Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 187 Black Giant Sword

Chapter 187 Black Giant Sword
"It's scary, is this the power of the law?" Xiao Ye looked at the white-browed old man in surprise, his body was wrapped in flames, obviously he couldn't feel a trace of energy fluctuations, but the temperature of the flames was terrifyingly high.

You must know that Xiao Ye had taken the Copper Rib Iron Bone Pill, coupled with the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering, and cast Vajra Indestructible, his body was already invulnerable to water and fire, yet he was actually burned by the opponent's flame.It seems that his body is not absolutely invulnerable to water and fire, but he has never encountered a terrifying flame before.


Xiao Ye looked at the white-browed old man, not daring to be careless in the slightest, the surrounding air fluctuated, and Long Yu unleashed.

"Huh? The power of the field?"

The old man with white eyebrows exclaimed and looked at Xiao Ye in surprise.

"Hmph, old man, let me show you how powerful I am!" Seeing the old man in a daze, Xiao Ye suddenly stretched out his palm, covering the white-browed old man, and took a picture directly.

"Baimei, be careful of the top of your head!" The old woman at the side sensed something was wrong, and quickly reminded her.


The white-browed old man froze for a moment, raised his head suddenly, and opened his eyes wide in surprise. At some point, a huge golden palm appeared on top of his head, and fell down suddenly like covering the sky and covering the sun.

"Damn, what a shame, you're serious!"

The white-browed old man was startled, the flames on his body danced and surrounded him completely.


There was a loud noise, the ground trembled, and a huge handprint was left on the place where the white-browed old man had just stood. At this moment, Baimei was lying powerlessly on the ground, and his figure seemed to have faded a bit.

"This, is this really the attack power of a kid in the Yuan Ju realm? Why do I feel stronger than the real martial arts realm?"

"It seems that we underestimated this guy, and actually comprehended the domain!"

Seeing Xiao Ye's horror, everyone swallowed subconsciously, and then became excited again.

"Boy, since you have comprehended the domain, of course you can practice the law. I feel that the power of the wind is suitable for you. It is silent, quiet like whispers when calm, like thunder when irritable. How about it, inherit my inheritance!"

"Nonsense, this boy's body is as hard as iron, and his martial arts are rigid. He is most suitable for cultivating the power of gold. Boy, inherit my inheritance."

"Boy, I feel that the law of the water system is more suitable for you..."

A few old men started to make noise, and the white-browed old man got up from the ground in embarrassment. Judging from their posture, they might fight at any time.

"Okay!" The old woman shouted angrily, stopped the crowd, and said angrily, "What kind of noise are you guys making? Let's see this kid!"

The old woman looked at Xiao Ye while talking, and everyone also turned their eyes to Xiao Ye, looking at him hopefully.

Xiao Ye took a step back in fright. How could the eyes of these old men be so wretched as if they had been imprisoned for hundreds of years and had never seen a woman?
Xiao Ye frowned, he didn't know anything about the power of laws, and he really didn't know how to choose, so he couldn't help asking: "Which law is the most powerful?"

"Of course it's the power of water!" the old man with the goatee said immediately.

"Fart, obviously Jin has the strongest power."

"Why do you want to play a game?"

"Okay, I have long disliked you!"


"Enough!" The old woman's face was full of black lines, she stopped the crowd again, looked at Xiao Ye, and said: "Boy, you have to leave here before the sun goes down, you choose quickly."

Xiao Ye glanced over the faces of several people one by one, he could feel that the strength of these people was similar, and he couldn't tell which was stronger and which was weak.

Xiao Ye couldn't help looking at the old woman, these old men seemed to be very afraid of this old woman, the old woman's law must be the strongest, Xiao Ye couldn't help asking: "Old woman, the law you practice is what?"

"Me?" The old woman was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, and said, "The law I practiced is not suitable for you, you can choose from them."

Xiao Ye was even more puzzled, but he was not interested in the laws of these people.

Seeing Xiao Ye's indifferent attitude, the white-browed old man couldn't help saying angrily: "Hey, boy, don't you really want to practice Heaven's Dao Kung Fu?"

"Huh?" Xiao Ye looked at the white-browed old man and asked, "Do you know the Heavenly Dao Kung Fu?"

Everyone immediately glared at the old man with white eyebrows, and the old man with white eyebrows also realized that he had said something wrong, he quickly covered his mouth, looked aside, and said to himself: "Did I just say something?"

Xiao Ye frowned, these old things must know the Heavenly Dao Kungfu, but why didn't they want to tell him?
"Since you are so interested in Tiandao exercises, come in!"

Suddenly, a deep voice echoed in this space.

"Who?" Xiao Ye was startled, opened his eyes wide suddenly, and looked around vigilantly. Several old men frowned, and stepped aside obediently after hearing the man's voice, to make way for Xiao Ye.

The old woman frowned, looked at Xiao Ye, sighed softly, and said, "Boy, go in, where you see a giant sword is where the person looking for you is."

Xiao Ye was confused and didn't understand what the old woman meant, but thinking that there would be no danger, he nodded and walked deep into the grassland.

"Great sword?"

Xiao Ye looked around suspiciously. This is a flat grassland surrounded by ancient forests. The space is not big, and there is no giant sword in sight.

Xiao Ye was skeptical and moved forward slowly.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye took a step, and the scenery in front of him abruptly turned into a desolate desert. A huge black long sword like a pillar was inserted abruptly in the desolate desert.


Xiao Ye was dumbfounded. Looking behind him, there was still a grassland full of vitality, but in front of him was indeed a desolate desert. There was a concealment formation here, as if there was an invisible wall separating this space. The prairie or this desolate desert, neither can invade at all.

Xiao Ye looked at the huge black sword not far away, and couldn't help swallowing. The part of the huge sword protruding from the ground was as tall as two people. What kind of person can wield such a big long sword?Could it be the giant's weapon?

Xiao Ye came to the giant sword, the black blade was as smooth as a mirror, extremely sharp, and it was not eroded by the wind and sand at all.

"Boy, why are you so interested in Tiandao exercises?"

Suddenly, that deep voice sounded again, Xiao Ye raised his head in surprise, and looked at the huge sword in front of him, the voice seemed to come from this huge sword.

Xiao Ye asked in disbelief: "Yes, are you talking? A sword?"

"You can put it this way." The voice continued: "If my guess is correct, the Heavenly Dao Cultivation Technique has become a top secret, and few people know about it. How did you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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