Smile slightly: Gardenia blooms as Ni Chi

Chapter 15 The Big Wedding Day

Chapter 15 The Big Wedding Day
Chapter 18 Wedding Day
Yesterday's duel incident, not only did not cast a shadow over today's big wedding, but instead won more and more people's attention.Because from the duel incident, some technical parties speculated the damage output DPS and effective operation APM of [Yi Xiao Nai He] and [Gardenia Branch] through video comparison, and the result turned out to be the same!Although Zhenshui Wuxiang had already dropped level [-] in the PK with Zhizizhitou, Zhizizhitou did not bring one accessory compared to Yixiao Naihe!With this conclusion, people are more interested in the duel between the two in the Heroes PK Contest!And today's wedding can be said to be the third grand wedding of the whole server, and Li Zhi specially arranged a flowing banquet for this.Guests attending the wedding can not only receive red envelopes, but also have experience to shower in the rain and drink BUFF wine!Its scale has surpassed the previous two times, and the boring netizens called it a war banquet between [Gardenia Branch] and [Yixiao Naihe]!
No matter what others say, it's none of Li Zhi's business, because he is parading his bride through the streets now!
[System]: Gardenia Zhitou and Thunder God Nini agree in love, and they promise each other for life in the Yuelao Temple.

So, no surprise, World Channel exploded again. . . . . .

Nini was parading through the streets in a sedan chair while watching the World Channel players swiping their screens. As a well-known little gossip in the whole server, Lei Shen Nini still remembered everyone's comments when Luwei Weiwei and Yixiao Naihe got married! "Before Wei Wei got married, she was ridiculed and slandered a lot, although afterward, the god Nai He helped her get back popularity and skills are not as good as Wei Wei's, and I don't know what the world will say Me?" Lei Shen Nini was very confused, but unexpectedly, people in the world still blessed them a lot.On the one hand, it has the lessons learned from [Demon Dao Blood Oath], on the other hand, after all, it is short-sighted, who would scold the master while eating other people's water feast, drenched in the rain of experience?Of course there are exceptions, such as the Xiaoyu family!

[World][alexz]: Wow, the 100 gold red envelope, I earned it, thank God for the reward!

[World] [Wallie]: Damn, what RP, mine turned out to be a red envelope of 1 copper, God Gardenia, please comfort me!
[World] [Snowflakes Gone]: I'm so envious of Thunder God Nini, I caught a local tyrant!I also want to marry a local tyrant, please take care of me!
[World] [Disaster Water 123]: Seeking support +1
. . .

[World][Raytheon Nini]: Thank you for your blessings, honey, I will take good care of God Gardenia on your behalf! (Nectar is a gardenia fanbase!)

[World][Xiao Yuqingqing]: Cinderella is really lucky. If she has never seen the world, she has never seen the world!
[World][Xiao Yu Mian Mian]: That is to say, God Zhi Zi may just find someone to marry in order to participate in the Heroes PK Contest. Who knows what shameful means some people used to get them to agree, saying Maybe they will get divorced after the contest is over!

[World][Xiaoyu Yaoyao]: Qingqingmianmian, what are you talking about!It's just a dewy couple for a month, so what's the matter with letting others show off their affection now!
Lei Shen Nini almost exploded when she saw these words!She is now more and more aware of Wei Wei's feelings at the beginning, this group of people simply can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, toads crawl on the insteps - don't bite people, disgusting people!Renini was angry and felt a little uneasy at the same time, and she was not too clear about Zhizi Zhizhi's thoughts, if what Xiao Yumianmian said was true. . .

[System] The evil guest came to the door, causing great excitement! [Xiaoyu Yaoyao], [Xiaoyu Qingqing], [Xiaoyu Mianmian] were invited to a water feast by [Gardenia Branch]!

At the same time, the welcome words of the NPC butler hired at the entrance of the wedding banquet also changed from "It's a great honor to welcome you, please come inside!" to "The Xiao Yu family and dogs are not allowed!" And every time a person enters, the butler will say it once!Lei Shen Nini couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when she saw this, and she became happy—it seems that Mr. Zhizi still values ​​herself very much!

However, the Xiao Yu family, who had just been expelled by T, was not so happy!

[World][Xiaoyu Yaoyao]: Gardenia branch, we didn't target you again!Why are you insulting people like that?

[World][Xiao Yuqingqing]: She's still the second best player, so unmannered!He deserves to be the second child of ten thousand years!

[World] [Zhen Shui Wu Xiang]: Qingqing and the others speak inappropriately, I apologize for them.But Brother Gardenia did too much!

. . .

[World] [Gardenia Branch]: I insulted your mother, but didn't target you, are you happy!
"..." Although Thunder God Nini knew that Gardenia's branches were dirty and tricky, it was too much to say so. . .I'm relieved!

[World] [Zhen Shui Wu Xiang]: Gardenia branch!Don't deceive me too much, be careful of me. . .

[System] Zhizi Zhito invites Zhenshui Wuxiang to a duel!
Zhenshui Wuxiang refuses the invitation!
Before Zhenshui Wuxiang threatened, I saw [Gardenia Branch]'s application for a duel! . . .Knowing that he was no match, Zhenshui Wuxiang refused without further ado, but his aura was weaker invisibly!
[World] [Red Melody]: Haha, I'm so scared of Zhenshui Wuxiang!My wife has been insulted, if I had already rushed forward to do my best!You can bear this, you are so "manly" Zhenshui Wuxiang! (Double quotes indicate irony!)
[World] [Thunder Shenming]: Zhenshui Wuxiang's "Turtle Shrinking Dafa" skill is Max!
[World] [Roll Over Salted Fish]: Don't say that, they are still online!How embarrassing to be scolded in person!

"Sure enough, it's honest people who hurt people the most!" Lei Ming and the others saw this sentence and looked back at Xianyu who was typing honestly and righteously, and sighed sincerely!
Zhenshui Wuxiang was already very angry, but he couldn't beat Li Zhi, and he couldn't beat Lei Ming and the others, especially when he saw Xianyu's words, he was so angry that he went offline!Xiao Yu Yaoyao also went offline after seeing it. The rest of Xiao Yu's family were thick-skinned and still online, but they didn't say anything anymore. As for how to scold in their hearts and how to say it in private, that's unknown!
"Second brother, you are too mean! You didn't even tell us about your wedding!" Lei Ming said in the team channel.Angrily running away from Zhenshui Wuxiang and Xiao Yu's family, Li Zhi added several people to the team at Lei Ming's request.

"Hello, you are all good friends of Mr. Zhizi's husband. I am Leishen Nini, please take care of me!" Seeing that Zhizi Zhitou suddenly added a few people to the team, knowing that they were her husband's family, Leishen Nini hurriedly said hello road
"Um... Lei Shen Nini?" Lei Ming and the others were confused, so they are so destined?

"The news of my wedding with Nini spread throughout Jianghu three days ago, but you guys didn't know about it." Having expected such a reaction from Lei Ming and the others, Li Zhi adjusted the atmosphere by making jokes.

"Damn, you have the nerve to say, who assigned us so many tasks, or unpaid labor! We haven't played the game for three days?" Really busy enough for them!
"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't say it in advance. Now that you have met your sister-in-law, what about the meeting gift?" Li Zhi also knew that they had worked hard and didn't say anything, but he still couldn't let them pass the test so easily.I told them face to face when I recruited new people before.What, you thought I was joking or did you just ignore what I said?This kind of unhealthy tendencies cannot be encouraged!

"This...we didn't know in advance, next time, next time!" Fatty and the others were embarrassed.

"My brother and sister are destined to be with me. I wanted to know each other before. From today on, you will be my younger sister! If the second child bullies you, just tell me and I will help you deal with him!" Among the few people, Lei Ming reacted quickly, He hurriedly found an excuse to change the subject, and by the way turned Li Zhiyi into an army!
"Uh, good! Brother!" Lei Shen Nini looked at the name of "Thunder God Ming", and thought for a long time before remembering what happened before!
(End of this chapter)

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