Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 189 Mysterious Girl

Chapter 189 Mysterious Girl

Gusts of wind roared, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and the scenery in front of him changed again.

"Not good!" Xiao Ye suddenly realized something, this is a magic eye, the souls of the ancestors can suppress it during the day, but at night it is the time for demons and ghosts to come out and move.

"You must get out of here!" Xiao Ye knew how terrifying the magic energy of a magic eye was, so he didn't dare to hesitate at all. Teng Yun's body skills were running to the extreme, and he rushed out quickly.


Just as Xiao Ye left the desert and came to the grassland, he was stunned by the scenery in front of him. The grassland, which was full of vitality during the day, suddenly withered, and the corrosive atmosphere enveloped the earth.


Suddenly, there was an exclamation, and Xiao Ye turned around abruptly. At some point, a dozen black figures appeared behind him, resembling evil wolves, but exuding a terrifying devilish energy all over his body. From time to time, saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth, scarlet Both eyes stared greedily at Xiao Ye.

Behind the pack of wolves was a skinny figure, holding a wooden stick in his hand, looking at Xiao Ye, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, waved his hand lightly, and said, "Hehe, what a rare visitor, I haven't seen anyone alive for decades. Humans, give it to me!"


There were bursts of roars, and the wolf rushed towards Xiao Ye fiercely.


Xiao Ye roared angrily, clenched his fist, and knocked a wolf into the air with one punch, and then let out a melodious dragon chant, and behind him appeared a terrifying and huge black ferocious dragon shadow, with scarlet eyes, coldly looking down at the wolf below group.

"Huh? What is this?" The skinny figure frowned, looking warily at the huge dragon shadow behind Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye didn't give the other party a chance to react at all, he slightly raised his palm, lifted up the Heavenly Demon Palm, a huge golden palm appeared in the air, and slapped down on the wolves below.


There was a loud noise, the ground trembled, and there were screams, and dozens of wolves were instantly smashed to the ground.

Xiao Ye hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the dozen or so slapped wolves stand up intact again.

"What's going on?" Xiao Ye opened his eyes wide in surprise, unable to believe it.

"Haha!" The skinny black shadow laughed arrogantly, and proudly said: "Boy, these wolves come from the demon realm, as long as there is demon energy, they are immortal, don't struggle, obediently turn into food for these guys Bar!"

The man roared angrily, and the wolf charged towards Xiao Ye fiercely again.

"Damn it!" Xiao Ye gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and took out a long spear with his hand. The cold light flickered, and the long spear pierced into the wolf's body. Sure enough, as the man said, these evil wolves have no entity at all, they are completely demonic energy As long as there is demonic energy, these evil wolves cannot be killed.

Xiao Ye instantly lost the desire to fight. Since he couldn't kill the opponent, as long as he escaped from here, there would be no danger.Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Ye ran towards the ancient forest quickly using Tengyun movement.

"Hmph, I want to leave!" The man snorted coldly, waved the stick in his hand, and the next moment a pack of wolves appeared in front of Xiao Ye, instantly blocking Xiao Ye's escape route.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you first!" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Xiao Ye turned around abruptly, swung the spear in his hand, and stabbed directly at the skinny black shadow.

"Huh?" The man was startled, but he quickly reacted, and quickly raised his wooden staff to block Xiao Ye's spear.


The spear pierced the wooden staff, and there was a metal-like impact sound. The man took the opportunity to back away quickly, and distanced himself from Xiao Ye. At the same time, he waved his staff, and the pack of wolves appeared in front of him again.


Xiao Ye snorted coldly, not intending to fight that person at all, and took the opportunity to run towards the ancient forest in front of him.

"I want to escape from my hand, dreaming!" The black figure quickly reflected, roared, and thrust the wooden stick in his hand into the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the ground surged violently, as if a giant beast was rolling on the ground, quickly approaching Xiao Ye.

"Huh? What is this?" Xiao Ye frowned, watching the ever-approaching earth waves, and suddenly jumped up.


The ground exploded suddenly, and a thick figure broke through the ground, it turned out to be a huge black earthworm as thick as one hugged it!


The black earthworm opened its huge cylindrical mouth and roared, revealing rows of terrifying teeth like jagged teeth.Xiao Ye originally thought it was going to pounce, but that guy suddenly lowered his head and burrowed into the ground again.


The soil rolled wildly, Xiao Ye staggered and almost fell, this huge earthworm was actually digging a trap.

"What the hell is this?" Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, stared at the tumbling soil, and jumped up suddenly.

"Nine stars into one!"

The spear in Xiao Ye's hand trembled, instantly turned into nine phantoms, merged into one in an instant, and thrust towards the rolling ground.


The spear sank into the ground in an instant, followed by a howl of pain, a stream of black blood sprayed out, the ground rolled violently, Xiao Ye paused, and was swept away directly.

"Huh? Isn't this guy an energy body?" Xiao Ye looked at the dying giant earthworm rolling to the surface, which turned out to be a monster.

"Bastard, you actually killed my beast pet, go to hell!"

The black figure had come to Xiao Ye at some point, shouted angrily, and slammed the stick at Xiao Ye.

"Hmph, I don't have the time to play with you!"

Xiao Ye snorted coldly, shook the spear in his hand, blocked the man's attack, moved his body, and ran directly to the ancient forest not far away.

"Humans, stop!" The man discovered Xiao Ye's intentions, but he was thinking that it was too late to stop him.


Suddenly, a woman's scream came from a distance, Xiao Ye was taken aback, and stopped. Could it be that there is someone else here?
At this time Xiao Ye had fled into the ancient forest, and the demon energy could no longer affect him, so he couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound, but he didn't see anyone, only a faint light flickered.

"Go and have a look!" Xiao Ye glanced at the black figure cursing at the edge of the ancient forest, moved his figure, and rushed towards the faint light.


The man was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Xiao Ye to rush in again.

"Despicable human being, are you kidding me? I must kill you today!" The man roared angrily, and followed closely behind Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye already knew that this guy didn't have any abilities, but he was indestructible in this devilish energy, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him.


There were bursts of angry roars, and a group of ferocious monsters in front of them looked like wolves. Their scarlet eyes shone with greed, and their sharp fangs were exposed, biting something crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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