Chapter 145
The turbulent energy subsided slowly, and the surroundings of the ring were full of desolation. The battle just now was shocking, with giant-like martial arts, terrifying flying swords, and the most surprising thing was Xiao Ye's terrifying defensive power. Putting on a black battle armor, looking at everything.


Xiao Ye's body gradually returned to normal, he bent down and gasped violently. It can be said that Xiao Ye had exhausted all his strength in this battle.


Suddenly, a slight voice came, and Xiao Ye was startled. He raised his head and looked at Jiang Pengfei who had sunk deep into the ground. A broken jade talisman fell from him. Jiang Pengfei stood up slowly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes But gloomy and terrifying, he stared at Xiao Ye indifferently, and a vaguely sharp aura kept gathering in front of Jiang Pengfei.

"How is it possible?" Xiao Ye took a step back slightly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, his body had reached its limit now, and this Jiang Pengfei seemed to be condensing an even more terrifying attack.

"Xiao Ye, I still underestimated you!" Jiang Pengfei said in a gloomy tone, staring at Xiao Ye coldly, holding strange sword tactics in front of him with both hands, a palm-sized blood-red dagger slowly appeared In front of him.


Jiang Pengfei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground, his face was pale, but his eyes were fixed on Xiao Ye, and the flying sword slowly spun around his fingers.

"Referee! Come on, stop him!" On the high platform, Li Tian's expression changed, and he shouted angrily.

The referee reacted from the shock just now, and quickly shouted: "Stop, Jiang Pengfei, you have already left the scope of the ring, the victory is a point!"

"Really? But life and death haven't been decided yet!" Jiang Pengfei ignored the referee, looked at Xiao Ye, grinned, stabbed Xiao Ye fiercely with the flying sword in his hand, and roared ferociously: "Die!"


The flying sword arrived in no time, and appeared in front of Xiao Ye's eyes. Xiao Ye opened his eyes wide and tried his best to block the small red flying sword with the last trace of strength in his body.


The flying sword broke through Xiao Ye's defense directly, and stabbed at the center of his eyebrows. Xiao Ye frowned, hesitating in his heart whether to activate the invincible abduction system.


With a loud bang, the blood-red flying sword stopped three inches from Xiao Ye's body, a wave-like ripple undulated, as if something blocked the flying sword's attack.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, and it turned out that an illusory giant sword suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the blood-red dagger.

"What's going on?" Not only Xiao Ye was stunned, but Mr. Li and the others were also in a daze. They didn't have time to make a move. Could it be that there is a hidden master here?


With a soft sound, an ordinary black wooden sign fell from Xiao Ye's arms, and the illusory giant sword also slowly disappeared.

"This is?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, and picked up the token on the ground. This is the token he gave to a woman named Li Ruoyao after saving a woman named Li Ruoyao from the forest of monsters. Could it be that illusory giant sword just now? , is the reason for this token?
Xiao Ye looked at the token in his hand suspiciously, it was still ordinary, nothing unusual.

After Jiang Pengfei performed that move, seeing that Xiao Ye was unscathed, he spurted out a mouthful of blood again, his face became even paler, his body shook, and he fell directly to the ground.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura swept across the sky and swept towards Xiao Ye fiercely. A young man with a stern expression and a face as sharp as a knife appeared on the ring, staring at Xiao Ye coldly. token.

"Where did you get this token?" The man's voice was hoarse and cold, accompanied by waves of terror.

Xiao Ye frowned, his eyes were serious, he slowly put away the token, looked at the young man vigilantly, and said, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

"Hmph!" The young man took a step forward and said coldly, "If you don't want to die, just hand over this token!"


A breeze blew, and a figure appeared in front of Xiao Ye, it was Li Tian.

Li Tian looked at the young man, and slowly said: "Zhao Kang, you are an old student of the academy, do you still want to participate in the freshman contest?"

"Zhao Kang?" Xiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the stern-looking young man in front of him, he was surprised, he turned out to be one of the four heavenly kings of the academy, the president of the Aiwu Society, Zhao Kang!

The crowd watching in the audience also opened their mouths wide in surprise. They had heard of the names of the four heavenly kings of the academy, but this was the first time they had seen them.

Zhao Kang glanced at Xiao Ye behind Mr. Li, gritted his teeth unwillingly, and made Jiang Pengfei lift up the seriously injured and unconscious Jiang Pengfei, and turned to leave.

Only then did Li Tian let out a sigh of relief. The old dean is not here. If these sects really do something, he probably won't be able to stop them.

Li Tian looked around at the crowd, signaled for everyone to be quiet, slightly raised Xiao Ye's hand, and said loudly: "I announce that the champion of this freshman competition is Xiao Ye!"

Everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, and then burst into bursts of cheers.

"The rookie king! The rookie king!"

Xiao Ye was also bursting with joy, and waved his hands to the surroundings. He didn't care about the champion of the Freshman Competition, what he cared about was the system task.Seeing that the system didn't prompt for a long time, Xiao Ye couldn't help urging in his heart: "System, the task has been completed, what about the reward?"

"What's the hurry, I'm helping you count!" The system's impatient voice came, and then continued: "Ding, the task of the freshman competition is completed, the experience points have been issued, the system mall is closed for upgrade, and it will open in a day!"

"That's it?" Xiao Ye waited for a long time, saw that the system had no more text, looked at the slightly increased experience points, and there were still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the fourth level of the Gathering Realm. As for the upgrade of the system mall, he did not I don't care much.

"Xiao Ye." Elder Li turned to Xiao Ye who was in a daze, and said, "The reward for the freshman contest is to go to the academy's inheritance place to practice for a month. Are you going to go in now?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Ye shook his head. He is not interested in these inheritances. He has the invincible plug-in system. His cultivation method is different from that of ordinary people. These inheritances may not help him.

Mr. Li nodded and continued: "Come with me. We will discuss how to save the old dean later. You can also participate."

Xiao Ye responded, found Liang Kuan and the others in the crowd, talked to them, and then left with Li Tian.

Xiao Ye followed Li Tian to a hall in the center of the college. At this time, the place was full of people, including teachers and students of the college.

"Hey, Xiao Ye!" Seeing Xiao Ye coming in, one person quickly stood up and waved.

(End of this chapter)

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