Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1208 Disagreements of the Prison Demon Sect

Chapter 1208 Disagreements of the Prison Demon Sect
If it wasn't for him, Mo Wen and the others wouldn't have failed to investigate clearly just like Xiao Ye made a move. If it wasn't for him, the Mo family wouldn't have suffered such a catastrophe.

"Death! I will drag you to die with me!"

Some strong men could no longer suppress the anger in their hearts, and after a loud roar, they withdrew the barrier and rushed towards Xiao Ye who was in mid-air, watching his family members fall in front of him one by one, making him lose his mind.


It's just that before flying high into the sky, it exploded into a blood flower like a moth to a flame. It was brilliant and strange, and it shattered into the most original blood energy, which was supplemented as the mobilizing power of the chaotic magic sound.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Some people in the city noticed the battle here, and flew towards this side one after another. When they saw that it was Xiao Ye who made the attack, they all showed surprised expressions. Who is Xiao Ye?A genius who can be recognized by the Prison Demon Sect has the same talent as Bianmu, and is also an opponent recognized by Lian Chongyin. Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's battle, but now Xiao Ye unexpectedly appeared in the Mo family's foundation. Killing the Quartet is really surprising.

"What happened? Why did this kid come to Mo's house to make trouble? Don't you know that the use of force is prohibited in the city?"

"Hmph, I think he really thought that with the appreciation of the Prison Demon Sect, he would be lawless. During the day, he was so angry that he abolished Moge, but at night, he wanted to kill the grass and roots, and completely cut off the Mo family."

"No way, it's just a little quarrel and small friction. As for being so vicious? The Mo family has stood in this city for thousands of years, and this is the first time someone beats them to the door."

Everyone discussed and cast doubtful looks at Xiao Ye.

"Everyone, seniors, comment on me! During the day, I did have something wrong, and I cursed and threatened a few words, but this bastard, with a grudge in his heart, killed me at the door of my house at night, and killed my father and my second wife." Uncle Quan was killed! How can such a vicious person deserve to be a disciple of the Prison Demon Sect!"

As if grasping at straws, Moge knelt on the ground and cried to the people who came, obviously, his trick was very effective, and everyone felt sympathy and began to accuse Xiao Ye of his faults.

"Boy, the Mo family has done a lot of good things for the city over the years, so you just hold your hands high. We are all demons, so there is no need to be so vicious."

"Wait, I'll go to the Lord City Lord right away and ask him if he dares to take care of this matter, because the game has a grudge in his heart and took revenge. After living for so many years, it's the first time I've seen such a bad thing, and the crime should be punished!"

"It's so noisy! A bunch of bastards! I put my words here today, and the Mo family will die! Anyone who refuses to accept can stand up, and I, Xiao, will be liquidated with you! Who are you who hide behind your back and gossip!"

With a wave of Xiao Ye's hand, a gap in the pale gold barrier was opened, enough for one person to pass through. Suddenly, there was no sound on the field, no one dared to stand up, and they didn't kill them. Xiao Ye's performance during the day could be seen in his eyes It's okay to talk about having fun, but no one is willing to give their lives for the Mo family, it's not worth it.

"Help! Everyone, help me!"

A strong man from the Mo family seized the opportunity and escaped along the crack in the barrier, but before anyone could offer help, a giant black palm descended from the sky and slapped him into a pulp like a fly.


Everyone took a step back in unison, for fear that Xiao Ye would think they were with the Mo family.

"A bunch of cowards, how dare you come and yell in front of adults? You really don't know what to do, go home and heat up the kang! Shame on you, don't piss and show yourself what kind of bastard you are, stupid ass."

Zhao Santeng sneered and mocked unabashedly, everyone was furious and accused Zhao Santeng one after another, a war of words and swords broke out, and there was even a faint sign of overshadowing the voice of Chaos.

"Puff puff~!"

In the end, after more than a dozen people vomited blood and fainted, the game ended. Zhao Santeng won with an absolute advantage, leaving Xiao Ye quite speechless. His mouth skills can be passed down as a god-level skill. If you go on, you will definitely be looted by the world, after all, no one has ever seen this kind of cultivation technique that can cross levels and pose a threat to the strong.

"Hey, you trash are worthy of showing up? You don't know how to live or die. If you have the courage, you can go into the dog hole and see how the adults will destroy you."

dog hole?

Xiao Ye was a little puzzled, and looked in the direction of Zhao Santeng's finger. He was relieved, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that the dog hole he mentioned turned out to be the gap in the pale gold barrier. Looking carefully, it really looked like a dog hole. Everyone's faces were dark. At the extreme, even a strong man with that strength would not be able to enter along the enchantment. Ye will also make the world laugh for thousands of years.

"This trick is really fucking bad, this bastard is really insidious, it suits my taste, hahahaha!"

Xiao Hei opened his mouth and laughed, and there was a resonance between the two people with the same smell.

"Help, save me, I am the young master of the Mo family, as long as you save me, I will give you endless gold and silver treasures, so that you can live a rich life, please."

Facing the threat of death, Moge knelt on the ground and kowtowed, but no one dared to stand up, which made him feel desperate. The blood flowed into rivers in the Mo family city, and there were corpses everywhere. They never dreamed that they would die from the moves developed by their ancestors. It can be said that death is extremely shameful.

"Stop! Little bastard! What are you doing?! As a pre-selected disciple of the Prison Demon Sect, you actually slaughtered all directions in the organizer's city and ruined the honor of our Prison Demon Sect. What should you do?!"

At this moment, a murderous army rushed from a distance. The leader was an old man with long beard in black. The old man was angry, and he appeared outside the barrier with a flash across the void. Everyone saw He hastily cupped his fists and bowed, extremely respectful.

"I'll wait, see the Great Elder."

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, watching the people in their own city being killed but no one dared to speak out. I really don't know what the city lord in this city does for food, to support you bunch of idiots."

The old man cast an angry glance at everyone, making them ashamed, and buried their heads lower.

"Great Elder? Which Great Elder is so majestic? You really treat yourself like an onion. What kind of thing are you to dare to yell at my pet? Are you getting impatient?! Believe it or not Let the stinky brat peel off your skin?!"

"Shh~! Lord Xiaohei, silence! Don't say any more! This person is the chief elder of the Prison Demon Sect. If the leader of the Prison Demon Sect does not come out, he is the speaker of the Prison Demon Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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