Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 130 Revenge

Chapter 130 Revenge
Seeing Liang Kuan accepting the jade talisman, the two monsters were looking at Xiao Ye with hope.

Xiao Ye didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys, turned around to look at them and said, "Let's go, we're going back to the academy."

The strength of these two monsters is not average, it is impossible to be trapped here forever, Xiao Ye is not worried about them, since he has obtained the jade talisman and passed the assessment, there is no need to continue wandering around the back mountain.

Not long after Xiao Ye and the others left, a figure looked at the fire here and came over suspiciously.

"Who is so bold that he dares to light a fire at night?" That person is also a freshman with an arrogant face. His cultivation is already at the fourth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, and his strength is only above average among freshmen. He dares to walk alone in the deep forest. That guts alone is admirable.

The freshman came to the bonfire, and there was no one else, and he had obviously left.If Xiao Ye were here, he would definitely recognize this person, it was the owner of that black evil tiger, Jiang Ping!


Suddenly, there was an anxious and excited animal roar from the side.

"Huh?" Jiang Ping was taken aback. Although he was from the Beast Academy, he knew that monsters would not hurt people, but encountering monsters at this time was still very troublesome.

"No, why is this roar so familiar?" Jiang Ping frowned, and suddenly realized that this was the cry of his beast pet, Heishahu.

Jiang Ping looked around and saw two pig-headed monsters buried in the pit at a glance. He could vaguely distinguish one as a tiger's head and the other as a bear's head.

Jiang Ping ran over quickly, looked at the tiger head that was full of grievances but full of excitement, and could vaguely distinguish the shadow of the black tiger, surprised: "You are a little tiger? Who beat you like this?"


Heishahu groaned again and again in grievance, stretched out his claws with difficulty, and kept drawing in front of him.

Jiang Ping was taken aback, frowned and said, "You said it was the new student we met in alchemy before, Xiao Ye?"

Heishahu nodded repeatedly.

"Damn it!" Jiang Ping gritted his teeth. Usually Heishahu made mistakes, and he was reluctant to scold him loudly. Now he was beaten into a pig's head by a freshman. How could he swallow his anger.

"I'll rescue you first." Jiang Ping quickly released the Heisha Tiger and the bear, then thought of something, looked at the Heisha Tiger, and asked, "Where's your jade talisman?"

Heishahu waved his hand aggrievedly, indicating that Xiao Ye also snatched it away.

"Damn, this bastard!" Jiang Ping was furious, and looked at the bear beside Heishahu. The bear knew what Jiang Ping was thinking, shook his head, and then got up and entered Shanlin Zong.It is not Jiang Ping's animal pet, there is no need to obey him.

Jiang Ping thought it would be easy for him to get the jade talisman, but he didn't expect Xiao Ye to get there first, and the hatred for Xiao Ye in his heart was even worse.

Jiang Ping touched Heishahu, and comforted him: "You should practice hard these few days, and when you have broken through the seventh level of Yuan Gathering Realm, when the freshmen compete, you will take care of that bastard!"

At this time, the sky was pitch black, and the roars of monsters in the forest kept coming and going, and the sound of fierce fighting came from a distance. Obviously, the monsters had gathered to fight with the freshmen of the academy.

With the help of the moonlight, Xiao Ye and the others shuttled through the jungle, trying not to provoke the hordes of monsters, but a few monsters didn't look for them, they were beaten by Xiao Ye and the others, and ran away in disgrace.

"Aren't you two bastards afraid of being punished by the academy?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of cursing from deep in the jungle ahead, followed by the sound of fierce fighting.

Xiao Ye frowned, he had already noticed the strangeness in front of him, there were no monsters, it was the freshmen fighting.

"Boss, should we go over and have a look?" Liang Kuan and the others were curious, and stretched their necks to look into the woods.

Xiao Ye didn't want to be troublesome, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "Let's go, go and have a look."

They covered their aura and walked forward slowly. Under the faint moonlight, they saw four figures fighting fiercely together in the jungle. Using a long spear, one of them used a long whip to push the two men back again and again, creating a dangerous situation.

Seeing the figures of the two, Xiao Ye frowned. They looked familiar. They should be people he knew, but the light was too dim to see their faces clearly.


With a loud bang, a figure was swept away by the spear, a stream of blood spewed out in the air, and flew upside down.

"Xiaowei!" The other person was startled, and wanted to rescue him, but his body tightened, and he was entangled tightly by the long whip in shock.

"Despicable!" The man named Xiaowei struggled to get up from the ground, gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Since you want to take the jade talisman, let's burn the jade together!"

As he said that, the man took out the token representing the new student's identity and wanted to crush it.


There was a cold snort, followed by a spear light that pierced the man's arm in an instant, and with a "click", the token in Xiaowei's hand fell to the ground, and then a cold spear tip stuck tightly to him. throat.

"Hand over the jade talisman, and spare you!" The man's voice was cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes was hard to hide.

"Huh? Du Cheng!" Hearing the man's voice, Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen clenched their fists, looked at each other, and rushed forward without hesitation. Ke Ya also gritted her silver teeth, her eyes were full of anger, But not as impulsive as the two.

Xiao Ye just realized it, and it was too late to stop it.The three of Liang Kuan were tricked by Du Cheng and Zhang Hong, and they took Guanxi powder. Now that they see them again, the hatred can be imagined.

"Well, who is it?" Du Cheng was stunned for a moment, seeing two figures rushing towards him quickly, he thought it was the seniors on patrol from the academy, his expression changed in shock, and the spear in his hand swept towards the back in a panic.


With a loud noise, Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen's attack was blocked, and they couldn't help taking a step back.

"Freshmen?" Du Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that the two of them were not high-level, and they were not members of the academy patrol team. Leave these few people in front of you, otherwise you will definitely not be able to stay in the academy.

"Hehe, Du Cheng, Zhang Hong, long time no see!" Zhou Wen smiled coldly, took out his long sword, gritted his teeth, and glared at the two of them.

"It's you!" Du Cheng and Zhang Hong looked at each other, with a bad feeling in their hearts: "You guys have made a breakthrough?"

Du Cheng and Zhang Hong walked behind them subconsciously, and they saw Xiao Ye walking slowly, followed by a woman, it was Ke Ya.

The two took a step back, Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen alone were not necessarily opponents, they didn't expect Xiao Ye to still be here.

Du Cheng and Zhang Hong looked at each other, knowing it in their hearts, and moved back, wanting to escape.

"Want to leave?" Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen also reacted, roared angrily, and rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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