Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 121 Gathering Pills

Chapter 121 Gathering Pills

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Jiang Ping sighed: "If you can invite the dean to make alchemy, it will be worth spending a thousand gold coins."

Seeing that Jiang Ping was still sighing there, Xiao Ye didn't say anything, Han Hao became impatient, and said: "Okay, let's go quickly, I have finished refining the elixir for you, I still have things to do."

Jiang Ping didn't have much to say, so he followed closely.

When they came to Han Hao's dormitory, they didn't talk nonsense. Jiang Ping took out the materials for refining Juling Pill and handed it to Han Hao, but he looked at Xiao Ye and said coldly: "Boy, my money is not so easy to earn. , if you can't refine the spirit-gathering pill that satisfies me, I won't let you go!"

Xiao Ye glanced at this arrogant guy, didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned to Han Hao, and said, "Let's get started."

"Yes." Han Hao nodded, and hurried to the alchemy furnace, and lit the furnace.

Xiao Ye has already read the steps and precautions for refining Juling Pill from the system, and guided Han Hao in alchemy.

Han Hao knew that Xiao Ye was powerful and meticulous. Although he disagreed with many things Xiao Ye said, he still strictly followed the steps Xiao Ye said.

Soon, the refining was completed, and Han Hao opened the pill furnace.

"What's going on?" Jiang Ping immediately came over. He was so anxious that he didn't think that Han Hao could refine the Spirit Gathering Pill at once. He was waiting to mock Xiao Ye.

Han Hao sighed slightly, took out the elixir from the alchemy furnace, and said in frustration, "It's just a top-grade elixir."

"Ah?" Jiang Ping was about to point the finger at Xiao Ye, but when he heard Han Hao's words, he froze on the spot, just top grade?Is Juling Pill easy to refine?Why is Han Hao's tone so disappointed?
Jiang Ping couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Although Juling Pill is a mid-level elixir, even if it is refined by a senior alchemist, he is not 100% sure that it will be successful. Han Hao is satisfied if he can refine a low-grade Juling Pill , I never dreamed that I could refine the top-grade Juling Pill in one go.

Even if Jiang Ping was killed, he didn't believe it, it was the result of Xiao Ye's guidance.Jiang Ping looked at Han Hao, and asked again for confirmation: "Senior brother Han, are you sure it is a top-grade Juling Pill?"

Han Hao nodded, didn't bother to explain, handed the elixir directly to Jiang Ping, and said lightly: "You can see for yourself."

Jiang Ping quickly took it, and the elixir in his hand was full and round in color, and it really was a top-grade spirit-gathering elixir.

"Great!" Jiang Ping looked excited. With this Yuan Ju Pill, Heishahu can break through and reach the seventh level of Yuan Gathering Realm. He has already inquired about it. The most powerful among the freshmen in the college is Ai Wushe. Chang's personal disciple, at the sixth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, cannot be the opponent of the spirit beast of the seventh level of the Yuan Gathering Realm.

Jiang Ping took out five hundred gold coins from his pocket, handed them to Han Hao directly, and said, "Thank you, brother."

From Jiang Ping's point of view, all of this is due to Han Hao and has nothing to do with Xiao Ye.

Han Hao didn't explain much, took the five hundred gold coins and handed them to Xiao Ye respectfully.Xiao Ye didn't hesitate, and took it directly.

Jiang Ping couldn't help frowning, seeing that Han Hao was always respectful to Xiao Ye, could it be that this kid really has some skills.

Jiang Ping was puzzled, looked at Xiao Ye, and asked, "Are you a freshman this year?"

Xiao Ye nodded without hiding anything, and said, "Xiao Ye."

"Xiao Ye?" Jiang Ping was taken aback for a moment, then reacted randomly, and said in surprise: "You are the Xiao Ye who defeated Senior Brother Langcheng?"

Xiao Ye didn't speak, Jiang Ping touched the tall Heisha Tiger beside him, and said lightly: "I've wanted to learn how good you are for a long time, but it seems that I can only wait until the Freshman Competition."

When Jiang Ping said this, he kindly reminded Xiao Ye: "Boy, I hope you are lucky, don't meet me too early in the freshman competition!"

Xiao Ye smiled slightly, and didn't bother to pay attention to this self-righteous guy, but looked at Hei Shehu next to him. The newborn Dabi is allowed to use weapons and beast pets. There is a spirit beast beast pet at the seventh level of Yuan Gathering Realm, but it is enough Crushing newborns.

"Okay." Seeing Jiang Ping looking down on Xiao Ye like this, Han Hao felt upset, and said, "I still have something to do, Jiang Ping, you should leave first."

Jiang Ping didn't care, this time he came here to refine the Spirit Gathering Pill, he had already obtained a high-grade Spirit Gathering Pill, he was satisfied, nodded, looked at Xiao Yezhi again, turned around and left.

Seeing Jiang Ping leave, Han Hao turned to Xiao Ye again, took out a token and said: "Teacher, this is the token representing the identity of the dean of the Pill Academy. We don't have the token of the vice president of the Pill Academy yet, so you can use it too." Bar."

"This..." Xiao Ye hesitated for a moment, took the token after thinking about it, and said: "Thank you very much, since there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

"Okay, let's go slowly, teacher." Han Hao didn't hold back either. He gained a lot from Xiao Ye's guidance this time, so he just seized the time to realize it.

Xiao Ye left the alchemy academy and was a little idle. The other freshmen were preparing for the freshman competition. Hurry up and practice, and try to get a good ranking in the freshman assessment.But Xiao Ye is not in a hurry, his cultivation is different from others, even if he is working hard, he probably won't make any progress in the past few days.

"Go to the library and find out if there are any secret books on body training." Xiao Ye thought of God's Punishment Peak, there must be some secrets on the top of the mountain, but now he has reached a bottleneck in his physical cultivation, and he must find a way to break through. Check out the library.

The library of Yuzhou College is a tall tower with nine floors, and it is also one of the symbolic buildings of the college. The tower is made of a kind of black unknown ore, which is impenetrable by water and fire and is extremely strong. Warcraft invaded here, but they couldn't destroy the library at all.

Xiao Ye came to the first floor of the library, there were only a few scattered people, most of them were freshmen, Xiao Ye didn't think too much, looked at the rows of bookshelves in front of him, and searched carefully, most of them were martial arts of the lower level , and some introductory knowledge about alchemy, medicine, and pet taming, but there was nothing Xiao Ye was looking for.

Xiao Ye came to the second floor of the library, which was similar to the first floor, except that the martial arts on it were a little more advanced. Xiao Ye rummaged through rows of bookshelves, but he also couldn't find any secret books that recorded physical training.

"Sigh." Xiao Ye sighed helplessly. There is only one book here, which introduces body cultivation. In the entire Yuzhou Continent, it is extremely difficult for warriors to cultivate the body. is mainstream.

Xiao Ye put down the last book in his hand, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, he raised his leg and was about to walk towards the third floor of the library.


Suddenly, there was a cold shout, and Xiao Ye raised his head. At some point, an old man with gray hair stood in front of him. This old man's aura was as vast as a cloud, and Xiao Ye couldn't tell the other party's cultivation, he was definitely a master .

(End of this chapter)

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