Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 998 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 7

Chapter 998 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 7
Chapter 998 Fanwai: The little evil threw the young master down 7
Since the relationship was established, Xiao Evil has often sought out the young master, and it is the kind without any reason.

Before looking for it, there were some reasons, but now... the boyfriend is the best reason!

It's only natural to find a young master!
After a few days of rest after the divorce, Ruan Xiao started to develop the system again. She hoped that she could pass the C-level doctorate test as soon as possible.

Xiao Evil is Ruan Xiaoli's assistant and often helps out in the laboratory.

Baili Yan Chen was halfway back to work, and always came to Ruan Xiaoli's laboratory within a few hours of work.

Because of the need to avoid suspicion, what Ruan Xiaoli is currently making is a system that will be used for assessment. After Baili Yan Chen comes, he cannot approach the console and cannot help Ruan Xiaoli.

After Baili Yan Chen came, he could only stand at a distance, while Xiao Ei walked around the console around Ruan Xiaoli.

Little Evil felt that Baili Papa would shoot him with his eyes from time to time.

Forget it.

There is nothing to help with work today.

"Xiao Li, can I get off work now?" Xiao Ei asked softly.

Ruan Xiaoli kept moving his hands and said, "You can do whatever you want, there is nothing I need your help with today."

"Okay, my master is leaving."

Xiao Evil took his coat and left.

When he walked to the door of the laboratory, he turned into a teenager, with a white shirt inside and a black suit jacket on one shoulder.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced back, Xiao Evil must be in love.

Ever since Xiao Evil and Young Master came back from a walk that day, the atmosphere has been a little off. It doesn't look like a quarrel, it's more like shyness?
From that day on, Xiao Evil didn't stay with her after finishing his work. Xiao Evil went to find the young master every day.

But the little evil would come back in the dark, Ruan Xiaoli thought that the little evil would stay with Zhong Xiaoshu and play with the young master, but every time the little evil would come home on time.


The little evil sent a message to the young master as soon as he left the laboratory.

A few days ago, they shared the electronic wave, and they can contact and send messages at any time, but after three days, the world will be cut off, hey.

"Young master, where are you?"

Xiao Evil spoke while walking.

The son can hear it.

At this moment, the young master is in a clean and white corridor, and there is a new batch of storage system in the corridor.

The young master leaned against the wall, his long legs blocking the way of those systems.

These systems are exploring the world and stipulated to walk within this range, but the systems are a little thoughtful and always want to go to another corridor.

The young master thinks it's good to grow up, and he can stop these small systems with one leg.

There is a light screen floating in front of the Young Master. It stares at those systems, and then records some data of these systems on the light screen at any time.

Suddenly, a voice was heard in the ear.

The son's complexion changed slightly, and he stood up straight: "I'm in the corridor of NC976."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."


Even though the relationship has been confirmed for a while, the young master will still blush, and the young master really doesn't like himself like this, hey.

The young master adjusted his state before the little evil came.

Xiao Evil came very quickly, and saw a man in a suit jacket approaching from a distance.

The young master is wearing white work clothes from the studio. You don’t need money to buy work clothes, they are issued by the studio, and if you have to buy them, they are quite expensive.

Anyway, the suit the young master wears doesn't cost money.

And Xiao Evil always has various black suits. Although they are all the same color number, each one has a different design.

The young master could tell at a glance that the clothes it was wearing today were worth more than [-] points.

"Is this how you went to help Xiao Li today?" Young Master looked Xiao E up and down, there are often various soluble potions in the laboratory, you are not afraid of ruining your clothes.

"If it's broken, I'll replace it." Rich and powerful. Evil.

Son: "...Actually, the space station has work clothes. Although you don't have a job, you can still borrow one. I'll lend it to you."

The son is really worried that such expensive clothes will be damaged, and if Xiaoxie accidentally touches the potion if he doesn't wear work clothes, it will be small if he damages the clothes, and it will be bad if he hurts the leather and the body inside.

Although this skin is worn on the body, it can also feel it, and it will still hurt if it is injured.

Little Evil likes the young master's look, and the young master is thinking about it.

The reason why Xiao Evil doesn't wear work clothes is actually to look handsome. Since he fell in love with the young master, his suits are not the same every day. Even if he doesn't wear a jacket, any shirt underneath is quite design.

Xiao Evil felt that the work clothes on the space station were all white and too plain. Apart from the fact that the material was good enough not to be dissolved, there was no aesthetic sense of design at all.

However, such an ugly overalls are so beautiful to wear on the son, let alone.

Xiao Evil doesn't want to wear work clothes, but if it's the son's clothes, the nature is different.

"Okay, then lend me your clothes tomorrow."

"Well, you are about five centimeters taller than me. If you want to wear something that fits you well, I suggest you get shorter."

"No, this overalls are stretchable, and a five-centimeter height difference is fine."

Xiao Evil is not short, height determines the position in certain things.

Of course there are short ones on top...

But Xiao Ei thinks that his height is great, corresponding to the young master is perfect, so it will not become shorter.

The two chatted against the wall.

The son said: "I have six sets of work clothes, three are small-sized baby clothes, and the other three are juvenile clothes. I have already worn two of them, and one of the boy clothes is still new. I will wear them tomorrow." Give you."

Xiao Evil frowned.

The young master looked at it and said, "Or I'll bring it to you when I get back from get off work, so that you can wear it in the research and development room early tomorrow morning."

It thought Xiao Evil wanted to get the clothes today.

"I don't want that."

"Huh? But I only have that suit that I haven't worn..."

"I want you to wear it."

"It's been worn. Although I washed it very clean, it's not new after all."

"I want you to wear it."

Originally, the two were standing side by side against the wall, but Xiao Evil suddenly straightened his body, turned to face it, and leaned on the wall with one hand and approached: "I like to wear what you wear, it is best if you take off the clothes you are wearing now. I."

Suddenly being hit by the wall with one hand, the young master understood Xiao Ei's meaning in seconds.

The fair and tender boy looked away shyly, and whispered, "This one needs to be washed, and I'll give you the other one..."

"I think it's quite clean, and you don't sweat." Xiao Eil stretched out his hand to help it straighten its collar. The clothes were spotless and clean.

"No matter... no matter how clean it is, I have to wash it, after all, I have worn it."

"I don't dislike it."


(End of this chapter)

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