Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 123 Gathering of Warcraft

Chapter 123 Gathering of Warcraft
Xiao Ye hurriedly looked at the place where the spiritual energy gathered, and was overjoyed that it was the residence of Liang Kuan and the others. It seemed that after taking the Tianling Pill, they not only dispelled the effect of the closed breath powder, but also successfully broke through.

There was a lot of movement here, and the people living in the dormitory area looked over one after another, wondering in their hearts, when did the breakthrough become so easy, and the three of them broke through at the same time, and looking at the movement, it seemed that the breakthrough was not just a small realm.

"Damn, what the hell are these freshmen doing?" Meng Yang was concentrating on cultivating in the room when he suddenly felt that the aura around him disappeared. When he came out to look, he was startled. The vortex of zhenqi was crazily converging towards the place where the three of Liang Kuan and the others lived.

Meng Yang sighed helplessly, and gave up his cultivation. He found that there would always be surprising things happening to anyone who had anything to do with Xiao Ye.

"Hey, isn't this the place where Liang Kuan and Ke Ya live? Could it be that they resolved Shu Xi San?" Wang Peng and Song Ming also came over. They had a good relationship with Xiao Ye and the others, so they knew Liang Kuan and the others Having been placed under the closed-breathing powder, seeing them successfully break through their cultivation at this moment, I am also sincerely happy for them.

"Xiao Ye, you're back?" Song Ming had already seen it through, and when he saw Xiao Ye, he was pleasantly surprised. He vaguely felt that Liang Kuan and the others' breakthrough so quickly was definitely related to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye nodded with a smile, and glanced at the cultivation bases of the two of them. They are both at the peak of the third level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, so there will be no problems in the freshman assessment this time.

After a full quarter of an hour, the surrounding aura gradually dissipated. With a "squeak", the door opened, and Keya was the first to walk out of the room. Seeing so many people outside, she was shocked. I feel a little embarrassed that so many people's eyes are on me.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister, for breaking through." Keya came out from the surrounding people and congratulated one after another.Ke Ya is one of the few girls here, and she is also the most beautiful one, who is the most popular here.

"Thank you." Ke Ya nodded and thanked the surrounding people, and then saw Xiao Ye in front of the crowd, and quickly went up to meet her, joyfully said: "Brother Xiao, I have made a breakthrough!"

"I already know." Xiao Ye was also happy for Ke Ya, and touched her head with a smile. Xiao Ye has always regarded her as a younger sister with the kind of liking for Ke Ya that can't be called a relationship between a man and a woman.

At this time, Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen also came out of the room. Everyone thanked them one after another, and then went back to practice. Most of the people living here are freshmen. Seeing Liang Kuan and the three of them break through is not good for them. little motivation.

"Boss." Liang Kuan looked at Xiao Ye and said excitedly, "It happens to be fine now, let us treat you to a good meal."

"Yeah, Brother Xiao, you're welcome, we still have some savings." Zhou Wen echoed again and again.

But Liang Kuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately changed his words: "You have savings, okay, you have invited this meal!"

"You! Fatty, can you be more shameless?" Liang Kuan gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't do anything about Liang Kuan. The two had competed before, and Zhou Wen knew that Xiao Ye was perverted enough, but he didn't expect him to be so perverted by Liang Kuan. Can't beat it.

"Okay." Xiao Ye quickly interrupted the noisy two people, and said: "There will be opportunities in the future to treat guests. You have just made a breakthrough in your cultivation bases, so you should stabilize your cultivation bases. After this freshman assessment is over, if you don't want to treat guests, I will I don't want to either."

"Okay, then it's a deal." Liang Kuan and the others didn't insist anymore, they agreed again and again, and asked Xiao Ye to guide them. They learned a lot, and then they went back to their rooms to practice.

Xiao Ye also returned to the room, and was about to study the body training exercises he had copied from the book today, when suddenly there were roars of beasts.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. The roars of beasts came one after another, and they came from the direction of the mountain behind the college. Could it be that the monsters from the Guling Mountains invaded again?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye quickly jumped off the bed, opened the door, and many disciples from the outer sect also came out. Seeing that Liang Kuan and the others were still practicing, Xiao Ye didn't bother them, and went straight to the mountain behind the academy.

Just arrived at the back door of the college, such a movement has already attracted many people, but everyone seems to be unprepared to fight, they all stretch their necks and look curiously at the back mountain.

"What's going on, the beast house is crazy? How did you release all the tamed monsters?"

"Isn't it because you want to return to the forest?"

"How is it possible? These monsters were tamed by the students of the Beast Academy at a great price."

"Could it be to stop the invasion of monsters?"

"No way, most of these monsters are at the third or fourth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, similar to freshmen, and the strongest ones have just broken through the True Martial Realm. If the monsters in the Guling Mountains riot, these guys will be trampled to death. !"


Xiao Ye was puzzled when he heard the discussions around him. Could it be related to this freshman assessment?For some reason, Xiao Ye suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

"Hey, Xiao Ye, why are you here?" A pleasant voice came, Yang Yiqiao saw Xiao Ye, and hurried over.

Seeing that Yang Yiqiao was in a good mood, Xiao Ye saw that her animal pet problem had been solved, and said, "I heard the roar of a beast, and thought it was a monster invasion, so I came here to see if I could help."

Yang Yiqiao glanced at Xiao Ye, a little speechless: "There are so many disciples in the academy, even if monsters invade, how can you freshmen help?"

Just finished speaking, Yang Yiqiao thought of Xiao Ye's terrifying strength again, and then said: "Just pretend I didn't say it."

It was only then that Xiao Ye realized that there was not a single freshman around, most of them were old students from the academy, and none of them had a cultivation level lower than the fifth level of Yuan Gathering Realm. It seemed that he was really superfluous here.

Xiao Ye heard the roar of beasts coming from outside. It was just howling, not anger. He was puzzled, looked at Yang Yiqiao, and asked, "Senior Sister, do you know what the Beast Academy is doing to release these monsters?" ?”

Yang Yiqiao gave Xiao Ye a blank look, and said, "Don't call me Senior Sister, you are now the vice president of our Alchemy Academy, just call me by my name."

Yang Yiqiao was also very helpless about this matter, but she also knew that Xiao Ye had this ability, looked at the monster outside, shook her head in doubt, and said: "I don't know what's going on, I heard It is said that Dean Li ordered the Beast Academy to do this."

"Mr. Li?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. After coming to the academy, he never saw Mr. Li again. Hearing that this was Mr. Li's arrangement, he felt even more certain that these magical beasts must be related to the freshman assessment.

"Okay." Yang Yiqiao looked at Xiao Ye, and said again: "You don't need to worry about these things, go back to practice quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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