Chapter 1230
"Who could it be? Could it be the ancient surviving beast emperor of the orc race? Only when they transform into human form can they have such a huge appearance."

"No...not the Beast Emperor..."

The Devil Emperor looked dignified, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be the god emperor of the ancient gods. Although their lineage is low-key, they still survive in a certain corner of the world. Before the demons ruled the world, they were the ancient gods who ruled all races. Now they have a common title, Gray Valley Vein."


Like a bolt from the blue exploding in his ears, Xiao Ye froze in place. Huigumai, this is a taboo name. In his former world, the strong Huigumai came, and that kind of terrifying strength It was desperate, and he still couldn't forget the silver-skeleton corpse in the realm of grandmist.

"May I ask Lord Demon Emperor, are the people of Huigu veins covered with silver bones and boundless strength?"

"How did you know?"

The Devil Emperor was a little surprised. Compared to his surprise, Xiao Ye was obviously more shocked!It turned out to be them!His breathing became short, doesn't it mean that... this Emperor Burial Plane may be the lair of the Huigu vein powerhouse? !
"That's just a phantom. It's the remnant of the emperor's soul after death. Damn it, even a remnant can rival the God Emperor of Absolute Beginning. How powerful is he? Is he an ascendant?!"

"Boom~! Bang!"

There was an earth-shattering explosion from a distance, as if the earth was split open, and a palace visible to the naked eye rose from the ground, standing at the end of the Emperor Burial Plane. The many changes made Xiao Ye feel even more uneasy, perhaps his guess Really right!The Emperor Burial Plane is the lair of Huigumai!Didn't they throw themselves into a trap? !Maybe even Hao Xing didn't think it would be like this back then.

"Damn! What is this?! Who can build a palace on the Emperor Burial Plane? Why have I never heard of it!"

"There is only one possibility. This palace is so old that it can be traced back to the ancient times. At that time, this plane could not be called the Emperor Burial Plane. Those emperor-level powerhouses who died were just later. Perhaps the owner here has been here all along. Sleep until you wake up today after absorbing enough blood from emperor-level powerhouses!"

"Master Demon Emperor, look quickly! Is that the emperor of the beast race and the human race?! They led the team to the palace!"

At the forefront of the demons, two groups of people rushed towards the palace. Their eyes were pure green, like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time seeing fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Not good! Lord Demon Emperor, hurry up and stop them. If this is really the hiding place of Huigumai, that palace is definitely the most dangerous place in the world! Maybe it will release unexpected enemies! Not only in this world , I am afraid that the outside world will be destroyed!"

"What?! I'll stop them right away!"

The Demon Emperor hurriedly tore through the void, and stepped in. The next moment, everyone from the Demon Clan blocked the gap between the Beast Clan and the Human Clan and the palace.

"Yefeng? Are you crazy? We don't want to look for you, but you have the guts to come to the door. It's really hard to find, and it doesn't take much effort! But before we kill you, we have to snatch the ancient opportunity. Just get out! Maybe you retreat now and we can spare your life."

For the Beast Emperor and Human Emperor, a great opportunity is much more important than killing the Devil Emperor.

"No, two, let's put our hatred aside for now. This palace is a product of the ancient times, and there may be an undead emperor living in Huigumai! If he appears, we will all die!"

"What?! Ash Valley Vein?!"

A look of shock appeared on Renhuang's face, obviously he knew what these three words meant, and immediately stepped back two steps, distanced himself from the palace.

"Trash! Lin Li, is this how you repay me for being trained by my orc clan for so long? What a weak bone! What if he is a strong man of the Huigu vein? Tens of thousands of years have passed, and he has long since turned into a Ashes, even the ascended ones have already returned to ashes to ashes, and the living are afraid, so is there any need to be afraid of a dead person?"

The Beast Emperor snorted coldly, and Lin Li immediately showed displeasure, but he couldn't refute anything, so he could only step forward and stand together with the Beast Emperor again. The Beast Emperor was right, thousands of years have passed, the palace The master is definitely dead, even the strong ones of the Huigu veins don't have to be afraid.

"Yefeng, I think you want to scare us away, and then take the demons to swallow the treasures in the palace alone? Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, you are so naive."

"Kui Yu, you're really thinking too much. Even if you kill me today, I won't be able to escape. It's about the life and death of the whole world!"

"Hmph, don't use this to scare me. Half a million years ago, there were still few creatures who died in our two races? Now you are pretending to be a good person. Since you are looking for death, then I will help you! Array!"

The Beast Emperor slapped his hands together, and a terrifying power shot up into the sky, covering the Devil Emperor inside, and the stars moved in the enchantment, unexpectedly there was a power that Xiao Ye was familiar with!It is Hao Xing's star field!Another equally powerful force is known without guessing, it must be the power of the former Emperor Liu Qin!The beast race and the human race have obviously made sufficient preparations for the opening of the Emperor Burial Plane, and they even made this kind of killing array against the demon race!

"Boom~! Whoosh!"

The stars exploded one by one, the lightsaber fluttered, and in just three breaths, the Demon Emperor was seriously injured, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

"Lord Demon Emperor! No! Hurry up and save your lord!"

"Yefeng if you want? You go in too! Turn into ashes in the town! Today is really a good day. Not only did you get rid of your demons in one go, but you even got a treasure from the ancient times. It's worth it! Hahahaha!"

The large formation spread rapidly, covering all the demon clansmen, and a large number of strong men fell down and became flying ash in the formation. The devil emperor hurriedly burned his blood to protect the clansmen, but his injuries were even worse. Seriously, the fire of life may be extinguished at any time.

The Beast Emperor laughed wildly a few times, and led the Human Emperor and others towards the dark gate of the palace.

"Cough cough... poof~"

The Devil Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness began to become blurred. Even so, he was still protecting a group of strong men under him, preventing them from being eroded by the formation.

"Master Demon Emperor, remove your power! Please! We are willing to live and die with you! There is no coward in the Demon Race!"

"My lord, we are willing to die with you! If you die to protect us, we will all have to live in the shadows in this life. This is not the result we want!"

However, no matter how everyone tried to dissuade him, the Devil Emperor's heart to die could not be changed.

"For the demons, I can sacrifice my life at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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