Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 981 Little evil, you can stay if you want

Chapter 981 Little evil, you can stay if you want
Chapter 981 Little evil, you can stay if you want
"I always thought that five of them were developed by you, because they are all very close to you."

"I took over the follow-up, and Qing Jin and I took over the research and development of the chip. But at that time, something happened to Dr. Zhong, and Qing Jin didn't have the mind and energy to continue research and development, so I took over later, and they started from the warehouse. The one who opened his eyes and saw me was me, and it was inevitable that he would get closer to me." Baili Yanzhen recalled the time when he was training to detect five of them when he was a child, it was quite fun.

But at that time he would always think that although they did not become human beings, they possessed complete emotions and knew joy, anger, sorrow and joy, but Xiaoli, who was locked in the space villa by him, successfully became a human being, but he was an imperfect human being. people.

At that time, Baili Yan Chen was always annoyed by his failure, and tried every means to improve Ruan Xiaoli.

"Yan Chen?"

Ruan Xiaoli found that he was actually distracted.

Baili Yan Chen came back to his senses, and he continued to wipe her hair slowly: "Are you asking this to let Xiao Evil stay?"

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak.

She also couldn't tell clearly, in fact, it wasn't her decision whether Xiao Evil stayed or not, it was Xiao Evil's own decision.

"I just want to ask clearly, if the little evil wants to stay, can it stay?"

Ruan Xiaoli didn't come to lead Xiao E to keep this matter, she came to help ask Xiao E if he wanted to, can he stay?

After getting the answer, she can tell Xiao Evil and let Xiao Evil make his own decision.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Little Evil has been worrying a lot lately. It must be because of this incident. I guess it is feeling awkward. When I met it, I was very lonely, and it was also very lonely. It is not easy to have a friend like me. But now it feels that I will be separated from it, and it is sad."

Baili Yan Chen was helpless: "Little Evil has a delicate mind since he was a child, and he has always used his vicious side to cover up his emotions."


"Of course Xiaoxie can stay if he wants to stay, and the space station does not lack a system for it to do tasks. There are so many staff members and so many doctors who develop systems in the space station. It's not for nothing."

Although there are many scrapped systems every day, from the recycling of the Three Thousand Worlds to the scrapping of the space station.

Every hour of every day, there are systems that are constantly worn out in the mission, but every hour of every day, new inspection-qualified systems are thrown into the three thousand worlds.

The people on the space station are not idlers. Every staff member and doctor is working hard to maintain the balance of the three thousand worlds.

The five major systems are indeed superior to other systems, will not wear out, and have a higher success rate in completing tasks than other systems. One system can support many systems, so it is not impossible to operate without one.

The most indispensable thing for the space station is the system.

"Although Xiao Evil was developed with the materials of the space station and is a public material, the right to use it is decided by me and Qing Jin. Whether it is decided to be released in the three thousand worlds, or whether it is decided to stay in the space station to work, it is me and Qingjin. Qing Jin decides."

Ruan Xiaoli noticed his statement, public information.

The doctor of research and development only determines the right to use the system, and decides whether the system will be used by any post. Since the materials developed by the system are from the space station, all this system must work.

"Why don't I have to work?"

Although Ruan Xiaoli has become a human being, he was actually a system before.

"I didn't need to work because I was not perfect, and it was considered an unqualified 'system'. Now that I am perfect, do I need to do things for the space station?"

Baili Yan Chen smiled, her little head turned really fast, he just said a few words, and she immediately understood some rules.

"You don't have to do things for the space station. I bought the materials for developing you at the beginning, and I bought the materials from the space station, so you are mine from top to bottom from beginning to end."

The material is his, the research and development is also his research and development, and she is his.

"I finally understand why you like to say that I am yours. I thought it was just your possessiveness, but I didn't expect you to be telling the truth."

Her hair was already dry, and Baili Yan Chen combed it with her fingers: "Let's find a chance to chat with Xiao Evil, it's very awkward, I'm afraid it's going to be caught in a dead end."

"I wanted to talk to it today, but it seemed to have gotten into a dead end and made a decision. It didn't talk to me at all, and I don't know what it thinks now."

Is Xiao Evil's awkwardness because he wants to stay, or is it something else?

Whether it wanted to stay or something else, Xiao Evil felt that he didn't want to be separated from her.

"Xiao Li, you haven't said yet, are you willing to stay in the space station?"

Ruan Xiaoli is just taking the doctoral exam, and if she passes the exam, it doesn't prove that she will stay.

Ruan Xiaoli looked back at him: "Yan Chen, will you be angry if I don't stay in the space station?"

"Don't be angry, I will follow you wherever you go."

The communication between the space station and the Three Thousand Worlds is very developed. He can go to her after a day's work, and he can go back and forth between the space station and the Three Thousand Worlds. If he stays for a short time, he can bring his memory with him, which is very convenient.

Unlike before, he had to stay in the Three Thousand Worlds for a long time and had to enter a body, which would cause him to lose his memory, which was inconvenient at all.

Baili Yan Chen has already figured out the way out, it is best for her to stay, it is okay not to stay, anyway, nothing can separate them.

"Let's finish the wedding first. After I pass the doctoral examination, I will be a doctor for a few days to see if I can adapt to the work here."

"Well, no hurry."

At night, the little evil came back.

There is a special room in Baili Yan Chen's house where the little evil lives.

They all went back to the space station, if Xiao Evil still lived in his own space every day, he would look a little pitiful.

That time knowing that Xiao Evil didn't like to sleep in the small warehouse of the system like other systems, Baili Yan Chen packed up a room for Xiao Evil the next day.

"Xiao Evil, have you had dinner? Let me make you some supper."

Ruan Xiaoli came out from the study, she was wearing conservative pajamas and a coat.

Xiao Evil sat down on the sofa: "No need, I'm not hungry."

The system won't be hungry, and it's fine if you don't eat.

"I'm hungry, I want to cook some supper, it's no fun to eat alone, little evil, you can eat with me."

"You ask Dr. Baili to accompany you."

"Yan Chen is having a meeting in the bedroom. They have an emergency meeting between their A-level doctors." Ruan Xiaoli went straight to the kitchen: "Little Evil, help me wash the dishes."

"No, I was your assistant in the lab, now I'm just... your friend."

"It's a friend who should help wash the vegetables."

Xiao Evil pouted: "Ruan Xiaoli, sometimes I really think you are so lazy."

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to cook noodles with green vegetables, and Xiao Eil helped wash the vegetables while she was cooking noodles.

"Little Evil, Yan Chen said you can stay if you want."

The sound of cooking noodles was gurgling, but her voice was very clear.

Xiao Evil raised his eyes: "Xiao Li, do you want to stay?"

After asking this sentence, it regretted it, Xiaoli must have stayed.

"I'm not sure yet, let's try the life of the space station first, and leave if you don't get used to it."

Xiao Evil turned on the faucet to wash his hands, but he didn't answer the call.

Xiaoli will definitely be able to get used to the life of the space station, this place is very good, it is an ideal world, who can not like this place, and there are people Xiaoli likes here.

Xiao Evil was not too happy knowing that he had the right to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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