Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 996 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 5

Chapter 996 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 5
Chapter 996 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 5

Young master was sealed by the little evil, it was shocked.

The little evil kissed chaotically, holding the young master tightly with his hands to prevent him from running away.

After kissing each other, Xiao Ei felt that his meaning was already obvious.

The young master was completely surprised, and now it has realized what Xiao Ei meant. No wonder Xiao E was so aggressive just now that he forbade him to say things he didn't like.

Shock, anything but shock is joy, and then embarrassment.
Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, but the young master did not expect such a development!
The young master felt Xiao E's warm lips, and the unreasonable intrusion, the young master panicked, and his mind went blank.

At this moment, the young master felt that someone contacted him.

It must be Xiaoshu, Xiaoshu looked for it without saying hello when he came out.

The young master tried his best to push Xiao Evil away: "Don't let go"

The little evil was pushed away, but it didn't let go of the holding hand, and the little evil looked at it suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

The young master panicked: "What, what should I do, Xiaoshu called me."

Seeing it in such a hurry, Xiao Evil was amused: "You pick it up, Dr. Zhong is not a poisonous snake or beast, what are you afraid of?"

"But we." Now it still has the lingering warmth of little evil on its mouth.

"Don't be so nervous, hurry up and pick it up, let's talk about our affairs after we finish it." Xiao Nao relaxed a little bit of his strength in a good mood, and hugged the young master.

In the past, when Zhong Xiaoshu contacted the young master, the young master always answered in seconds, but today this time there was a delay.

As soon as it was connected, I heard Zhong Xiaoshu's voice: "Master, have you gone out with Xiao Evil?"

The young master stammered nervously and panted a little: "Yeah, yes, let's go for a walk."

Suddenly Ruan Xiaoli's voice came from over there: "It's so quiet over there, where did you go for a walk? Is Xiao Evil by your side?"

When I asked Xiao E, the young master felt very guilty, because now the two of them are still hugging each other.

Xiao Evil saw that the young master was afraid to speak, so he answered the conversation with a smile: "Let's walk around the community casually, and we'll be back in a while."

Talking so close, it still laughs so happily, are they afraid that they don't know what happened to them?The young master took the opportunity to push Xiao Evil away, stood a little further away and said, "Xiao Shu, are we going home? I'll be right back now!"

"My lord, you don't need to come back in a hurry. We have to stay for dinner before going back. Just remember to come back for dinner in an hour. You guys have fun, bye."

"Hey!" The young master wanted to speak, but he hung up there.

The young master's face collapsed immediately.

Xiao Ei folded his arms and looked at it with a smile on his face: "One hour is enough time."

The son was frightened.

"What are you going to do?" It covered its mouth: "You are not allowed to kiss me!"

Xiao Evil frowned: "Why are you not allowed to kiss me? You didn't resist just now, you also like me."

The young master covered his mouth and looked at Xiao Ei, Xiao Ei's ears were all red. In fact, he has already fallen into the wind today, and the young master does not allow himself to continue to fall into the wind.

"You used it, so you admit that you like me? Little Evil, you asked me to come out just to imagine my confession, so don't try to quibble!" The young master's eyes flashed with pride.

The little evil is embarrassing, but it has come to this point, and it has no place to quibble after kissing it just now.

Gritting his teeth: "Yes, I like you!"

Lang Lang's youthful voice was particularly clear and loud in the silent woods.

The young master quickly covered its mouth with his hand: "Hush your voice!"

Caught off guard that his mouth was covered, Xiao Evil looked at the young master's hand, and his eyes signaled that you also covered your mouth with this hand just now.

Young Master suddenly felt that his palms were very hot, especially because Xiao Evil was smiling in his eyes.

"I let go, can you speak in a low voice? Anyway, there are only two of us here, so I can hear you if you speak in a low voice. You don't have to shout so loud..."

Xiao Evil blinked his eyes and agreed.

The young man let go of his hand.

Xiao Evil raised his hand to wipe his lips, then looked at Young Master vaguely: "Do you like me to kiss you?"

"Ah? Ah!" The young master was confused.

"Since I kissed you, I believe you understand my thoughts very well. I like you, son, and you like me too."

This is a declarative sentence, not an inquiry, Xiao Evil knows that the young master likes him.

The young master blushed: "Yeah, so we like each other?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ei suddenly felt very relaxed now, and a sense of satisfaction surged in his heart: "Since we like each other, let's be together, son, I will often go back to the space station to see you in the future."

The young master listened to what it said, and it still had to go.

"Little Evil, can't you stay? All the people you care about and like are here."

"Don't you know how convenient the transportation between Three Thousand Worlds and the space station is? I can come back anytime, why are you so reluctant to look like me, son, so you love me so much."

I just said like, now I say love.

The word love is too strong.

The son dodged his eyes, and suddenly remembered something: "You said you like me, since when did you like me? We have been separated for hundreds of millions of years, and we met last time when you returned to the space station. Since when did you like me?" Mine? Since you came back and saw me last time?"

This must be clarified, and the young master is also very curious.

Xiao Evil thought about it for a while, and said hesitantly, "No, before that."

"Before? That was when I was a child!" The son was amazed, did Xiao Evil like him when he was a child!

It has performed tasks outside for hundreds of millions of years and has not forgotten it, still like it? !

The son's heart is as sweet as eating honey, which is a surprise.

Xiao Evil saw it so happy, and the little awkwardness and embarrassment in his heart disappeared.

"Then when did you like me?"

Xiao Evil was also curious.

Young Master, think about it carefully... It seems that it was also when I was a child. Anyway, I felt that Xiao E was special very early on, and then I missed it more and more, and then I was sure that I liked Xiao E.

Seeing the smirk and curiosity on Xiao Evil's face, Young Master deliberately said: "Last time you went back to the space station, and after meeting you, you found that you were very beautiful, and then you helped me with my work, talked with me, and deliberately touched... Guangping, I was bent by you and fell in love with you."

A certain sentence in the middle was ambiguous, and the son blushed and lied in a heartbeat.

Xiao Evil frowned: "That's it, that's fine."

I thought the young master also liked me since I was a child.

But think about it, I was so bad when I was a child, how could the young master like it.

"What's your expression? Are you lost?"

"No." Little Evil said stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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