Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 157 Zhang Shaofeng's Conspiracy

Chapter 157 Zhang Shaofeng's Conspiracy
The tree spirit glanced at Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's not impossible to be your beast pet, but I have two conditions, first, allow me to practice in this space, and second, we You can only sign a treaty of equality!"

As soon as the tree spirit entered this space, it was attracted by it. Its vitality was not weaker than that of the previous forest, and there were also Soul Gathering Grass and Poinciana, both of which were treasures for cultivating the soul.If you just sign an equal contract, you don't have to be restricted by this human being everywhere, and it doesn't matter if you stay by his side.

Xiao Ye frowned, looked at the tree spirit, and said, "The first condition is fine, but the second condition is not, you must sign a master-servant contract!"

"No!" The Dryad shook his head again and again, and said firmly: "It must be an equal contract, otherwise I would rather die than obey!"

"Are you sure?" Xiao Ye looked at the tree spirit with a half-smile. The last time he signed an equal contract with Xiao Hei was because he had no choice but to deal with Xiao Hei, but it was easy to deal with this tree spirit.

Xiao Ye winked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, and the two guys immediately understood, with an evil smile rising from the corner of their mouths, and they walked slowly towards the dryad.

"Wait, wait." The tree spirit looked at the two guys in fear, and said, "Human, even if I sign an equal contract, I will obey you."

Xiao Ye was too lazy to listen to the tree spirit's explanation, waved his hand, and said calmly: "Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, give this guy a hard hit until you agree."

"Okay!" The two guys responded excitedly, Xiaobai jumped up, and pressed the dryad under him with a "plop", and Xiaohei also jumped on top of Xiaobai's head, ravaging the dryad .

"Ouch..." The tree spirit screamed again and again, Xiao Hei's strikes were measured and not fatal, but every time he struck, the bark of the tree burst open, causing great pain.

"If you are ruthless, I surrender!"

Before he had smoked twice, the tree spirit gave up and begged for mercy: "I promise to sign a master-servant contract!"

Only then did Xiao Ye wave his hand in satisfaction, signaling Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai to stop.Xiao Hei was still a little bit full of meaning, he slapped the tree spirit again, and jumped down disappointedly.

The tree spirit glared at the two guys, looked at Xiao Ye, feeling unwilling, but still squeezed out a drop of emerald green blood from between the eyebrows, and floated in front of Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye's heart moved, and a drop of blood floated from the center of his eyebrows, which quickly merged to form a strange formation, which disappeared in a flash, and then two drops of blood entered the body of one person and one tree respectively.

After the master-servant contract was signed, Xiao Ye only felt an extra thought in his mind, which was from the tree spirit.At this time, the tree spirit did not dare to show any disrespect to Xiao Ye, so he knelt down and said respectfully, "Master."

"Yeah." Xiao Ye nodded and said, "I'll call you Xiaoshu from now on. Don't worry, I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Yes!" Xiaoshu was grateful for a while, and quickly nodded in response.

"That's right." Xiao Ye looked at Xiaobai, suddenly thought of something, his mind moved, and the dead wood walking stick appeared in his hand: "Xiaobai, I have a dimension of undead here, can you refine it?"

Since Xiaobai integrated his own space with the Sumeru Space, he has also gained partial control over the Sumeru Space, and of course Xiao Ye is the dominant one.

"What undead space? Let me take a look." Xiao Bai came over curiously.

Xiao Ye grabbed Xiaobai's fat body, and with a thought, he entered the undead space.

"Ah! What a terrifying aura!" Xiaobai looked at the gray sky around him, startled, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Master, what kind of place is this? It's so deadly!"

Xiao Ye didn't feel much different, and said, "This is the undead space I told you about. Is there a way to refine it?"

Xiaobai frowned, and looked at the surrounding space. It was endless, and its vastness was not weaker than Xumi Space. What was even more frightening was that the thick dead air pervading around him made him feel uncomfortable.

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and said: "Master, refining is possible, but the dead energy here is too heavy, and this space is also very stable. I'm afraid that the undead space will dominate by then."

Xiao Ye nodded. What Xiaobai said is very likely. This undead space is definitely not weaker than the Sumeru Space. Because of this, Xiao Ye wants to refine it, and the Sumeru Space will definitely become stronger by then. .

"Master." Xiaobai said again: "It's better to wait for the Phoenix tree to grow up and the space to be more stable, and then refine this undead space. The chance of success will be greater then."

"Alright." Seeing that Xiaobai didn't like this place, Xiao Ye moved away with Xiaobai.

Just as Xiao Ye left, the pair of terrifying eyes in the air reappeared, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "A mother ant eats spirits and wants to refine the space of this deity, it's beyond its control!"

Xiao Ye returned directly to the dark abyss, he always felt that Zhang Shaofeng had some kind of conspiracy, carefully identified the direction, and chased after Li Lao and others.

The dark abyss is extremely terrifying. Fortunately, Xiao Ye found the footprints left by Mr. Li and the others. Some powerful monsters have been known by Mr. Li, so Xiao Ye did not encounter any danger.


At this time, Li Tian and others had already checked the two loose seals, and there was no trace of the dean.The faces of Li Tian and the others were not good-looking. Any fierce beast that ran out of these seals would require them to deal with it with all their strength. Wu Tieshu, the dean of the Weapon Refining Academy, was even more embarrassed. His clothes were torn, and there was a hideous wound on his abdomen, which was obviously injured. Not light.

Wu Tieshu glanced at the compass in his hand, and said solemnly: "The next loose seal is the one with cracks."

Everyone's expressions changed at the same time, and they couldn't help but look at Li Tian and Zhang Shaofeng. The first two loose seals brought them such a big crisis, and this seal even showed cracks. There must be stronger demons, fierce beasts Running out, I'm afraid it is no longer something they can deal with.

Li Tian also saw everyone's fear, and said, "This time we are just investigating to make sure whether the old dean is trapped inside, and don't collide head-on with the devil inside."

Everyone had no objection and nodded solemnly.

Zhang Shaofeng and Mo Yang followed behind. Zhang Shaofeng glanced at Mo Yang, and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Have you contacted Demon Lord Earth Sha?"

Mo Yang nodded lightly, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Dean, this time they will never return. As long as Li Tian dies, the remaining elders will not be able to stop us at all!"

"It's better to be cautious." Zhang Shaofeng glanced at Li Tian and the others, and asked in a low voice: "That Xiao Ye, are you sure you got rid of it?"

"I'm sure I won't survive!" Mo Yang sneered, and said, "I threw him into that terrifying forest, which is the real dead zone, and no one has entered there yet and can leave alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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