Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 992 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 1

Chapter 992 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 1
Chapter 992 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 1

To say that the space station is worthy of the name of the system, it is undoubtedly the five major systems.

There are hundreds of millions of systems manufactured on the space station, most of which are numbered systems, and many of them are mass-produced. Only the systems examined by doctors will have other special names, or the systems for special research will have names.

And the five major systems are special research products.

The only difference between the five major systems and other systems is the chips. Chips have first-class anti-pressure and wear resistance, and there is no scrapping result. Moreover, as long as they earn enough points and experience enough, they will one day give birth to souls and become a human being.

The emergence of the five major systems was originally a special research project launched to study the system's adult plan.

This project failed, and that didn't all fail.

The five of them didn't become humans immediately, but they had a chance to become humans, and this alone was very special.

The five systems jointly developed by two A-level doctors, Fu Qingjin and Baili Yanzhen.

It is a pity that Dr. Fu Qingjin withdrew from the follow-up assembly and testing work due to his own personal reasons.

A series of follow-up work was completed by Baili Yanzhen.

Baili Yanzhen turned five chips into five little dolls.

The five little dolls are called Xiao Ei, Er Er, Xiao San, Se Se, and Gong Zi respectively.

These five systems make the doctors of the space station love and hate.

Ph.Ds love these five advanced systems, and know that their birth will bring about a breakthrough in the balance data of the three thousand worlds, they are very powerful.


Can you quickly send them to the Three Thousand Worlds! !
The new systems in the corridors are almost being rattled by them.

The corridors of the space station have never been monitored, because no one expected that someone would cause damage in the corridors of the work building.

Until batch after batch of systems fell to the ground with smoke, all kinds of monitoring were installed in the corridor, 360-degree monitoring with no dead ends.

Every day, doctors would enter and exit Baili Yan Chen's office with surveillance video.

Immediately afterwards, there will be a gentle admonishing voice in the office.

Then the five baby dolls lined up to leave the office neatly and stood in the corridor for punishment.

Oh, no, there was a period of time when the four systems were standing and the system was sitting upright all the time.

Since the son was the last one to assemble, his legs were weak in the early stage and he couldn't stand up.

Xiao Evil and Young Master have been difficult to deal with since they were young.

What are the specific aspects?
such as.

Xiao Evil put on the artificial human skin and became a cute little lady, but the son's skin has not been finished yet, so it can only sit naked on the table and cannot walk around.

Xiao Evil deliberately walked to the side of the table, looked at the skinless young master and said, "It's so ugly."

Son: "It's the same when you take off your skin. My imitation skin will be ready soon."

"But you are so ugly now, colorful black."

Xiao Ei forced the young master to cry in anger.

The son-in-law complained to Baili Yan Chen...

The childhood of laughter, quarrels and bickering passed quickly.

The five systems finally embarked on the fate that every system would have, and they were released into the three thousand worlds one by one.

Although they had already expected such a result, they never expected that the three thousand worlds are so big, and the separation would take more than hundreds of millions of years.

In the vast three-day world, they are all ready to never see each other again.

But occasionally I also look forward to, will I be able to meet my friends when I turn around in the next world?
The five of them often regretted it. Why didn't they learn to establish a communication line, or make an appointment to go back to the space station to meet at a time?

It's just that they were too immature at the time, they only remembered the responsibilities of the system, and didn't dare to have selfishness.

But fate seems to favor them.

15 billion years later, Xiao Evil and Young Master met at the space station.

This time they will not be separated.


Ruan Xiaoli and Baili Yanzhen got married, and the entire space station was filled with festive atmosphere.

After the lively wedding, Ruan Xiaoli and Baili Yan Chen returned home in a wedding car.

And Xiao Ei won't go home today, and the two are getting married, so it's better not to be a light bulb at home.

Sitting on a chair, Xiao Evil was a little confused.

"Little evil."

A soft boy's voice came, it was Young Master calling it.

The young master has changed back to his youthful form, and he has taken off the little flower girl suit he was wearing just now, and now he is wearing a simple shirt casually.

"Little Evil, go and change your clothes too."

Xiao Evil still maintains the appearance of a flower girl, looking at the young master, it smiled: "I thought you would be a child all day long."

"I've been in the form of a teenager with you these days. I think it's good to be a teenager. I shouldn't be a child every day when I'm so old." The young master said shyly.

After being an adult for a few days, the son has realized that he is no longer a baby.

The young master thinks that he is 15 billion years old, speaks softly every day, and has a small fat face dangling around the space station every day, which feels quite embarrassing.

Cough cough, it is going to be an adult!
Xiao Ei's originally confused heart now looked at the young master and felt a lot more stable.

"Xiao Evil, go and change your clothes, Xiao Shu said that you will come to our house tonight."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't forget about Xiao E, she asked Zhong Xiaoshu to watch Xiao E.

Xiao Evil nodded and went to change clothes.

Xiao Ei followed the young master to find Fu Qingjin and Zhong Xiaoshu.

The four of them went back in a car.

Fu Qingjin and Zhong Xiaoshu sat in the cockpit and co-pilot, while Xiao E and Young Master sat in the back.

The speed of the car is very fast, and the scenery outside the window is almost invisible, but the young master likes to watch the things that pass by outside.

Xiao Evil curled his lips: "There is nothing to see outside, aren't you tired after a busy day?"

"Not tired, aren't we not tired? Little Evil, are you tired? Is there something wrong with you?"


"Pfft." Zhong Xiaoshu laughed when he heard their conversation.

The young master looked at Zhong Xiaoshu curiously: "Xiaoshu, what are you laughing at?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, I just remembered a joke, little evil, you can share a room with the young master tonight, the house is a bit messy and the guest room has not been cleaned up." Zhong Xiaoshu turned around and said.

Fu Qingjin glanced at Zhong Xiaoshu strangely, their house is not chaotic, the guest room is very tidy.

Although Fu Qingjin did not participate in the follow-up research and development of the five major systems, Fu Qingjin participated in the chip research and development. In fact, Fu Qingjin can be regarded as half of them.

Fu Qingjin didn't dismantle his wife.

But the young master said, "Xiao Shu, did you remember wrongly? The guest room is very clean. I even tidied it up last night."

Zhong Xiaoshu: "..."

There is a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xiao E feels that Dr. Zhong is a little weird.

Xiao Evil originally wanted to agree to share a room with the young master, but the young master suddenly broke the stage.

Slightly upset in the little nausea: "Dr. Zhong, I'll just stay in the guest room."

(End of this chapter)

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