Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 107 God's Punishment Mountain

Chapter 107 God's Punishment Mountain

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Xiao Ye discovered that the mountain was bare, with no grass growing, and it was full of strange black stones.

Xiao Ye was curious, and seeing Yang Yiqiao walking towards the mountain peak, he frowned, and had no choice but to follow her closely.


There were continuous bursts of thunder, and Xiao Ye looked at the mountain peak above his head with lightning and thunder, and couldn't help feeling depressed, as if following his footsteps was a lot heavier.

"Master." At this moment, Xiaobai's voice rang in Xiao Ye's mind: "There is a magnetic field on this mountain, which can attract thunderclouds flying across the sky, and there is also a strange gravity, so my men can't climb up. "

"Gravity?" Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that it wasn't his footsteps that became heavier, but the mountain's problem.

Xiao Ye looked at Yang Yiqiao who was at the side. Sure enough, Yang Yiqiao had a solemn expression and was struggling to move.

Sensing Xiao Ye's gaze, Yang Yiqiao explained: "The gravitational force of this mountain is different from that of the outside world. It gets heavier as you go to the top of the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, the gravity is about [-] times that of the outside world. I haven't heard of anyone Go to the top of the mountain."

Xiao Ye did not expect such a strange enemy here, and asked: "Then the person we are looking for is at the top of the mountain?"

"No." Yang Yiqiao shook his head, panting slightly, and said with difficulty: "He is practicing on the mountainside."

Yang Yiqiao looked at Xiao Ye, who still had the same expression in his eyes, and asked in surprise, "Does the gravitational force here have no effect on you?"

Xiao Ye smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, "No, I have a special physique, and I can still bear these gravitational forces."

Xiao Ye's physique has been transformed by the Copper Rib and Iron Bone Pill, and with the addition of thunder punishment to temper the body, it has reached a terrifying level. The current gravity is about three times that of the outside world. It is difficult for ordinary people to move, but it is still in Xiao Ye. within the acceptable range.

Yang Yiqiao was stunned, and looked at Xiao Ye enviously. Physical fitness is the most difficult for warriors to cultivate. Only when they enter the Martial King Realm and experience the Heavenly Thunder body training, can their physique improve. This is also the reason that monsters of the same level are stronger than human warriors. s reason.

As she continued to move forward, the gravity had reached five times, and Yang Yiqiao had to take a step and bend over to rest for a while, obviously reaching the limit she could bear.

On the other hand, Xiao Ye was just panting slightly, occasionally stopping to give Yang Yiqiao a hand.

Yang Yiqiao looked at Xiao Ye like looking at a monster, and said in surprise, "If I didn't know your cultivation level, I would definitely regard you as a real martial arts master."

Xiao Ye smiled, did not speak, looked up at the top of the mountain shrouded in dark clouds, and asked, "Senior Sister, where is the person you are talking about?"

Xiao Ye was a little curious, the five times the gravity was already a bit difficult for him, but he still didn't see the figure of that person, didn't it mean that the person was still above.

Yang Yiqiao sat down on the rock, looked up, took a few breaths, and said, "Hurry up, I'll send the signal now."

Xiao Ye was puzzled for a while, and then came to his senses. Yang Yiqiao took out a bamboo tube from his bosom, which was a signal flare, and shot it directly at the cloudy sky.


A flame rose from the sky, instantly illuminating the sky, and this signal could be seen even ten miles away.

Yang Yiqiao panted slightly, glanced at Xiao Ye, and said, "Let's wait for a while, senior brother will be here soon."

Xiao Ye was curious about who the senior brother Yang Yiqiao was talking about, but he didn't ask too much. He randomly found a place to sit cross-legged, and he found that on this mountain, the gravitational force not only affects the body, but also the speed of the true energy in the body. It also became extremely slow.

Xiao Ye worked hard to circulate the zhenqi in his body, as if resting in the mud, it was extremely difficult, just for a while, Xiao Ye's forehead was covered with sweat, but he did not give up, he was surprised to find that the cultivation that had not grown for such a long time Because, it actually added a little bit.

Xiao Ye was immediately overjoyed. He was different from others. Since he had the system, Xiao Ye's cultivation could only be improved by relying on the system's cultivation base points, but now, with the circulation of the true energy in his body, his cultivation base was actually improving.

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, immersed himself in his mind, and insisted on continuing to practice.


Suddenly, there was a gust of wind howling on the top of the mountain, and the thick dark clouds rolled violently, and purple lightning could be faintly seen beating among them, which was extremely terrifying.

"Not good!" Yang Yiqiao, who was sitting on the ground exhausted, bounced up from the ground, looked at the sky in horror, woke up Xiao Ye, who was immersed in cultivation, and said, "Get out of here, it's going to rain! "

Xiao Ye opened his eyes, looked at the extremely gloomy sky, felt oppressed, but didn't take it to heart, looked at Yang Yiqiao suspiciously, it's just a thunderstorm, is it so scary?


Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm, and then countless lightning bolts fell from the sky. Xiao Ye suddenly realized that this thunderstorm was not an ordinary thunderstorm, but a thunderstorm formed by lightning.


There were bursts of crackling sounds, and countless streaks of purple lightning instantly enveloped the entire mountain.

Yang Yiqiao glared at Xiao Ye, who was still in a daze, and said angrily, "What are you doing there, hurry up!"

Saying that, Yang Yiqiao grabbed Xiao Ye, avoided the countless falling lightnings, and ran down the mountain in a hurry.

A light blue protective shield appeared around Yang Yiqiao's body, and countless lightning bolts fell, as if falling into the water, causing ripples.


Suddenly, Yang Yiqiao spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and the protective cover was shattered suddenly, and a bolt of lightning fell on his head.

Xiao Ye was always vigilant about his surroundings, watching the lightning falling from Nadao, without hesitation, he jumped up and blocked Yang Yiqiao's head.


Yang Yiqiao was taken aback, and wanted to hold Xiao Ye, but it was too late.


The lightning fell on Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye couldn't help frowning, his body went numb, and the residual energy of the lightning was absorbed by Xiao Ye's body.

Yang Yiqiao hurriedly ran to Xiao Ye and found that Xiao Ye was not injured, so he breathed a sigh of relief and cursed angrily: "You don't want to die, this is lightning!"

While cursing, Yang Yiqiao widened her eyes curiously. She didn't think that Xiao Ye blocked the lightning attack with his body. In her opinion, it was impossible for warriors below the Martial King Realm to rely on their body to immediately attack with lightning.

Maybe there is some magic weapon in him.

Yang Yiqiao thought about it, and didn't ask any more questions.

Xiao Ye and Yang Yiqiao had already arrived at the foot of the mountain, but the crazily raging lightning seemed to be enveloped by the mountain peak, but it kept bombarding the mountain peak.

Xiao Ye knew why not a single blade of grass grew on this mountain. It is likely that no creature could survive such a terrifying lightning baptism.


Xiao Ye frowned, looking at the mountain in surprise, there was a figure flying in the air, holding a steel knife, slashing at the falling lightning non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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