Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 102 Stepping into the Ancient Ridge Mountains

Chapter 102 Stepping into the Ancient Ridge Mountains
Yang Yiqiao pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Xiao Ye felt relieved and said, "I can leave at any time."

Yang Yiqiao asked Xiao Ye to agree to come down, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I'll go back and prepare, and leave early tomorrow morning."

After Yang Yiqiao finished speaking, she turned and left.

Xiao Ye closed the door, made sure that no one would disturb him this time, moved his body, and directly entered the Xumi space.

"Ah, despicable human being, I will kill you!"

Xiao Hei, who was enjoying Xiao Bai's massage, saw Xiao Ye who came in suddenly, roared angrily, bounced up suddenly, and bit Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye was startled, and slapped it to the ground, and found that Xiao Hei's aura had weakened a lot, and felt a little embarrassed at once, and said with a dry smile: "Isn't it just because you blocked two knives, what about it?"

Xiao Hei lay on the ground angrily, his stomach rising and falling, staring at Xiao Ye fiercely.

Xiao Ye smiled embarrassingly, and continued: "You are quite powerful, you even subdued a wolf!"

"Hmph, that's the cultivation that my uncle has accumulated for decades, and it's all wasted by you kid. I don't care, you have to pay me!" Xiao Hei lay on the ground, glaring at Xiao Ye, with a look that you don't follow me, I don't like you. It's a rascal who doesn't get up.

"How can I compensate you?" Xiao Ye said speechlessly.

"Hey!" Xiao Hei spat out the snake letter, showing two fangs, and said, "I just heard that girl said that she can refine the Dragon Pill?"

Xiao Ye looked at Xiao Hei in surprise, and immediately became angry: "How dare you eavesdrop on our conversation?"

Xiao Hei glanced at Xiao Ye, and said with disdain: "Would this uncle do such a wretched thing? It was because you talked too loudly and drifted in by yourself. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Bai!"

"Uh..." Xiaobai was taken aback, lying here obediently, what's the matter with me?
Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Ye, shook his head, and then saw the menacing eyes beside him, and shook his head again and again in fright.

Xiao Ye was speechless, looked at Xiao Hei on the ground, no matter how you looked at him, he looked like a wretched fellow, and asked, "Does the Dragon Pill work for you?"

Xiao Ye was puzzled, the Dragon Transformation Pill was to help the monsters with dragon blood to evolve, and Xiao Hei was originally a dragon, so the Dragon Transformation Pill should not have any effect on it.

Xiao Hei nodded, and said seriously: "If there are enough Dragon Transformation Pills, I can reopen the seal by myself!"

Xiao Ye was startled, and asked, "Really? How much do you need?"

Although it is difficult to refine the Dragon Transformation Pill, it is much easier than finding ten dragon masters, or finding the Dragon King.

"Hey!" Xiao Hei smiled again, "At least one hundred and eighty!"


Xiao Ye slapped it away again, and said angrily, "Do you think Hualong Pill is a sweet potato? Why don't you grab it? I think you'd better be your little snake."

"Don't." Xiao Hei said hastily: "I was just kidding you, ten Dragon Transformation Pills, I'm sure to break through the seal!"

Xiao Ye looked at Xiao Hei suspiciously, and asked, "Are you sure?"

Xiao Hei nodded quickly and said, "Sure."

Xiao Ye frowned, ten Pills of Transforming Dragons is not a small number, the key is that the refining of Pills of Transforming Dragons requires dragon crystals, and at least monsters with the blood of the Dragon Race in the True Martial Realm can be bred.But even so, it is much easier than the two foreign conditions.

"I'll try my best." Xiao Ye agreed.

Xiao Ye had nothing to do, stayed with Xiao Yu, who was still sleepy for a while, moved his body, and left the Sumeru space.


Deep in the college, in the quiet countryside, in an ordinary thatched cottage, Lang Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

Lang Cheng checked his physical condition and found that the injury was not serious, so he was relieved.

"You're awake." An old man with a hooked nose beside Lang Cheng said calmly.

"Master!" Lang Cheng was startled, stood up from the bed quickly, and said respectfully.

"I'm sorry, master, I lost." Lang Cheng thought of the battle with Xiao Ye, and said with shame.

Dean Zhang shook his head calmly, and said: "Get up, you have tried your best, I underestimated that Xiao Ye."

Thinking that he had lost to a new student, Lang Cheng felt unwilling, and said coldly, "Master, I want to make a life-and-death challenge!"

"No!" Dean Zhang shook his head slightly, and said, "This Xiao Ye is weird, how did you lose at that time, remember?"

Lang Cheng frowned. Thinking of the last scene, he seemed to be bitten by a black thread snake.The wolf originally thought that he was poisoned, but now it seems that he is not.

Seeing that Lang Cheng didn't speak, Dean Zhang continued to ask, "Are you sure you can deal with that black-threaded snake beside Xiao Ye?"

Lang Cheng shook his head slightly, until now he couldn't figure out how a black thread snake hurt him.

Dean Zhang continued: "This matter is a bit weird. You have devoted yourself to cultivating during this time, and I will deal with it!"

With that said, Dean Zhang turned around and left.


Early the next morning, Yang Yiqiao found Xiao Ye on time and set off for the Guling Mountains.

After Xiao Ye and Liang Kuan talked, they left with Yang Yiqiao.

Yang Yiqiao led Xiao Ye, and did not leave the academy, but walked into the depths of the academy.

Xiao Ye was a little puzzled, chased after her, and asked, "Senior Sister, is it just the two of us?"

"No." Yang Yiqiao smiled slightly, and said mysteriously: "There is another master, you will know later."

Xiao Ye was curious, but he didn't ask any further questions, and followed closely beside Yang Yiqiao. Soon, a wooden fence appeared in front of him.

Xiao Ye was taken aback. The fence in front was as high as three trees, and the top was sharpened, pointing obliquely to the outside. There were dried blood stains on the fence, and occasionally bits of flesh could be seen.

Xiao Ye was dumbfounded, and asked in surprise: "These are to stop the monsters?"

Yang Yiqiao nodded, with a dignified voice, and said, "Occasionally, the Guling Mountain Range will launch a wave of beasts to attack the college and even Yuzhou City, but it only happens once every three to five years, so don't worry about it, Junior Brother."

Xiao Ye didn't say anything, looking at the towering fence and the blood stains on it, he was shocked, followed Yang Yiqiao out of the fence, and came to the foot of the Gulong Mountain Range.

It was only then that Xiao Ye realized how huge the Guling Mountain Range was. The bullying mountain range in front of him stretched for thousands of miles, with lush trees and roars of beasts. The level of danger inside was not weaker than the Forest of Warcraft.

"Go in." Yang Yiqiao led the way and directly entered the mountain range.

Occasionally, I could meet college students in groups of three or four. When they saw Yang Yiqiao, they hurriedly greeted them, and at the same time looked suspiciously at Xiao Ye who was behind Yang Yiqiao.

Yang Yiqiao responded with a smile, and gradually entered the depths of the mountains with Xiao Ye. There were no other students around, but they often encountered powerful monsters.

Xiao Ye was vigilant in his heart, but he didn't need to take more shots this way, and Yang Yiqiao easily solved them all.

(End of this chapter)

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