Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 168 Crescent Pavilion

Chapter 168 Crescent Pavilion

A look of sadness flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, he turned his head slightly, and said, "Actually, I also had a battle pet before, no, it was my best partner..."

"Sigh, I won't say anything, it's hard to explain." Lei Ling shook his head, cupped his fists and said goodbye: "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Xiao Ye and Ke Ya looked at each other, feeling that there was some secret in Lei Ling.

"Let's go back too."

Xiao Ye earned 600 million gold coins this time, plus the 200 million in his hand, there is a total of 800 million gold coins. There is absolutely no problem in taking pictures of the Fairy Spring.

On the other hand, by virtue of the thirty blood spirit fruits he bought from Xiao Ye, Chu Mo successfully recruited a group of masters, and successfully established a new force, Xinyue Pavilion.And Chu Mo is the owner of the Xinyue Pavilion.

Until the evening, the crowd slowly dispersed. Although Chu Mo spent 600 million gold coins this time, he was very happy. With the [-] blood spirit fruits in his hand, he recruited a large number of subordinates, including bad masters. Even the previous rookie king, Fangran, joined Xinyue Pavilion.

Chu Mo was already a little drunk, with a smile on his lips, drinking by himself in the room.

"Young master..."

Suddenly, the door was pushed open roughly, and Tan Yulin ran in with a pale face and anxiously, almost falling down.

Chu Mo frowned, glared at Tan Yulin, and said coldly: "So flustered, what happened?"

"Young master, blood spirit fruit, that blood spirit fruit..." Tan Yulin swallowed, and said with difficulty: "That blood spirit fruit is fake!"

"What?" Chu Mo exclaimed, stood up abruptly, lifted Tan Yulin up, and said coldly, "Didn't you check it, what do you mean?"

Tan Yulin explained tremblingly: "Then, only five of the blood spirit fruit are real, and the rest have been absorbed..."

"Damn it!" Chu Mo roared angrily, and threw Tan Yulin out violently.


Tan Yulin smashed two tables and hit the wall to stop himself. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell to his knees, not daring to be dissatisfied.

"Xiao Ye, you bastard, it's in vain that I trust you so much!" Chu Mo growled and clenched his fists, the veins on his arms popped out. He is a majestic prince of a kingdom, and it is unforgivable that someone dares to cheat him of money!
Tan Yulin gave Chu Mo a trembling look, quickly lowered his head, and said, "Master, do you want to send someone to kill Xiao Ye and snatch the 600 million gold coins?"

Chu Mo took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, regained his senses, shook his head, and said coldly: "No, this Xiao Ye is not an ordinary person, it is impossible to kill him silently, If this matter becomes serious, everyone will know that the blood spirit fruit in my hand is fake, and the few masters I recruited with great difficulty will definitely leave!"

"Master, do we just forget about it?" Tan Yunlin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Of course not!" Chu Mo's face was gloomy, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "The most important thing now is to establish a stronghold, Xiao Ye, let him be free for a few more days!"

Chu Mo looked at Tan Yulin and asked, "How about the four big families?"

Tan Yulin hastily said, "At present, the Sun family fully supports us and is already ours. The Wang family's attitude is not obvious. As for the Wu family and the Lang family, they do not agree to our conditions."

"Trash!" Chu Mo said angrily: "The Wu family and the Lang family are the most powerful, no matter what, I must get their support, otherwise my plan will not be able to unfold at all!"

Tan Yulin hurriedly lowered his head and said tremblingly, "Master, the Wu family and the Lang family have a high status in the academy. If there is a big trouble, it may be bad for us!"

"I don't care about the Wu family, what about the Lang family?" Chu Mo frowned and said, "Langcheng's master, Zhang Shaofeng, has been harmed by Xiao Ye. Their Lang family's backstage has collapsed, and they must hate Xiao Ye to the bone. No matter what method you use, I will definitely Bring me the wolf family!"

"Yes, yes." Tan Yulin nodded respectfully.

"There is more." Chu Mo paused, and continued: "Our plan for the Elite Association is almost ready. When the old dean comes back, he will definitely not allow such forces to appear among the teachers. As long as the old dean takes action, Let's take action immediately and annex the Elite Club!"

"Yes!" Tan Yulin nodded, looked at Chu Mo and said cautiously: "Master, there is one more thing. I just got the news that Tianyu Auction House will hold an auction in two days. It is said that among the items in this auction, there are Fairy Spring."

"Spirit Spring?" Chu Mo was taken aback, and exclaimed, "Spirit Spring is a heavenly treasure, how could it appear here? Will there be an auction?"

"I don't know about this villain." Tan Yulin shook his head, looked at Chu Mo, and asked, "Master, do we want to bid for this Elf Spring?"


Chu Mo smashed the table and said angrily: "I spent 600 million gold coins on the blood spirit fruit, how can I have money to bid for the spirit spring!"

Chu Mo now hated Xiao Ye to the bone.

"That's right!" Chu Mo suddenly thought of something. When Xiao Ye sold him the blood spirit fruit, he said that he was short of money recently. Did he also want to bid for the Fairy Spring?
Thinking of this, Chu Mo looked at Tan Yulin and ordered: "You should keep an eye on Xiao Ye recently. If he intends to bid for the Fairy Spring, go and make trouble for him!"

"Understood!" Tan Yulin nodded.

"Okay, go down!" Chu Mo rubbed his forehead and said wearily.

"Yes." Tan Yulin turned and left respectfully.

Xiao Ye didn't know that Chu Mo found out that the blood spirit fruit was fake so quickly. He is now back in the dormitory and is preparing for the auction in two days.

At this time, Yuzhou Academy is calm on the surface, but the interior is already surging.

The first thing the old dean did after he came back was to eliminate the influence of the Elite Association.He does not interfere with the forces organized among the students, but he will never allow teachers to join any forces and affect the unity of teachers. The elite association has obviously touched the dean's bottom line.

In the past two days, a major event caused a sensation in the entire academy. Song Jie, the president of the Elite Association, was expelled from the academy. Afterwards, several senior leaders of the Elite Association left one after another, and the Elite Association collapsed instantly.

The Aiwu Society and the Green Snake Group are greedy for the power of the Elite Association, but they are afraid that the academy will take action against them, so they choose to protect themselves.And a new force, regardless of the limelight, frantically absorbs the power of the Elite Association, continues to grow, replaces the Elite Association, and the Aiwu Society, and the Green Snake Group regenerates a three-legged force. This emerging force is exactly Crescent Pavilion!
All the top executives of the Elite Club, except the president, have joined the Crescent Pavilion.

While sorting out the information of the last two days, Liang Kuan looked at Xiao Ye and couldn't help sighing: "Boss, why didn't you join the Xinyue Pavilion at that time, otherwise the owner of the Xinyue Pavilion must be yours !"

(End of this chapter)

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