Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 184 The Birth of the Phoenix

Chapter 184 The Birth of the Phoenix
"It's them?"

Xiao Ye looked at the two people going away and frowned. It turned out to be Chen Cang and Lei Ling, the principals of the Beast Academy. What are they doing sneakily in the backyard forest at this moment?
"Hmph, it's these two scoundrels again!" Monkey pouted, as if he was disgusted with these two.

Xiao Ye was a little puzzled, glanced at the monkey, and asked, "Isn't that the head of the animal academy? How can you say he's still a villain?"

The monkey glanced at Xiao Ye, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely: "You don't know, these two guys are heinous bastards. They got a book of evil skills from the Ancient Spirit Mountains a few years ago, which can increase the number of magical beasts infinitely." The two of them even killed their own beast pets for this research, and during that time, it was simply the end of the entire Guling Mountains monsters!"

"What?" Xiao Ye knew that Lei Ling, as a disciple of the Beast Academy, didn't have his own beast pet. He originally thought that the beast pet died in battle, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The monkey nodded hostilely, and said: "Fortunately, the dean issued an order in time to stop the crazy research of these two guys, but I always feel that they have not given up, and they must still be researching secretly."

Liang Kuan frowned, looked at the direction where Chen Cang and Lei Ling disappeared, and said, "Monkey, why don't you secretly follow these two guys and see what they're up to?"

The monkey shivered in fright, and shook his head again and again: "I don't want to be studied by them as a guinea pig."

"Okay." Xiao Ye looked at the timid monkey disdainfully, and said, "Monkey, you help me put the wiretapping stone in Zhao Kang's residence first, and we'll talk about it later!"

"Hey, don't worry, I'll send it over right away, don't let go of your promise!" Monkey reminded Xiao Ye with confidence, and disappeared from the sight of several people in a flash.

Xiao Ye shook his head speechlessly, then turned to Liang Kuan and Zhou Wen, and said, "I still have something to do, you tell the monkeys to get that eavesdropping stone after two or three days."

"Uh, boss, are you leaving?" Liang Kuan was taken aback and asked.

"En." Xiao Ye planned to go to the inheritance place of the academy to have a look, and he might not be able to come back for a while.

Xiao Ye told Liang Kuan and went directly to the place of inheritance.

The Land of Inheritance is a forbidden area of ​​the college. It is actually a cemetery. Only the past deans and elders of the college are eligible to be buried in it after death, and no one is usually allowed to enter it.

The place of inheritance is at the back mountain of the college, which is at the foot of the Guling Mountains. Before stepping into the cemetery, Xiao Ye felt a solemn and solemn atmosphere, which made people a little nervous.


Suddenly, a cold shout came, and a team rushed out from behind the fence. The leader was a middle-aged man, his face was as sharp as a knife, staring at Xiao Ye coldly, and warned: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the academy." , leave quickly!"

"Law enforcement team!" Xiao Ye looked at the group of people in front of him, slightly startled. These people had no expression on their faces, their eyes were cold, and their cultivation bases were all at the True Martial Realm, which can be said to be the strongest fighting force in the academy.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly took out the token representing his identity, and said, "I am the champion of this year's freshman competition, come here to receive the reward."

"The rookie king?" The middle-aged man frowned and stared at Xiao Ye. He could tell Xiao Ye's true cultivation level at a glance, and he couldn't believe that a kid at the fourth level of Yuan Gathering Realm was actually the rookie king of this year?The man took the token, checked it carefully, and made sure there was nothing wrong with it, then handed the token to Xiao Ye, but he didn't let it go.

"Boy, I advise you to come back tomorrow morning."

Xiao Ye looked at the man suspiciously, and asked, "Why?"

The middle-aged man pointed behind him, and said: "This is the cemetery of the ancestors of the academy, but it is also a magic eye. There are many demons appearing at night. It is almost evening now. Are you sure you want to go in at this time?"

"Evil eyes?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. Wherever there are evil eyes, there are terrifying evil heads. Could it be that this cemetery is also suppressing a certain powerful evil head?
Xiao Ye didn't think this middle-aged man was alarmist. He glanced at the cemetery behind the fence, where there were ancient trees, and couldn't see anything clearly, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow."

Xiao Ye thought for a while, there was nothing to do, so he went back to the dormitory directly.

"Master, it's not good, hurry up and help, that guy Xiao Hei is about to be beaten to death!"

As soon as Xiao Ye returned to the dormitory, Xiao Bai's exaggerated cry for help came from his mind.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xiao Ye was at a loss. Xiao Hei is a boss-level existence in Xumi Dimension. Is there anyone else who can threaten him?

With a thought, Xiao Ye's figure disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in the Sumeru space.


Suddenly the heat wave hit, Xiao Ye was startled, and couldn't help but swear: "Damn, what's going on?"

In the Xumi space, a fiery red fist-sized bird was riding on Xiao Hei's head, pecking at Xiao Hei fiercely, and at the same time scolding: "You black loach, how dare you take advantage of this girl?" , See if I don’t burn you to death, this girl wants to eat braised loach tonight.”

Talking about that fiery red bird spewing out streaks of white flames in the air, the terrifying temperature made even Xiao Ye feel his scalp go numb.

"Hey, you bastard, do you know who I am? How dare you set me on fire!" Xiao Hei yelled as he was burned, but he couldn't do anything about the bird above his head.

Xiao Ye was dumbfounded. When did such a terrifying bird appear in the Xumi space, and even Xiao Hei couldn't do anything about it?
Xiao Bai came over and reminded: "Master, this guy is a newly hatched Phoenix."

"What, Phoenix?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, looked at the little bird, and then at the eggshell under the Phoenix tree, never dreaming that this Phoenix egg really hatched.

"Ah, boy, you're finally here!" Xiao Hei found Xiao Ye, and hurried over to ask for help, "Hurry up and drive this miscellaneous bird out!"

"Huh?" The fiery red bird stopped, looked Xiao Ye up and down, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Ye coughed twice seriously, looked at the fiery red bird, and said, "I am your master!"

As soon as Xiao Ye finished speaking, Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Shu all looked at Xiao Ye sympathetically, and Xiao Bai even closed his eyes unbearably.

"Hey!" The fiery red bird sneered like a demon, squinting slightly, staring at Xiao Ye: "Are you sure?"

Before Xiao Ye could react, he saw a red shadow flashing past, and the little bird had come to the top of Xiao Ye's head, followed by a crackling sound accompanied by a burning smell.

"Damn it!" Xiao Ye exclaimed, and suddenly reacted: "You bastard, you dare to burn my hair!"

(End of this chapter)

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