Chapter 1222
"Is it over? This kid is like a cockroach, he can't be beaten to death, brat, don't fight anymore, you will definitely not be able to spare you if you kill this kid, don't forget that the Demon Emperor's grand meeting will start soon, be careful Wearing small shoes."

"Huh~ It's over, the Demon God Body is indeed powerful. If it were someone else in the same realm, it must have been broken into slag. The fusion of the blood of the human race and the demon race can create such a powerful blood. Could it be that the rumors are true? Was it once the same race as the human race?"

"Stinky boy, why don't you find a demon girl to give birth to a baby? Maybe you can create the strongest race in the universe."

A bold idea emerged in Xiao Hei's mind. If it really succeeds, it will create an unprecedented precedent, and the once powerful blood of the distant ancestors may be revived.


A piece of gravel rolled down from the sky and hit the ground. A hand covered in blood rested on the boulder, and his broken body appeared in front of everyone. Every time he took a step, his legs trembled twice. Walking slowly towards Xiao Ye like this, everyone held their breath, for fear that he would fall down on the road.

Finally, after spending half an hour, he walked up to Xiao Ye again, stretched out his fist, and hit Xiao Ye lightly.

"Huh...huh...hit, it's a draw, right?"


"It's a draw, it's overcast, this time we're tied, ten years later, when you catch up with me, you'll fight me again, I'll wait for you, I hope you will have an even brighter performance next time."

"it is good……"


After getting a satisfactory answer, Lian Chongyin fell to the ground with a smile on his face. The senior officials of the Prison Demon Sect rushed up and carried him back to the door for rescue. His vitality was extremely weak, and the fire of life would be extinguished at any time. possible.

"This kid is really fighting. The Demon God Body will never admit defeat. Maybe he will become your strong enemy in the future. Brat, you have to be careful."

"Well, it is a strong enemy, but not a deadly enemy. This battle will bring him endless benefits. Of course, the premise is that he can survive. I will not give him the Rejuvenation Pill. It depends on his own recovery ability. If he dies On the road, it means that I misread him, he is not worthy of my expectations, and there are not many opponents whose names I can remember."

Xiao Ye didn't look back at the shocked eyes of those senior brothers, nor listened to their compliments, but turned and left, waiting for the Great Elder Zhentian to take him to the core area of ​​the Demon Race to participate in the Demon Emperor's Grand Meeting.

A few days later, Xiao Ye still went to listen to the scriptures every day, but the difference was that these senior brothers all looked at him with admiration when they saw him coming, and even took the initiative to move out of the way to find him a more suitable place to listen to. location.

"Junior brother Xiao Ye is really a dragon and a phoenix among men. In the future, he will definitely be a giant of the demon clan. He will control one side of the power. The future is immeasurable. I am optimistic about you."

This is what Xiao Ye has heard the most these days. He can clearly hear flattery. Not only did he think to himself, but Zhao Santeng's flattery is natural and refreshing. This is a state that has not been specially studied. Humans can never reach this level.

The next day, Xiao Ye was still practicing, and Elder Zhentian flew to the mountains.

"It seems that the Demon Emperor's grand meeting will start soon."

Xiao Ye opened his eyes, and his body slowly disappeared into the room. Zhao Santeng, who was sitting by the side, got up and bowed, watching him leave.

"Xiao Ye, tomorrow is the grand meeting of the Demon Emperor. We need to prepare in advance. The Prison Demon Sect is tens of millions of miles away from the core area. It will take a day to fly at full strength, but we have the Demon Falcon, so we can reach it before night falls. .”

Zhen Tian blew a whistle, and an eagle with a wingspan of [-] meters landed from the clouds. The two of them stepped on the back of the falcon and disappeared into the prison demon sect in a blink of an eye. The disciples below cast envious eyes.

"Great Elder, I don't know what happened to Junior Brother Lian Chongyin? Did he leave any hidden wounds?"

On the way, Xiao Ye was the first to speak and asked Lian Chongyin about his injuries. After that day, Lian Chongyin never appeared again, and no one in the sect knew what happened to him.

"Don't worry, Chongyin's injury has stabilized. His breath of life is so strong that I am surprised, and his power is restrained in the magic pill. It is estimated that after he recovers and wakes up, his strength will increase by several levels. He is worthy of the demon body. Ordinary people's eyes speculate."

Zhen Tian glanced at Xiao Ye with a strange look and said.

"That's good."

Xiao Ye heaved a sigh of relief knowing that he was fine. If Lian Chongyin really died, Xiao Ye might be greeted with the anger of the Devil Emperor. This is not only provoking the authority of the Devil Emperor, but also slapping him in the face. It was his disciples who dared to commit murderous actions. I am afraid that there is no such bold person in the entire demon clan.

"It's you, Xiao Ye, as the disciple I personally summoned, you really shocked me. Even Lian Chongyin was defeated by you. Your talent and strength far exceeded my expectations. It's just me It's a bit strange, are you really a member of the Heavenly Demons? As far as I know, the Heavenly Demons have disappeared for tens of thousands of years."

Only people from the Bianmu clan are proficient in the Heavenly Demon Transformation Marrow Art, but Xiao Ye's proficiency far exceeds that of the Bianmu clan. Unleash 100% power, such as using immortal methods, which is something that the Bianmu clan cannot do.

"I am indeed a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan. I was the only one who survived the catastrophe back then. I was sealed in the mountain by my father. I only broke the seal in the past few years and was able to return to the human world."

As for what the catastrophe is, Xiao Ye has no idea at all, and it is not up to him to decide how to say it.

"No wonder you are so powerful. If the Heavenly Demon Clan hadn't been exiled back then, I'm afraid it would have been the strongest clan of the Demon Clan. What a pity, Xiao Ye, as the last member of the Heavenly Demon Clan, you must live well. With the mission of revitalizing the Heavenly Demon Clan, from now on, you will practice hard in the Prison Demon Sect. I have a 17-year-old daughter. I don’t know you..."

Xiao Ye suddenly realized that Emotional Zhentian is waiting for him here.

"Elder Zhentian, thank you for your kindness. I haven't considered getting a wife yet, and I will stay in the Prison Demon Sect for the next few years and will not go to other places. Even if I leave, no matter where I go I will forget your kindness.”

"I'm relieved to hear you say that."

In the evening, the falcons flew to the bustling area, and Xiao Ye could perceive that there were strong people of the Great God Emperor Realm everywhere, and even some areas had the breath of the Supreme God Emperor Realm, which was shocking.

"Our destination is coming, Emperor City. I remember that the last time I came here was a hundred years ago. So much time has passed in the blink of an eye. I don't know if Lord Devil Emperor is safe or not."

(End of this chapter)

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