Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 988 Choose to stay and work in the space station?

Chapter 988 Choose to stay and work in the space station?

Chapter 988 Choose to stay and work in the space station?

"You really broke the light bulb?"

Although there was this guess, Ruan Xiaoli was still surprised when he learned the truth.

Ruan Xiaoli regards Xiao E as his best friend, and sometimes he is also a younger brother and son. I believe Zhong Xiaoshu is also like this. Xiaoshu puts a pig in his cabbage house with his own hands, and he is not afraid of being bullied.

After returning to the space station, Baili Yan Chen turned off the function that Xiao E could hear the voice of the host. Now Ruan Xiaoli thought that if Xiao E heard it, he would explode and leave three thousand worlds in minutes.

Zhong Xiaoshu coughed and said, "I really believe that Xiao Evil is a human being."

Little Evil wouldn't be able to attack Young Master in her home.

"I also believe it, but I have doubts about this kind of thing." At least Ruan Xiaoli seriously suspected that Xiao Evil had molested the young master.

The two hosts and the two old mothers began to chat about their respective systems.

It was only then that Ruan Xiaoli found out that the young master had mentioned the little evil countless times in front of Xiaoshu, and when he mentioned the little evil, the young master's mood fluctuated obviously, he obviously liked it but didn't know it.

It was only then that Zhong Xiaoshu realized that Xiao E had liked the young master a long time ago, and he knew it, but he just didn't know how to chase him.



Both of them sighed at the unsatisfactory system.

"There is no way for us to pierce that piece of paper instead of them. The most we can do is create space for them to get along with each other."

Ruan Xiaoli nodded: "Yes, but Xiao E is very good, I will teach it more, so it will always be angry with your son."

"Don't look at the young master with a simple grandma's face. In fact, he knows everything. I think I can also remind him. He can think wrong in an instant, and maybe he will be enlightened by himself."

The young master knows everything, but thinks wrong in an instant?

These descriptions made Ruan Xiaoli feel that something was wrong.

Zhong Xiaoshu saw that she looked puzzled but didn't explain. If he wanted to save some face for the young master, how could he tell Ma Ma that he had a hobby of reading pornographic books since he was a child.

"Xiao Li, how is the development of the system for your doctoral assessment, and where is it?"

Everyone knows that Ruan Xiaoli completed the literature examination for the doctoral examination before getting married, and now he has applied for the research and development system of the laboratory.

"The chip has been successful, and now it is the body of the system."

The chip is the core of the system, but the body of the system is also the top priority. Various subtle board links transmit information, and the dissolution and splicing of rare materials.

Zhong Xiaoshu looked a little more serious: "Xiaoli, it is very dangerous to make a system body, you must be careful."

A bad splice can make a bomb.

Ruan Xiaoli understood her reminder.

Ruan Xiaoli has never heard of Zhong Xiaoshu since she was a child. Zhong Xiaoshu had an accident in the development of a doctoral assessment system. She entered the hall where the assessment system was placed alone and transferred the explosion system, but she sacrificed herself. , the soul-bound young master entered the three thousand worlds under the guidance of the young master to reincarnate and repair.

And Fu Qingjin, who loves Zhong Xiaoshu deeply, also went to the Three Thousand Worlds.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help sighing when he heard this. A person who chooses to give up everything just to pursue and accompany the one he loves, and doesn't want to be separated for a moment, this kind of feeling is too shocking.

In fact, when you think about it, the story of Zhong Xiaoshu and Fu Qingjin is very similar to that of her and Baili Yanzhen.

One restores the soul, the lover follows.

A perfect seven emotions and six desires, lovers follow.

Friends will never be without topics to talk about. In the living room, Lingling is working, and Lin Fan, Baili Fuqingjin, the three of them are chatting, and gradually they talk about work matters.

When it was past four o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Qingjin proposed to go back, but Baili Yan Chen dragged him to stay.

"Let's stay and have dinner before going back. I'll cook, and you, Qing Jin, can help."

Ruan Xiaoli smiled unconsciously when he heard their conversation.

This is probably the feeling of home.

No matter what, I was a little reluctant to leave.

But fortunately, the transportation is convenient, and it will only take a few minutes for her to come back.

"Where are Xiao Evil and Young Master?" Zhong Xiaoshu noticed that the two systems were missing.

Ruan Xiaoli took a look, really, where are these two people?
With a wave of Zhong Xiaoshu's hand, a communication light screen appeared immediately, and she contacted the young master.

It took about half a minute to get connected.

Usually it is connected within three seconds, there are circumstances.

"My lord, have you gone out with little evil?" Zhong Xiaoshu asked.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned over to listen together.

Over there is the young master's stuttering and panting voice: "Yeah, yes, let's go out for a walk."

"It's so quiet over there, where did you go for a walk? Is little evil by your side?" Ruan Xiaoli asked.

Hearing Ruan Xiaoli's voice, the young master felt guilty for a moment.

Xiao Evil's voice came with a smile: "Let's walk around the community casually, and we'll be back in a while."

Ruan Xiaoli was familiar with Xiao E, and immediately recognized that Xiao E's voice was full of complacency, obviously Xiao E was in a very good mood.

The young master pushed Xiao Evil away, and said to the light screen: "Xiao Shu, are we going home? I'll be right back now!"

Zhong Xiaoshu heard something was wrong with the young master's voice, and said with a smirk, "Young master, you don't need to come back in a hurry, we have to stay for dinner and then go back, just remember to come back for dinner after an hour, you have fun, bye. "

After hanging up, Zhong Xiaoshu's light screen was retracted.

Ruan Xiaoli and Zhong Xiaoshu looked at each other.


"Hahahahaha" Zhong Xiaoshu laughed out of nowhere.

No, they seem to know some terrible secret.

I vaguely remember that the son came back after the conversation that day, blushing, and seemed to be angry, and Xiao E followed him into the door, Xiao E was smiling triumphantly.

Zhong Xiaoshu asked the young master what was wrong, and the young master hid on the balcony to read the yellow book.

Xiao Evil was so attentive to help out in the kitchen.

After marriage, Ruan Xiaoli and Baili Yan Chen didn't go on honeymoon, Ruan Xiaoli wanted to take the doctoral examination completely and then relax.

Originally, Baili Yan Wei taught Ruan Xiaoli a lot of knowledge, but she just forgot. When she returned to the space station, she didn’t know if there was some magnetic field. effect.

In two months, Ruan Xiaoli's system was successfully developed, and the system was sent to the hall to be tested by an ab-level doctor.

Baili Yanzhen personally tested Ruan Xiaoli's system, and finally gave a qualified evaluation.

Ruan Xiaoli was successfully admitted to a C-level Ph.D. If she participated in the work of the space station, then she would be a C-level Ph.D.

After passing the test in such a short time, Ruan Xiaoli broke the historical record of the space station's test.

That night, Baili invited friends over for dinner at home to celebrate Ruan Xiaoli's success in the assessment.

When the friends left, there were only three people left in the family: Baili Yanzhen, Ruan Xiaoli and Xiao E.

Xiao Ei was in his room, and the two of them were drinking tea on the balcony.

"Xiao Li, do you choose to stay and work in the space station?"

(End of this chapter)

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