Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 990 Catch the Little Evil

Chapter 990 Catch the Little Evil
Chapter 990 Catch the Little Evil
Baili Yanzhen and Ruan Xiaoli locked on a certain world among the three thousand worlds, and then entered.

Little Evil is in this world right now.

The streets and alleys were full of traffic, and Baili Yan Chen and Ruan Xiaoli stood by the side of the street.

Baili Yanzhen looked at the positioning of the light screen: "Little evil, just move in the alley near here."

This is a bustling commercial street. Ruan Xiaoli sees tall buildings and passing cars. It is a modern world.

"Moving around, looking for a host?" Ruan Xiaoli snorted coldly.

Baili Yan Chen knew that Ruan Xiaoli was really angry this time and also really anxious.

For Xiao Evil, she is very important.

For Ruan Xiaoli, Little Evil is also very important in her heart.

They were all about to tell Xiao Evil the good news, but this guy terminated the contract without saying hello, and then ran away.

The oil on the soles of the feet runs really fast.

Baili Yan Chen held Ruan Xiaoli's hand, and he grabbed her hand slightly to comfort her: "It's okay, we can find it, let's go."



Outside is a bustling commercial street, and there are many large and small alleys here, some alleys are busy with good business, and some alleys are empty and there are no people.

Seven or eight-year-old children in small suits were walking in the alley.

Little Evil is in a very bad mood at the moment, its eyes are red and it walks aimlessly with its head lowered.

The moment it left the space station, it couldn't hold back its emotions anymore.

Little Evil randomly chose a world to settle down in, and it didn't want to stay alone in its own system space.

After the contract is lifted, its system space is also less.

Xiao Evil knows that now is not the time to be sad. As an excellent system, the most important thing it should do now is to quickly find a new host and start a new mission.

"Don't be sad, don't be sad, I'll apologize next time I go back, Xiao Li is so good, it's impossible for me to ignore myself."

Xiao Evil talked to himself for psychological hints.

He clearly knew that Ruan Xiaoli had a good relationship with him, so it was impossible for him to break up the relationship just because he terminated the contract privately.

But Xiao Ei suddenly felt a panic, what if Xiao Li ignores it when he goes back to the space station next time?
What should Xiao Li do if he is angry?
Xiaoli is now a doctor. She will develop many systems in the future, all developed by herself. Those systems must have a good relationship with her. She does not lack a system friend...



The child lowered his head and tears fell down patter.

Xiao Ei felt that the most disappointing and ugliest thing about him was now, and it was even uglier than when he cried in the space station last time.

Still hiding behind an alley in an unknown world and crying.


It's not like it anymore.

A voice told Xiao Evil, go back to the space station now, there is still time to apologize.

Such a disagreement terminated the contract and came to the Three Thousand Worlds. According to Xiaoli's temper, she would really be angry.

It's still too late to go back and apologize in time.

go back?
Xiao Evil wiped away his tears and looked at the sky in confusion, but it had already run out.

Little Evil remembered what he had overheard in the room, but in fact it hadn't overheard anything, so it just listened to the beginning.

I heard Ruan Xiaoli say that the space station is beautiful, the starry sky is beautiful, it is an ideal world, and the space station is very good.

Xiao Evil didn't dare to keep leaning against the door to listen, because he was afraid of hearing Xiao Li say that he wanted to stay in the space station.

This is Xiao Li's freedom, she can choose whatever she wants, but Xiao Ei doesn't want to hear that sentence, because that sentence is like a death sentence.

Xiao Ei also didn't want to be informed by Ruan Xiaoli face to face, and he didn't want the two of them to terminate the contract face to face.

At the beginning, the contract was signed face-to-face, and then it was canceled face-to-face. Xiao Xi couldn't bear the scene thinking about it.

If it couldn't help but shed tears when the contract was terminated, its image would be completely ruined!

Who is it, the first of the five systems of the space station, the chip is powerful and never wears out, it is stronger than any system, and it can drive a series of balance values ​​in the three thousand worlds by itself.

Thinking of this, the little boy wiped away his tears with his sleeve like a villain.

Xiao Evil curled his lips: "It's not a son, what does it look like when you cry, Xiao Evil, you should choose a new host, and go back to the space station to apologize when you are free."

I have already chosen to escape, so let's move forward.

The fate of the host system between it and Ruan Xiaoli may only be these years, and now it has expired.

Xiao Evil does not regret signing her.

The dozen or so worlds that came here are the happiest worlds I have experienced with the host to do missions since it was released into the [-] worlds.

Xiao Evil opened the search to see if there were any powerful souls nearby.

Xiao Evil prefers to sign contracts with hosts in the modern world, because people in modern society are more open-minded. Due to the influence of a series of science fiction films and online novels, people in modern society can quickly accept such things as binding themselves to the system. Xiao Evil explained It's also not that strenuous.

Xiao Evil once also signed a contract with the ancients, good guy, it was really hard to explain the signing rules and tasks!It was just short of speaking to the host in classical Chinese.

"This soul is not bad, she is dying."

Xiao Evil saw a pretty good soul, a young girl, who was standing on a shelf carrying things, but fell down, suffered severe head injuries, and was now dying.

Look at the red dot of this soul, and the valuation on the side.

Xiao Evil thought of Ruan Xiaoli's previous valuation of his soul.

This girl's soul is far worse than Ruan Xiaoli's...

But there is no way, a soul like Ruan Xiaoli is not easy to find, Ruan Xiaoli himself is not ordinary.

Xiao E set off towards the red dot, and occasionally passers-by would not see Xiao E.

Xiao Ei turned on stealth mode because he was in a bad mood.

The seven or eight-year-old child walked slowly in the alley with a sullen face, turning around and turning around. After walking for about ten minutes, he finally came to a not-so-clean warehouse.

Standing at the door of the warehouse, you can see a woman lying on the ground inside. She is moving a little on the ground, and the back of her head is bleeding out, and there is already a large pool of blood beside her.

Xiao Evil walked over with indifferent eyes.

The woman on the ground vaguely saw a child, and she seemed to see the hope of life: "Save...help..."

"You're going to die."

Xiao Evil said in an indifferent voice.

The woman's consciousness began to blur: "Help me..."

"Even if you have a doctor by your side right now, you can't save you. Your life has expired. If you still want to have an afterlife, you can sign a contract with me, and I can let you..."

Xiao Evil was reciting his lines indifferently, but it suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking.

The little evil stared forward with wide eyes, and panic flashed across its expression.

The little evil's inner reaction was to run, but it found that it couldn't move.

Baili Yan Chen and Ruan Xiaoli were standing not far in front of it.

Baili Yanzhen directly turned on the time still mode, temporarily freezing the time in this world.

The woman on the ground was motionless.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't see any emotion on her face, she walked up to Xiao Ei.

"Little Li, I..."

The little evil was a little afraid of her cold eyes, it wanted to explain, but it didn't know what to say.

One tall and one short stood opposite each other.

Ruan Xiaoli said, "Little Evil, who allowed you to terminate the contract without permission."


"Aren't you brave when you terminate the contract? Then why are you running?"

(End of this chapter)

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