

She could see that the way he looked at her was full of tenderness and possessiveness.

She is his because he gave her life, but she is an independent person.

"At the beginning, I was just curious about whether the system could become a human being. I regarded you as a research and development product, but now I regard you as my lover, the love of my life."

This answer is quite satisfactory.

Baili Yan Chen stretched out his hand to pull her over, and pulled her into his arms. His thin lips rubbed against the tip of Ruan Xiaoli's ear: "Xiaoli, are you afraid that I will control your future?"

She did not answer.

The corner of Baili Yan Chen's mouth curled up, and he opened his mouth to gently bite the tip of her ear.

Ruan Xiaoli felt slight pain, the most terrible thing was his hot breath, she shrank into his arms.

"My little li."

In the ear is his voice.


"I will plan the future for you, but it is just a plan for your own reference. I will not force you to choose the plan I made. Your future is always in your hands. I never thought of controlling you. , What do you want from me, do you know?"

"I know, now I know for sure, Baili Yan Chen, thank you."

This sentence of thanks is not only because he can't control her, but also thanks to him for giving himself life and creating her. Without Baili Yanzhen, she would not be able to appear in this world, and there is also Baili Yanzhen I have paid a lot for her, hundreds of millions of years, and finally devoted myself to accompany her to the three thousand worlds.


He bites her again.

Baili Yanzhen put her ear tip in his mouth: "Do we need to say thank you for our relationship?"

He didn't want to hear her say thank you, it made him feel bad.

Ruan Xiaoli put his arms around his neck, and his tone gradually turned ambiguous, provocative, saying, "You have to accept the sentence just now, because this is the last time I say thank you to you in this life."

"Then I accept."

She changed her tone slightly and leaned into his arms, Baili Yan Chen felt distracted by being teased.

The current situation is different from that in the Three Thousand Worlds, they are all sticking to each other with their real bodies.

"Xiao Li, don't tease me."

"Can't you?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, but not now, I haven't proposed to you yet."

He wanted to prepare a grand wedding for her, Baili Yan Chen had been thinking since he came back, so he had to hold back.

Ruan Xiaoli loosened his grip on his neck and withdrew from his embrace.

After looking at it like this, I found that Ruan Xiaoli didn't even blush, but Baili Yan Chen was breathing disorderly due to her teasing.

Obviously, she did it on purpose just now, just for fun.

"My Xiaoli is really naughty."

Ruan Xiaoli walked around to the other side of the console, and said, "The plan you made for me is to let me stay in the space station for assessment and become a staff member here?"

Baili Yan Chen adjusted his breathing and chatted with her to distract him.

"In the past two days, you have a general understanding of the space station. Do you like it here? Do you want to stay here and work?"

"To be honest, this place is really good. It's an ideal world. I like it very much, but... I haven't decided whether to stay and work here."

Ruan Xiaoli really hasn't decided whether to stay in the space station to work, the space station is very good, but staying is another matter.

But the space station is so developed, no matter what Ruan Xiaoli thinks, she and Baili Yan Chen will not be separated.

Baili Yanzhen: "I won't force you to make a decision, Xiaoli, just tell me when you think it through."


Ruan Xiaoli supported the table with his hands, glanced at the open door, and asked, "Baili Yan Chen, after you hate it..."

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Xiaoli saw two teenagers approaching the door, they were Xiao Evil and a strange white and tender boy.

Xiao Evil walked in and introduced: "Xiao Li, this is my friend, his name is Young Master."

(End of this chapter)

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