Chapter 21
Chapter 25 substitute duty
In a moment of resignation, Renini agrees to be on duty for Nana. . .In fact, it is not called on duty, more accurately it should be on duty!

The last time the dubbing agency accepted new candidates, Renini temporarily changed her mind and did not go. Except for Xiaoya who failed, Xiuzi and Nana passed the exam smoothly and joined the dubbing agency.The duty Nana mentioned was arranged by the dubbing agency!

The dubbing equipment, computers, microphones, etc. of Tianxuan Technology are all provided by Li Zhi at the expense of a special person for his own use.However, the equipment of the dubbing agency was applied to the school and belonged to the school's property!Although the dubbing club is the number one club in the school, and the school is happy to support it, but spending so much for one club is really hard to explain to other clubs!So nominally, these machines belong to the broadcasting department, and they are used by the students to record their homework, and they are assigned to the dubbing agency for management!In order to teach the students of the broadcasting department who came to record homework to use the machine, the dubbing club specially arranged for members to be on duty.Nana was scheduled for this afternoon!Because of the fever, let Renini instead.

In fact, being on duty is hard work!Because the broadcasting department rarely assigns recording assignments, and there are very few students who are really eager to learn, so there are very few people who come to record, and most of them sit for a long time without a single person!But you have to come, if someone comes to record the homework, but there is no one, this is your dereliction of duty!
Fortunately, the dubbing agency also has computers, but there is no internet, so you can watch movies, play stand-alone games and so on.Renini is just sitting in the dubbing agency, playing Lianliankan on the computer boringly!I secretly swear that if I trust Nana again in the future, I will be a pig!It's better to play games in the dormitory!Although Zhizi told her yesterday that she would not be able to play the game because of something, but she can chat with Weiwei, she didn't have a good chat yesterday, and she didn't ask her what Yugong Climbing and the others are doing. . .Just as she was thinking, Renini suddenly heard footsteps, looked up, and saw Li Zhi walking in with a few girls!Renini felt nervous for a moment—it's over, she was caught by the president on the first day of leading the class!Nana, it's not that I'm dishonest, it's just your bad luck!However, Renini suddenly realized a more important thing - he is Li Zhi!Director of the dubbing agency!The last time I bumped into someone at the entrance of the dubbing agency, and after listening to Nana when I went back, I realized that the person who was bumped into was the president of the dubbing agency.Thinking of this, Renini immediately lowered her head like an ostrich!
The main purpose of Li Zhi coming to the dubbing agency today is to find "Duanmu Rong"!The few girls behind him are freshmen who have just joined the company. He recruited all the girls who joined the club this time to give Duanmu Rong an audition! (except for Xiuzi and Nana who have been confirmed not to be).

When Li Zhi walked to the door and saw Nini on duty, he was a little puzzled. Is this girl from a dubbing agency? Why can't I remember it?But he didn't think much about it, after all, it's very common to find someone to replace him, and he always turns a blind eye.So he nodded to her, and led a few girls into the dubbing room.Renini breathed a sigh of relief for a moment, but luckily got through!When he looked at her suspiciously just now, she thought that she had been discovered, and she had the idea of ​​surrendering and admitting her mistake!

Li Zhi found that he seemed a little overconfident. In his mind, "Duanmu Rong" would definitely come to the interview, so he was not worried that he would not be able to find her.But in reality, there was a slight deviation somewhere, and "Duanmu Rong" didn't come to the interview!Looking at the girls in front of him who had just completed the audition, Li Zhi sighed deeply, and sent them back in a calm tone.Renini looked curiously at the students who came out one after another outside the dubbing room, and felt that her gossip soul was starting to burn!She basically knew these girls, most of them were from the computer department, and only a few were from the broadcasting department.These people were all smiling before they went in, why did they look depressed when they came out.Senior Li Zhi still hasn't come out inside, what are you doing?Looking for so many girls' shoes, could it be that you are choosing a concubine?Renini laughed unscrupulously!

"Reinini, why are you here? I remember you didn't come to the dubbing agency, right?" A girl with a ball head and face full of pimples asked slightly dissatisfied at Reinini who was smiling brightly. She also Students from the Department of Computer Science are naturally recognized by classmates, but there is not much overlap.Looking at Renini's heartless smile, I thought she was laughing at them!
"Ah, I was distracted just now. I'm sorry. I'm not from the dubbing agency. Nana is sick today. I'll take her place on duty...Student, what are you doing?" Leni heard someone calling her name. Ni quickly regained consciousness.Looking at the dissatisfied female classmate in front of her, Renini also realized that she was a bit impolite in laughing just now.The other party seems to be from the Department of Computer Science, but what's his name? . . .After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't remember it, and it was not easy to ask in person, so I had to call him a classmate.

"Nana is sick! Is it serious?... By the way, you live in the same dormitory as Nana and Xiuzi! No wonder." The other party seems to know Nana, and they have a good relationship.When I heard that Nana was ill, I felt like asking about the situation.

Nini is also a little surprised, the other party seems to know the people in their dormitory very well?But when he heard the greeting from the other party, he quickly replied: "It's just a common cold, and it's much better!" In fact, Renini was thinking too much. There are few girls in the computer department, and the quality is really not good.Their dormitory is an exception. All four of them are beauties, so they are often talked about by the boys in the department. Over time, they become famous in the whole department!It's just that Renini always stays in the dormitory, so she doesn't understand these things!
"Then I'm relieved." The other party replied

"Hey classmate, you still haven't said why you are here today?" Renini, who didn't get an answer, asked unwillingly

"The president asked us to audition today, with a high-cold female character. It is said that this is a big job for the dubbing agency this year, and it may be another "Finding Nemo"! It's a pity that we were all brushed off. !” When the ball-headed girl heard Renini’s inquiry, she first described it excitedly, but then thought that she had already been eliminated, and sometimes felt disappointed.

"So that's how it is... I thought it was the same as the palace dramas on TV. Senior Li Zhi wanted to elect a concubine!" Reinini was disappointed for a while. Although she knew that her previous ideas were very unreliable, the more outrageous she became. The more fantasy can meet the needs of gossip. . .So when I learned the truth, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of dissatisfaction that "it's just like this"!Then instinctively mumbled what he was thinking!She didn't notice the terrified eyes of the girl with the ball head and the shadow slowly enveloping her behind her!
(End of this chapter)

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