Chapter 47 The Finale
Chapter 50 Finale
The sky is full of red clouds, and the sky is covered by veils!In the antique wedding hall, the elegant man in a bright red classic wedding dress looks at the bride who looks like him walking slowly, and the smile on his face can't be melted away!Fengguanxiapei, silk shoes nobile!The wedding is indeed the most beautiful moment in a woman's life, and the bride at this time cannot be described as perfect!The two held hands and looked at each other in silence. At this moment, it seemed as if there were only the two of them in the whole world, and there was no room for a third person!Cough~~~ There were still three of them, but the man who acted as the master of ceremonies between the two was also very handsome, but a smirk appeared on his face, destroying that perfection!
"The bride and groom bow down to heaven and earth!"

"One bow...then bow...three bows!...the ceremony is complete, and the family members thank you!" The wedding started in a decent way, but with the host of the master of ceremonies, a strange atmosphere gradually permeated. Yes, especially the last sentence "Thanks to the family!" This is basically the procedure at the funeral, okay? Master of ceremonies, are you here to be funny?

Hearing the emcee's words, Sina's bride couldn't help frowning and turned her head to look over. When they saw the emcee's tricky smile, the two of them were really itchy with anger!

"If I knew you offered to be the master of ceremonies, there must be nothing to say! Fortunately, this is only a small wedding, and the guests here are all good friends who can't be better. I can take a joke. If you dare to do this in front of our parents Host, I must have skinned you!" The groom Xiao Nai smiled helplessly as he looked at Li Zhi who was acting as the master of ceremonies.

But at this moment, Li Zhi's heart was full of laughter: If you two dare to hold a wedding before Nini and I, I won't be named Li if I get in trouble for you!So, with Li Zhi presiding over it, the tone of this wedding was set—funny!
"Bride Lu Weiwei, are you willing to marry this shameless villain, no matter whether he snores, grinds his teeth, farts, or talks in his sleep, you will never leave him, and snore, grind his teeth, and talk in his sleep together?"

"...I am willing!" Bei Weiwei gritted his teeth and said, this Li Zhi is really. . .See how he and Nini made trouble when they got married!
"The bridegroom smiles. Are you willing to marry Lu Weiwei, the most beautiful woman in the Jianghu? Whether she is beautiful or even more beautiful, you are willing to be with her forever without shame or shame?" Li Zhi still could tell the difference. Seriously, Xiao Nai definitely doesn't care if he insults Xiao Nai, but if he says the same thing about Bei Weiwei, then Xiao Nai will fight him hard!
"I am willing!" Xiao Nai gazed at Bei Weiwei tenderly, and said these three words solemnly
"Okay, next is the couple's prostration! The groom is asked to kneel down, and the bride is fine!" Xiao Nai didn't think it was a pest, and Xiang Bei slightly knelt down on one knee, as if to propose marriage!However, Li Zhi will not let him go
"One kowtow...then kowtow again...three kowtows...Ai Qing is flat!" Li Zhi deliberately stood behind Bei Weiwei, and only smiled when Xiao Nai finished three bows, and then said the phrase "Ai Qing" flat body". . .For the sake of Xiao Nai being so obedient, Li Zhi intends to temporarily spare the other party this time, or if he does too much, he must be careful of Xiao Nai's revenge!

"Today, I would like to tell the world that the luthier Yixiao Naihe married the heroine Luwei Weiwei. From then on, the husband and wife will overcome difficulties together. Don't ask for the same year, the same month, the same day, but the same year, the same month, the same day~~~ Baby! If you break this oath, the sky will be struck by lightning Slapping to death and laughing, Lu Weiwei can remarry! After the admonition, enter~~~pig cage!" Following Li Zhi's order, Yu Gong, Monkey Wine and the others immediately started booing, saying that they were going to make trouble~~~ make trouble pigpen!After playing around, the exhausted Xiao Nai and Bei Weiwei enjoy peace.At this time, the good night is too short to describe in a word!

. . .

Besides, Li Zhi and Nini returned to their home. . .Because of Li Zhi's presidency at the wedding, Bei Weiwei gritted her teeth with hatred. She had no choice but to attack Li Zhi, Nini, who was a bridesmaid, and now Nini still had a few red marks on her neck!But it was the strawberry planted by Bei Weiwei. . .

"Nini, I'm jealous! How can you let others be so frivolous! Even Wei Wei can't do it!" Li Zhi said pretending to be angry, but even his tempered Nini didn't panic at all, and even rolled her eyes at him
"Who am I to blame for being belittled by her? It's not because someone's mouth is not good!"

"I don't care, anyway, I'm jealous of your husband, I want compensation!" Li Zhi said, picking her up and walking towards the bedroom!

"Hey, what do you want? Don't mess around" Nini crossed her arms in fright, but her actions aroused Li Zhi's desire, and she was slightly stimulated by Xiao Nai today. . .Gently put her on the bed, imprisoned her behind her back regardless of her resistance, and then whispered softly in her ear: "Nini, I can't help it!"

Renini froze, and muttered in the same low voice: "Then don't hold back!" Although Li Zhi couldn't see her face from behind, he could see her red transparent ears, and waited until he heard her face. Upon hearing this sentence, Li Zhi was ecstatic in his heart, and then. . .

There are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait until the flowers are empty to break the branches!
once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!
For a while, the silver candle was shining brightly, and the red waves were thrown off. It was quite a cloud and rain in Wushan!

A month later, in front of the hall of Li Zhi and Nini's wedding venue, a young couple walked straight up, but saw a sign hanging on the door of the hall, writing: Xiao Naiwei is not allowed to enter, please return the gift money!

Xiao Nai and Bei smiled slightly at each other, ignoring the content on the sign and calmly walked into the auditorium, as for the gift money. . .Li Zhi, you bad boy, do you still want a gift money? !The camera moves up, the sky is clear, and magpies are in a row. In the flower bed at the entrance of the hotel, a gardenia blooms quietly. A five or six-year-old girl is attracted by the flower and squats down to watch it carefully.Behind the little girl, there seemed to be an anxious call from the parents, "Xiao Ni, run slowly!" The little girl looked back at the sound, showing a sweet and innocent smile. . .

The way is:
Nizi is graceful and graceful on gardenia branches, when the flowers on the Moshang are not in bloom.

One day the two know each other, and the gardenia blossoms will become Ni Chi!
(The end!)
(End of this chapter)

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