Chapter 133
"Shut up!" Ke Ya glared at Zhou Wen fiercely, and said angrily, "Prince Charming, he's a vixen disguised as a man!"

Xiao Ye was speechless for a while, and only now did he figure out what was going on. It turned out that there were only five people left in Keya's arena, three of the sixth-level powerhouses of the Yuan Gathering Realm, and Keya and that Mr. Qin. She strikes, and defeats it easily.

Xiao Ye frowned, and then realized that this young master Qin might not be simple, but his cultivation level is at the fourth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, but under his guidance, ordinary fifth-level Yuan Gathering Realm masters are capable of fighting. Mr. Qin is also at the [-]th level of Yuan Gathering Realm, but easily defeated Ke Ya. It seems that many people are hiding their strength.

All the competitions in the ring are over, and the 32 qualifying places have been determined. Among Xiao Ye and the others, only Xiao Ye and Liang Kuan qualified. Zhou Wen and Ke Ya regrettably failed to qualify.

In the afternoon, it was the competition to enter the top [-], and the groups came out quickly. Xiao Ye and Liang Kuan were very lucky. They all met guys from the fourth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm. These people are still good in the eyes of freshmen. He and Liang Kuan could only admit that they were unlucky.

In the afternoon competition, Xiao Ye easily defeated his opponent and entered the top [-]. He was about to go back to rest when suddenly there was a roar of tigers.


Xiao Ye frowned, looked at the ring beside him, and it was indeed Jiang Yuan's black tiger, who slapped his opponent away with a slap in front of him, while Jiang Yuan stood in the corner, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, calmly Looking at all this in front of you.

"So strong!"

"Is this cheating, let the animal pet at the peak of the sixth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm make a move, I am afraid that even the warriors of the sixth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm are not opponents?"

"You can't say that, beast pets are part of a warrior's strength, let alone this guy is from the Beast Academy..."

Everyone was talking about it, Xiao Ye frowned, even though he said this, he still felt that it was unfair to bring a magic beast of the sixth level of the Gathering Realm to participate in the freshman competition, not to mention that this black tiger had already taken the Gathering Pill, It is possible to break through to the seventh level of Yuan Gathering Realm at any time.

"This matter is tacitly approved by the academy." After the competition, Liang Kuan came to Xiao Ye's side and said.

"Acquiesce?" Xiao Ye was confused and looked at Liang Kuan suspiciously.

Liang Kuan nodded, and said: "I also just found out that the college deliberately favors its own people, and doesn't want the champion of the freshman competition to fall into the hands of others."

Xiao Ye was even more puzzled, he always felt that Yuzhou Academy was very fair, how could he do such a thing.

Knowing that Xiao Ye might have misunderstood, Liang Kuan continued: "Boss, this other person refers to some big families that are as powerful as Yuzhou College, and there are sects that are even more terrifying than Yuzhou College. You are the most popular rookie king, and Jiang Yunpeng, the direct disciple of the president of the Aiwu Society, is already a master of the sixth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, and it is said that behind him is a sect that is more terrifying than the academy!"

Xiao Ye heard about this Jiang Yunpeng, and frowned: "Sect disciples who are more terrifying than the academy must have more cultivation resources than the academy. Why do they still come to the academy?"

Liang Kuan shook his head suspiciously: "I don't know about this, maybe it's because the cultivation resources in the big sect are too difficult to compete for, so I came to Yuzhou Academy."

Xiao Ye did not agree with Liang Kuan's words. He always felt that there were some secrets in the college. Although Yuzhou College was within the Nanyun Kingdom, it did not belong to the Nanyun Kingdom. The two seemed to have equal status.

Xiao Ye watched Jiang Yunpeng's match, but the opponent was too weak, and he was several times more relaxed, so he couldn't detect Jiang Yunpeng's specific strength at all.

The round of sixteen is over, and tomorrow's battle list is also out.

"Damn it, it won't be so unlucky!" Liang Kuan looked at the bulletin board in front of him and exclaimed, with a sad expression on his face. His opponent tomorrow was actually Jiang Yuan, the disciple of the Beast Academy who possessed the sixth level monster of the Yuan Gathering Realm .

Xiao Ye also smiled helplessly, it seemed that Liang Kuan could only stop here.

"Brother Xiao, I believe in you, you will definitely win tomorrow!" Ke Ya clenched her fists and said fiercely.

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and continued to look at the list, and couldn't help being dumbfounded, his opponent tomorrow was actually that Mr. Qin.

To be honest, Xiao Ye had a good impression of Mr. Qin, especially she helped Xiao Ye find a book of body training exercises, although it didn't help much.

"That's right." Thinking of this, Xiao Ye was taken aback. He is now an outer disciple. With his identity token, he can enter the library on the sixth to eighth floors to look up books, and maybe he can find useful body training exercises. .

It was still early, and there was nothing to do when we went back. Xiao Ye and Liang Kuan said something and walked directly to the library.

The black tower stands abruptly at a corner of the college. For some reason, every time Xiao Ye sees this tower, he always feels oppressed. Maybe this is the reason for the college library.

Xiao Ye shook his head, without thinking too much, he walked directly into the tower, this time he did not see the old man, Xiao Ye directly entered the sixth floor of the tower, and no one stopped him.

There are not many students studying here, only about twenty people. When Xiao Ye came in, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. There is no other reason. The lowest cultivation level of everyone here is at the sixth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, while Xiao Ye is at the third level of the Yuan Gathering Realm. The martial artist who ran here unexpectedly, it would be strange if he didn't attract attention.

But everyone was just surprised, didn't care, and continued to read.

Xiao Ye ignored the crowd, flipping through books one after another, looking for exercises related to body training.

There were not many books on the sixth floor, only a dozen or so rows of bookshelves. Xiao Ye quickly searched, but couldn't find the exercises he wanted, so he walked to the seventh floor of the tower helplessly.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, and looked at the bookshelf beside him. There was a yellowed manual, which was placed among the books. He just ignored it and didn't pay attention to it.

Xiao Ye walked over and took out the yellowed manual. It wasn't a book, but a piece of paper that had been folded in half.

"This is?" Xiao Ye unfolded the paper, looked at the locked and incomprehensible text on it, and said in surprise: "This is Dragon Language!"

"How come there are dragon characters in this place?" Xiao Ye couldn't help looking at the booklet in his hand, it seemed to be a map, but Xiao Ye couldn't understand the things recorded on it.

"By the way, Xiao Hei!" Xiao Ye thought of Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei would definitely be able to understand the words he couldn't understand.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye stretched out his hand and summoned Xiao Hei directly from the Sumeru Dimension.

"Boy, what are you doing to disturb my uncle Qingmeng..."

As soon as Xiao Hei came out, he yelled, and Xiao Ye quickly covered his mouth in fright. This is the library of the academy, pets are not allowed to enter, it would be a disaster if the old man found out.

(End of this chapter)

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