Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 109 Phoenix Tree

Chapter 109 Phoenix Tree

Yang Yiqiao glanced at Xiao Ye who was surprised, and explained: "This is Phoenix Valley, and there is a pair of adult Phoenix living here."

Xiao Ye nodded, looked at the valley in front of him, and asked doubtfully, "Is there any poinciana here? Why can't I see a tree?"

Xiao Ye was puzzled for a while, the valley was lush and lush, but it was all emerald green grass, not a single tree, let alone poinciana.

Lei Ling smiled slightly, pointed to a sapling about half a meter in front of him, and said, "Isn't that the Phoenix tree?"

"It?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, and hurried over to look at it. The half-meter-high sapling had a few palm-shaped leaves scattered on it. It was verdant and verdant, and the stem was indeed bright red, like a burning flame.

"This is a Phoenix tree?" Xiao Ye didn't believe it, the Phoenix is ​​a divine beast, how can such a small sapling live?
Lei Ling glanced at Xiao Ye and explained: "Don't look at this tree as small, but it is actually more than 300 years old."

"So long?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. He saw a pile of weeds at the root of the poinciana tree, and when he opened it, there was a fiery red egg the size of a fist, which was a phoenix egg.

"Don't touch it." Lei Ling quickly grabbed Xiao Ye's hand and reminded: "This is a phoenix egg, and an adult phoenix will leave a mark on it. If someone touches it, the phoenix will know."

Xiao Ye nodded, Yang Yiqiao also came over, glanced at the phoenix egg, carefully folded a finger-sized poinciana branch, and said to Xiao Ye: "These should be enough for us. , get out of here quickly."

The phoenix is ​​a divine beast. When it grows into an adult, its cultivation is at the Martial King Realm. It is not something Xiao Ye and the other three can deal with.

Xiao Ye was about to leave with Yang Yiqiao and the others, when Xiao Hei's voice came: "Human, you can't be so timid, right? Poinciana is a good thing, and putting it in your space will be of great benefit to you. "

Xiao Ye was taken aback, and didn't really believe what Xiao Hei said, but asked Xiao Bai: "Xiao Bai, is what Xiao Hei said true?"

"Yes, master." Xiaobai said: "Phoenix tree is a sacred tree. It stabilizes the space and emits spiritual energy. It is definitely a good thing."

When Xiao Ye heard Xiaobai say this, he was immediately tempted, but Lei Ling and Yang Yiqiao were here, and they would definitely stop him.

Xiao Ye's eyes moved, and while Yang Yiqiao and Lei Ling were not paying attention, he raised his foot and kicked the phoenix egg.


Suddenly, a melodious cry came, and then a flame rose from the end of the valley, sweeping over the sky and covering the sky. In the center of the flame, there were two fiery red birds flapping their wings, as fast as lightning, attacking Xiao Ye and the others .

"No, those two phoenixes are back!"

Feeling the terrifying temperature around him, Lei Ling's expression suddenly changed when he saw the two big birds in the sky. Although the cultivation of these two phoenixes was also at the Martial King Realm, they were definitely not something humans at the Martial King Realm could resist.

Xiao Ye didn't expect Fenghuang to react so quickly, he was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said: "Let's split up!"

Lei Ling and Yang Yiqiao nodded, without any hesitation, they rushed towards the valley respectively.

Feeling the terrifying temperature behind him, Xiao Ye saw that the two had gone far away, and with a movement of his body, he directly entered the Sumeru space.


The boundless flames instantly engulfed Xiao Ye, Yang Yiqiao subconsciously looked back and exclaimed: "Xiao Ye! Xiao Ye hasn't come out yet!"

Lei Ling glanced at the valley that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, frowned and said, "Leave him alone, or we'll all die here!"


Yang Yiqiao wanted to say something, but was pulled away by Lei Ling.


A melodious cry came, and seeing that the child was fine, the two phoenixes were relieved, looked at Lei Ling and Yang Yiqiao, let out an angry cry, and continued to chase.

Xiao Ye hid in the Sumeru space, and when he saw the two phoenixes leaving, he heaved a sigh of relief, moved his body, and appeared in the valley.


A burst of heat and cold hit, Xiao Ye was startled, the surrounding temperature was terrifyingly high, the valley that was still full of life just now was in a mess, only the poinciana was already green and verdant, as if it was absorbing these flames.

"As expected of the Phoenix tree." Xiao Ye sighed, and carefully moved the Phoenix tree into the Sumeru space.

Xiao Ye glanced at the phoenix egg beside him, and with an idea, he let Xiao Hei out.

Feeling the temperature around him, Xiao Hei glared at Xiao Ye, and said angrily, "Xiao Ye, do you want to heat me to death?"

"Hey!" Xiao Ye had a malicious smile on his face, before Xia Hei could react, Xiao Ye grabbed Xiao Hei and threw it directly onto the phoenix egg.


Xiao Hei felt as if he was going to get out of bed, and he reacted instantly, and said angrily: "You don't mean to steal the phoenix egg, do you?"


In the distance, there was a burst of angry birdsong, and the two phoenixes chasing Lei Ling and Yang Yiqiao sensed the strangeness of the phoenix egg, and returned in an instant.

"The answer is correct!" Xiao Ye glanced at Xiao Hei, stretched out his hand, and directly put the phoenix egg into the Xumi space, and then entered the Xumi space.

"You lunatic!" Xiao Hei looked at the two big birds that were getting closer, Xiao Ye, the bastard, wanted him to be scapegoated.

"Hey!" Xiao Hei hurriedly said in horror: "Despicable human beings, put me into the Xumi space quickly, they will kill dragons!"

Xiao Ye saw that the two phoenixes were flapping flames, and they rushed towards the yelling Xiao Hei.

Seeing that Xiao Hei had successfully attracted hatred, Xiao Ye moved his mind and directly put Xiao Hei into the Sumeru space.

"Huh!" Xiao Hei finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the familiar surroundings.


Outside, the two phoenixes saw that Xiao Hei disappeared suddenly, together with their child and the poinciana tree, they became furious, flapping their wings, and the terrifying flames enveloped the entire valley in an instant.

Xiao Hei had lingering fears in his heart. He waited for Xiao Ye, and said angrily: "Xiao Ye, you bastard, my uncle has never finished with you?"

"Are you sure?" Xiao Ye looked at Xiao Hei with a half-smile, this Xumi space was his territory, he didn't mind throwing Xiao He out, and felt the anger of the two phoenixes.

"You!" Xiao Hei was at a loss for words, glared at Xiao Ye fiercely, ran to the corner, and muttered, "Draw a circle and curse you!"


Suddenly, bursts of explosions sounded, Xiao Ye was startled, and the real Xumi Dimension became extremely unstable.

"Not good!" Xiaobai exclaimed: "It's the Phoenix Divine Fire, this space can't stop the divine fire from roasting!"

Seeing that Xiao Hei was missing, the two phoenixes could only put their boundless anger in the valley here. Although Xiao Ye's Sumeru Space is independent, it still has a little communication with the outside world.The phoenix divine fire was extremely terrifying, scorching the entire valley, even Xiao Ye's Sumeru Space was not spared.

(End of this chapter)

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