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Swallowed by a snake

Swallowed by a snake
"Be careful!" Xiao Ye reacted suddenly, his body turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly appeared in front of the Red Spirit King Snake, clenched his fists, and aimed at the injured big mouth of the Red Spirit King Snake.


There were bursts of loud noises, and the big mouth of the Scarlet Spirit King Snake was bloody and bloody from Xiao Ye's smashing. It not only let out bursts of painful hissing sounds, but also stared at Xiao Ye resentfully with painful eyes.

At this time, under the shock of Xiao Ye's Long Xiao Nine Heavens, all the red spirit snakes were slaughtered by Yang Yiqiao.

Yang Yiqiao looked at Xiao Ye who was fighting with the Scarlet Spirit King Snake, clenched his sword tightly, rushed over, and said, "I'll help you."

Xiao Ye was startled, and quickly stopped him, saying: "Don't come over!"

Xiao Ye now has brass tendons and iron bones and is blessed with indestructible stainless steel. The Red Spirit King Snake in front of him can't help him, but Yang Yiqiao is different.


The Scarlet Spirit King Snake rolled its body, avoiding Xiao Ye's attack, looked at Yang Yiqiao who was rushing, with extremely venomous eyes, opened its huge mouth suddenly, and jumped a black shadow as thick as a thumb and flew towards Yang Yiqiao It was a young Red Spirit King Snake.


Yang Yiqiao was also taken aback, and wanted to dodge, but she couldn't come, the young red spirit king snake bit her neck directly.

"Ah!" Yang Yiqiao exclaimed, swung the long sword in her hand, and slammed the little snake off, followed by a burst of dizziness, and fell directly to the ground.


Xiao Ye was startled, at this moment there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the Scarlet Spirit King Snake opened its mouth wide and bit Xiao Ye directly.

"I rely on!"

Xiao Ye only felt a stench coming from him, he exclaimed, and wanted to avoid it, and then his waist tightened, a wave of disgusting muscles wriggled non-stop, squeezed his body, and rushed deep.

Xiao Ye suddenly realized that he was swallowed by a snake.

"Damn it, I'm not Monkey King, why are you eating me?" Xiao Ye couldn't help but yelled, the disgusting stench made people suffocate, and then he felt a burning sensation in front of him, it was the stomach acid of a snake, full of overlooking .

Xiao Ye was startled, held his breath, and with one move, directly summoned Xiao Hei from the Sumeru Dimension.

"Damn it!" Xiao Hei was startled, it was sleeping, suddenly there was a squeeze around it, and then there was a stench, and it didn't take a guess to know that it was Xiao Ye's doing, and couldn't help cursing: "Xiao Ye Ye, you bastard, what is this place?"

Xiao Ye smiled awkwardly, and said, "In the belly of the Scarlet Spirit King Snake, do you have any way to get us out?"

"What?" Xiao Hei exclaimed, and angrily cursed: "Xiao Ye, I found out that you are an idiot, you were swallowed by a snake, and you asked me to save you, what a dream!"

Xiao Ye was also angry: "Fuck, if you don't save me, just stay inside!"

Xiao Ye moved, ignored Xiao Hei, and directly entered the Sumeru Dimension.

"Hey, bastard, stop!" Xiao Hei was angry, feeling that the surroundings suddenly became much wider, knowing that Xiao Ye had entered the Sumeru Space, he cursed angrily, but the Sumeru Space was controlled by Xiao Ye, he wanted to enter, Xiao Ye's consent is required.

At this time, the Scarlet Spirit King Snake was lying contentedly lying on the ground basking in the sun, suddenly feeling empty in its belly, the Scarlet Spirit King Snake raised its huge head in amazement, wondering slightly, could it be that the human being has been digested by it?But why does it still have bursts of hunger?I usually eat such a big monster, but it can last for several days.

The Scarlet Spirit King Snake was puzzled, but he couldn't think of a reason for it. He thought it was because Xiao Ye was too thin. Enduring the hunger, he lay down on the ground, lazily glanced at the unconscious Yang Yiqiao, and continued to bask in the sun. I just ate a Xiao Ye and plan to enjoy this human being later.

Snakes are monsters with a strong sense of territory. They will not actively hunt, but will only wait for their prey to come to their door.


At this time, Xiao Ye appeared in the Xumi space, and instantly felt a lot more relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the little black outside: "Xiao Hei, if you can't break the belly of the red spirit king snake, you will stay inside forever Bar!"

"Ah! Bastard Xiao Ye!" Xiao Hei yelled angrily, and said angrily, "My uncle's abilities have been sealed now. This snake skin is extremely tough. How can I break it? Get Ben away quickly, or else the uncle and I will be together." You're not done."

Xiao Ye didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Hei, and lay down on the grass, yawned and said, "You'd better hurry up, or you'll have to be digested by this guy."

Xiao Ye's heart was not as relaxed as it appeared on the surface, Yang Yiqiao was bitten by a snake, and he still doesn't know what happened to him.If it is not treated in time, it will definitely be dangerous.

"Master." At this moment, Xiao Bai came over and said, "I have a solution."

Xiao Ye suddenly sat up from the ground, looked at Xiao Bai in surprise: "Really?"

Xiaobai nodded and said, "I already have a lot of worker ants under my command. These guys are not good at fighting or scouting, but they are good at building nests. The formic acid they emit can already see the scarlet spirit king snake in the stomach." Get corroded."

Xiao Ye knew that Xiaobai was more reliable than Xiaohei, since Xiaobai said so, it must be all right, said: "Let's go!"

With a movement of Xiao Ye's figure, he took Xiaobai and left the Sumeru Dimension together.


Xiao Hei's space that was relatively spacious just now became extremely crowded again, and he cursed angrily: "Xiao Ye, quickly put me in the Xumi space, I really have no choice."

Seeing what Xiao Hei said, Xiao Ye knew that Xiao Hei was not lying, so he waved his hand and put it into the Sumeru space, then looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai squirmed his fat body, wriggled with difficulty, and a group of fist-sized spirit-eating ants emerged from Xiaobai's belly, brandishing terrifyingly large pincers, and began to work.

Outside, the Chiling King Snake, which was basking in the sun, was startled. Looking at the suddenly swollen belly, it looked puzzled. Could it be that it was just dreaming? Why did it feel that its belly was bigger just now?
Then, a piercing pain came, and the Scarlet Spirit King Snake suddenly came to his senses, writhing on the ground in pain, as if something in his stomach was biting his organs, flesh.


The Scarlet Spirit King Snake was in great pain, and it bumped its head against the boulder, but the pain did not abate in the slightest. The Scarlet Spirit King Snake ran wildly in the stone forest as if it had gone crazy.

Inside the snake's belly, Xiao Ye and Xiaobai felt the world spinning for a while. They glanced at the worker ants who were starting to work, and then moved their bodies and directly entered the Sumeru space.

Outside, the Scarlet Spirit King Snake was taken aback for a moment, its stomach suddenly shrank again, but the painful feeling became more intense.

The Scarlet Spirit King Snake suddenly realized that it must be the human who just swallowed it making trouble!

The Chiling King Snake held back the pain, lay down on the black side, plunged into the river water, drank the river water, and wanted to drown Xiao Ye in his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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