Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 154 Absorb Death Qi

Chapter 154 Absorb Death Qi

At this time, Xiao Ye didn't dare to hesitate, waved his palm, and slapped Lu Qi violently with the Heavenly Demon Palm.


With a loud noise, Lu Qi was slapped flying by the huge golden palm, and spit out a mouthful of blood again, but his gaze towards Xiao Ye did not change at all, it was still extremely hot.

Xiao Ye repelled Lu Qi, and retreated directly. Teng Yun's body skills were running to the extreme, and he ran directly to the outside of the courtyard.

"Stop!" Lu Qi was taken aback, he didn't expect Xiao Ye to run away suddenly, but when he wanted to stop him, Xiao Ye had already pulled out of the courtyard.

"Damn it!" Lu Qi gritted his teeth, his eyes hesitated for a while, and he finally gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Fight hard, as long as I can catch you, even if I lose ten years of vitality, I can make up for it!"

Thinking of this, Lu Qi no longer hesitated, followed Xiao Ye, and stepped out of the courtyard.


Lu Qi took a step forward, and suddenly let out a painful groan from his mouth. His dry skin seemed to be cracked, and there were streaks of red blood streaks, which looked extremely terrifying.

"What's going on?" Xiao Ye was startled by the screams, stopped, looked at Lu Qi who was chasing him, and was startled immediately.The old man's body was covered with red and black bloodshot eyes, his lips were shriveled, his eyes were lifeless, and his palms were filled with lifeless energy, and he was constantly chasing Xiao Ye.

"Damn it, ghost!"

Suddenly, there was a scream from behind the boulder. It was the dryad who led Xiao Ye over. He was afraid to go in, but because of curiosity, he hid here and peeked. Seeing such a terrifying Lu Qi, he was shocked. Jump.

"Huh? It's you!" Lu Qi also noticed the dryad, and couldn't help licking his dry lips: "Tsk tsk, just right, I'll absorb you first, and I'm dealing with that human kid!"

As he said that, Lu Qi moved his body, bursting with death energy, and appeared in front of the dryad in an instant.


The Dryad was startled, seeing the terrifying face in front of him, he was about to run away, but it was too late, the terrifying death energy had already entangled him, constantly devouring his vitality.

"Help, help..." The tree spirit's eyes were terrified, and she begged to Xiao Ye, trembling all over.

"Damn it!" Xiao Ye cursed secretly, gritted his teeth and rushed over. At the same time, the true energy in his body circulated wildly, and a huge golden palm appeared on top of Xiao Ye's head.

"Old man, go to hell!" Xiao Ye roared angrily, fisted his golden hand, and slammed Lu Qi fiercely.

"Huh?" Lu Qi frowned, frantically absorbing the vitality of the dryad without the slightest evasion.


With a loud noise, Lu Qi flew upside down again, Xiao Ye grabbed the sluggish tree spirit, moved his mind, and directly took him into the Sumeru Dimension, no matter whether Lu Qi who flew upside down was injured or not, he ran away.

"Ah! Bastard, stop!" Lu Qi roared angrily, his cane danced, and the boundless gray dead air floated, covering the entire forest in an instant. null.

"Tsk tsk, if you enter my dead zone, don't even think about getting out alive!"

Lu Qi's ear-piercing screams echoed in the air, Xiao Ye looked serious, if he was in Lu Qi's domain again, he might really die.

"Damn it, fight!" Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, and sat cross-legged on the ground, regardless of the three sevens and twenty-ones, the true energy in his body was circulating, and he was frantically absorbing the dead energy around him.

"Boy, you're crazy!" Sensing Xiao Ye's intentions, Xiao Hei was taken aback, and quickly stopped him: "Stop, death can swallow life, only people from the Demon Sect know how to refine it, you want to die ?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye seemed not to have heard it, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face was in pain. After the gray death energy poured into his body, it surged wildly, continuously devouring his flesh and blood, and his body seemed to be torn apart. .

Xiao Ye was horrified to find that the true qi in his body was afraid of these dead qi, and hid in the corner of the meridian, not daring to come out.Xiao Ye suddenly had a bad premonition, it was impossible to force the death energy out of his body at this moment.

"Ding, the system store has been upgraded!"

Just when Xiao Ye was in despair, a familiar voice suddenly came to mind.

"Damn it, what's going on, why are there so many dead spirits?" Immediately afterwards, the system's ancient and calm voice became surprised.

When Xiao Ye heard this voice, he felt a burst of joy, but he cursed angrily in his heart: "Damn it, where did you go, you cheating system, think of a way, I can't hold on anymore!"

The system was stunned for a moment, and then said speechlessly: "Idiot, run the Nine Transformations of the Dragon, that imitates the dragon clan's technique in ancient times, and is the nemesis of all evil energies!"

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses, resisted the severe pain in his body, let out a deep dragon chant again, and started to run the Nine Transformations of the Dragon.


A surge of golden true energy was crazily absorbing the dead energy in Xiao Ye's body, and the experience bar of the Shenlong Nine Changes technique, which had never improved, was slowly growing again.

"There is a play!"

Xiao Ye was excited for a while, and frantically operated the Nine Transformations of the Dragon, and the death energy permeating the surroundings seemed to have found a vent, and turned into terrifying vortexes, pouring into Xiao Ye's body, refined by the golden true energy.

Xiao Hei was taken aback when he saw the terrifying death aura, but he was relieved when he saw that Xiao Ye was not affected.

"Well, what's going on?" Lu Qi also noticed the abnormality, looked at Xiao Ye in the center of the death energy vortex, opened his eyes wide, and couldn't believe it: "You, how could you absorb death energy?"

Lu Qi felt the crazily passing death energy around him, and only then did he react, a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes, the cane in his hand suddenly pointed at Xiao Ye, and said in a low voice: "The dead zone is now!"


A gust of wind and cloud surged, and the surrounding environment changed drastically. The dead trees were weathered and turned into yellow sand all over the sky. Xiao Ye was placed in the dead desert again.

"Wow wow..."

The yellow sand surged, and Lu Qi's huge figure slowly reappeared in the sky again, his lifeless eyes fixed on Xiao Ye, the air trembled, and the terrifying coercion locked Xiao Ye firmly.

Xiao Ye tried hard to keep his mind clear, and slowly closed his eyes. This time, Lu Qi's dead zone seemed to be weakened.Xiao Ye could still feel the death energy from the outside world, suppressing the fear in his heart, Xiao Ye still frantically absorbed the death energy around him.


Above the head, Lu Qi's huge influence swayed for a while, as if it might drift away at any time, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, he stared at Xiao Ye coldly, and said slowly: "Freedom or life?"

The voice is full of magic, as if it penetrates directly into the depths of the soul, forcing a decision.

But this time, Xiao Ye didn't seem to have the slightest influence, still absorbing the death energy crazily, the ferocious dragon shadow above his head was staring at Lu Qi indifferently with wide scarlet eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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